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However, some ordinary teams can be an answer for them, but you cannot afford a significant punch-up when using those teams. When you have a character that will harass them and use their buffs against them you can afford a big punch-up. Agatha can fully neutralize Sersi and Ikaris so Darkhold can beat Eternals with a great punch-up. Enter your Roster and War Defense details into MSF Web to take full advantage of the Counter command's capabilities! Very concise and appreciated. The best way to deal with them is to combine Eternals with Black Bolt, Yo-Yo, and Crystal. Galactic War and Mid-Tier Arena, Which Characters First? Everything you need to do is to Abi Block Squirrel Girl and save Negativitys ultimate when Echo place mass Evade, and Young Avengers will be good as gone. Squirrel Girl uses her unbeatable squirrel powers to eat nuts and defeat enemies. And yes, if Weapon X uses its abilities properly Darkhold and even Dormhold dont have a chance against them. Its gotta be, right? If they are boosted by Dormammu, the only thing you have to do is add Dormammu to the Underworld team. Diddnt the preview footage show YA beating shadowlands. After OR is out of combat, everything is easy. As such, they can be an unsolvable enigma for most teams but obviously, some team combinations deal with them easily. We have a recap and review of that episode here if you dont mind spoilers. Marvel Strike Force The video " FINISH OLD TEAMS! It is best to avoid teams with summons when fighting them. Players can advance to the following Division by achieving high rankings in tournaments, which increases your Tribunal Rating. Trauma from ORs ultimate fully negates Valkyries passive, so insane punch-ups are possible. The team comprises America Chavez, Echo, Kate Bishop, Ms. Marvel, Spider-Man (Miles), and Squirrel Girl. All Rights Reserved. You cannot expect the same available punch-up as with previous teams but their initial burst grants you the possibility to kill Anti-Venom fast after which, everything is just a matter of time. As yes, I know Heroes for Hire is an exception to this rule. Omega Red will play first which will open several available tactics for you. Not just in Offense but in Defense as well. Countering Infinity Watch with Infinity Watch is probably the most justified and safest option. Orange target frames around characters should be targeted second. However, if the enemy is significantly stronger than you, even your wit and strategy understanding will not save you. Anyway, now that this stupid pop-up is here, I'll tell you that if you like Nerds on Earth, you should give our email list a try. Being able to fully cripple Viv Vision at the start of combat, makes Bionic Avengers harmless against Rogue and the company. Focus on SS, and after him, do whatever you like. Below you will see the list of viable counters. After the fight is over unpause the game and enter with Weapon X. MLF will not have ultimate, same as Agatha and Wong. Killing him first is mandatory. However, Axmen who are attacking will not have problems with SA because they will get initial feed on Nikcs minions that will buy them enough time to cripple the enemy before they can pose threat. MSF: Best Iso-8 for America Chavez - Maya Lopez was born deaf, but she has the ability to mimic the movements of others. She used this power to become the warrior called Echo. Gamers should keep in mind that you have a limited number of attacks for each room, so you have to plan accordingly. If you can survive their initial burst and use Ultimate with Red Hulk victory is yours. That is probably the most justified solution regardless of the room. You can afford significant punch-ups without fear of losing. It is sufficient to say that Infinity Watch cannot beat them in War to understand that they are extremely strong and dangerous. They said it wasn't close either. clave [dot] jones [at] nerdsonearth [dot] com, jasonsansbury [at] gangsta mail [dot] com, abram [dot] towle [at] nerdsonearth [dot] com. However, many players have wondered what the perfect counter is for the Young Avengers. Some teams have the same counters for both Cosmic Crucible and War and the only way to make it easy for you is to duplicate content for those teams. It is therefore advisable that you attempt to defeat Spider-Weaver as soon as possible. Stubborn and a bit reckless, Kate Bishop is the perfect leader for the Young Avengers. So really, its all subjective. However, you must save Ikariss ultimate to be used in the second turn to flip mass Evade that will be placed by Echo. How are YA a viable investment? During a trial, you have to attack the six defences of your opponent. The most wanted information in Marvel Strike Force is what are counters for a specific team. In War that wouldnt be so smart, but in Cosmic Crucible, it is definitely possible. If they are boosted by Dormammu, the only thing you need to do is to add Dormammu to the Underworld. They will play first and easily prevail. Unlikely some other excellent War teams that have bonuses just in one segment of this mode, this team can be equally lethal in both. Having toons with Skirmisher of high level can help you remove initial buffs on Dormammu, after which you can take the control of the battle and hopefully prevail before the time is off. They cannot be killed easily with Axmen's initial burst, and they can fully take out Jubilee and Beast from the battle. At the moment 3 teams that I mentioned should grant you victory 100%. If you lead Kestrel, she will prevent Mister Sinister from making clones and she will exploit Multiple Man summons attacks against targets with Defense Down. Both teams can grant you an insane punch-up and you will not be bothered if you spend any of them against Symbiotes. Counter Command Gives Strong And Weak Counters Against A Target. When DD is with Brotherhood, Magnetos initial Blind and Blobs Taunt prevents most teams from controlling Doctor Doom with Ability Block, so the secret is to cleanse that Blind before you are about to place Ability Block and to remove taunt from Blob. After that with your Skirmishers remove Immunity from Dormammu and use Omega Reds ultimate on him as the primary target. What makes the Web-Warriors so great is that they are a designated Raid team. Dark Hunters and Weapon X are natural counters for H4H in AW. Moreover, you will benefit from the Kamehameha blast along with unavoidable area-of-effect (AOE) skills from Vision, Hulkbuster, and Deathlok. Red target frames around characters should be targeted first. This team is interesting because people combined America Chavez with Thangeld Web, so there will be a speed increase for the main characters.I am not justifying breaking Young Avengers to create something like this, but more than a few players are doing it, so we will show teams who can beat this War Defense combination. I believe we addressed all viable Cosmic Crucible defensive set-ups, but in case I forgot something feel free to contact me and share your ideas. Outside of War, they dont have nearly as much bang for their buck, but inside of their chosen mode theyre quite powerful. Play smartly, and do not waste some of your powerful abilities if Weaver has Charged you will win. It is important to say that they can beat Dormhold even without Dormammu (due to ZIMs ability to prevent Revives) but the punch-up cannot be as high as usual. The most powerful replacement is obviously Dormammu. This combination will work on the new hybrid team that you may notice in Alliance War and Cosmic Crucible. X-Men are logical counters to Brotherhood, but the presence of DD can fully change the outcome. I just beat them with Hela+Surnaturals punch accross (~430k). As long as your Symbiotes are equipped with Skirmisher class, so they can deal with Obsidians Taunt, Silver Surfer will make Thanos totally harmless. Each member has unique skills that can be used to defeat enemies. She is a damage-dealer and fits the Striker class quite well. War Dogs is one of my favorite teams. Offensive Counters - Against Dormhold it is best that they are supported by Dormammu. Basically, as long as you keep, She-hulk and Brawn stunned, while focusing on Red Hulk, you have nothing to fear. However, to be sure that your Eternals will be victorious make sure that they will play first by adding Loki and Emma into the equation. Keep Squirrel Girl controlled by Agathas Stun in the first turn and Scarlet Witchs ultimate and focus on Dormammu. Unfortunately, outside of War that will not be possible. Only because their self-sustain is the best in the game, they can hope for victory if their stats are high enough. If Magik is not allowed to charge up Storm and Cyclops, and if you can control Phoneix when she is reborn, the odds are in your favor. As long as you are focusing on Shang Chi and prevent Luke Cage from Taunting you have a real chance to achieve a win. They can beat anyone, so Weapon X, same as all other teams, does not have a chance versus them. We send 2-4 emails a month. Unfortunately, her grandmother fell ill and became too frail to continue weaving the beautiful textiles that paid her tuition. On the other side of things, pairing Doom with 4 members of YA for defense is hilarious, as Squirrel Girl can purge AB from Doom right before his turn so he can Ult if he's taken damage. That makes it hard for them to beat opponents, and I will present you some of the teams which can take them down. Your main focus should be taking down Dormammu as soon as possible, after which you should prevail on pure strength. Having that in mind, I had to pinpoint them as a justified pick. You can collect numerous characters in the game, including the Young Avengers. The trick is to wait with Thanoss special until Emma uses her special. That should be enough for you to consider using DH, especially if there are other teams that can be only beaten with Gamma, Undying or WX. Black Order is the team that can easily survive the initial Mercenary combo and flips their advantages into their doom. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. They are natural counters for Young Avengers. We aren't a high tier war guild (plat 2) but will share this with my alliance. After those two things are done dealing with Mercenaries is easy regardless of team composition. Because of Brawn, both teams will have Immunity, therefore, a team with more Skirmishers who will penetrate Immunity with Vulnerability and leave enemy members open to control will prevail. In Cosmic Crucible you can use a duplicate team to deal with Dorm/Ya. Because of that, the punch-up cannot be easily set because the outcome of the battle will depend on RNG. In War, Dark Hunters and Weapon X should be used against some more important enemies than WW, but outside of War, those two teams can easily deal with them. The obvious counter for the team that fully relies on Dodge is the team whose attacks cannot be dodged. Just be sure to place Ability Block on the right opponent (Spider Weaver) and spread it with Hela Ultimate. Marauders with Madelyne Pryor and Emma Frost are no longer an unsolvable enigma in MSF. Marvel Strike Force is constantly changing so I cant promise that the list of counters will remain the same for a long time. For example, Echos strength is in mimicry. You will not have Stun prolonged, but hey there is your Dormammu to say a few things to YA. Successful counter with zemo factor und shadowlands. That way you will flip Immunity and Defense Up on enemies as well as every other buff they have. As long as you initiate a fight with Sam Wilsons special, Maria Hill will cleanse Blind in the first turn allowing Sharon to place Ability Block on Doctor Doom. I saw on youtube a punch up 230k with XFactor+Zemo. That means that if she attains the Blind condition, she actually only has a 50% miss chance instead of the full 100%. I am fully against using Unlimited X-Men against Axmen neither in War nor CC, but they are the team that can grant you the greatest punch-up. In AW, Namors ultimate always crits and removes positive effects from enemies while reducing their speed by 50% which will give you an opportunity to set up the perfect opening. Having that in mind, the most justified options are Weapon X and Infinity Watch which will prevail on a bare strength. Heck, our Alliance has a lot of trouble even getting past some of the first nodes because of their difficulty. Tauna posted two videos about it. Nico Minoru Passive will synergize well with Jesica Jones, which will be one of the keys to the victory. Since we already mentioned them as a justified counter against Darkold/Dormhold, it may sound strange that MLF and company can be used against Weapon X in the opposite direction. It would be interesting to test it against a full team though. As you can see some counters for War and Cosmic Crucible are almost the same, but some are totally different. I will keep track of current War META Defense teams and add counters immediately when some new Defense team shows. I will try to help you. Spider-Man (Miles) is a utility knife, Speeding Up allies and slowing down enemies giving you trouble. The best counter to those enemies is to take away their annoying dodges with the Bionic Avengers undodgeable attacks. Every knockout in a match will net Crucible Credits, which you can use in the Crucible Store to purchase items. AI will never be fully effective meaning that you will be the one who controls the battle. Plus, Spider-Man is an iconic Marvel character, and so its nice to be able to play with him and not lament about his weakness. If you cant you will still win, but with a little more effort. A huge punch-up is possible. Even though Infinity Watch is not a Horseman team they are still a formidable foe whose only real counter is Darkhold and themselves. FINISH OLD TEAMS! Happy gaming! You can still win if that happens, but it will be trickier. She is Visions synthetically-created daughter. The idea behind that request is that content is more user-friendly and that users dont have to check if the mentioned counter is good enough for the feature they are playing at the moment. When Captain America is dead, you practically won the battle and in most cases, you can turn on Auto-Combat as well. By following this method, players can easily deal 100 000 damage to the enemy. What you need to do is to give Skirmisher ISO-8 to Adam Warlock and to make sure that he will place Disrupt on Luke Cage when using his special. It is important to keep in mind that the Alliance War only unlocks when you reach Commander level 45. You will not have Stun prolonged, but hey there is your Dormammu to say a few things to YA. Shadowland can fight with Symbiotes with ease. Weapon X is one of the few specialized WAR teams that have all benefits in both Offense and Defense. IW also has some always-hitting attacks, and more importantly, they start combat with Safeguard and Immunity. Most importantly Dormammu will be crippled by Season 2 Global effects. I usually support Undying duo with Baron Zemo and Loki but any other combination on your mind will do just fine. If you do this, it is almost guaranteed that you will win the battle. You will earn rewards by defeating enemies, but this requires a well thought out strategy. All in all, the Web-Warriors are a fun team that makes all the status effects that you could ever want. In theory, you can afford a certain slight punch-up, but even if you are a lot stronger nothing can guarantee you success. Though at super high levels with war bonuses and boosts I strongly recommend switching to the Eternals team. You can afford some punch-ups with them but with limitations. You cannot afford any punch-up whatsoever and you must be careful since Morbiuss initial Blind will not affect Dormammu. Once that happens, there is nothing that can save Web Warriors from Dark Phoenix, Cyclops, and Storms AOEs. The Young Avengers is a squad in MSF that consists of several characters. It is important to say that an easy answer for Darkhold/Dormhold is Darkhold without Scarlet Witch and with a character who can grant your MLF to play first (Emma/Loki/Cable). If Echos kit is a glimpse into what the future will bring for the Young Avengers, then they are going to be another must-have meta team. Agathas basic is assisted by two team members in Arena (MLF and Scarlet Witch should be those two members) and by only one in other features (MLF). Fake news, already videos of it being done at relative small punch down similar to h4h. SG would negate Zemo, and Doom might give them enough damage to make it tricky for 8W. Then, to accompany them, weve been introduced to a couple other Spiderfolk to complete the new Web-Warriors team. I show what are in my opinion the 3 best counters here. If you have high-level Skirmishers in the team, you will remove Dormammus buffs in the process. A ton of Bleeds will prevail, and there we are. When a team is dependent on Evade the obvious answer for them is a team that is stronger and depends on Evade/Dodge. However, the above mentioned counters are known to excel in the Alliance War. However, not all players know which members form part of the Weapon X team. For those reasons, we picked up some teams who can beat them. For the SA counter do you open with furys special? Players can place an Ability Block effect on Spider-Weaver to prevent her from casting a stun on Viv-Vision. Unfortunately, with Axmen you cannot expect wins if punch-up is significant (50k+). So THATS what 8w means! However, as we all know, AI controls the team in Defense meaning that the battle can go in your favor if AI doesnt target Wong with ORs ultimate (which is essential for Weapon X to win the match-up). Territory Battles, Which Characters First? Only have debuffs on a few enemies? I think they can prevail over initial damage and debuffs from Underworld. Spider-Punk follows everything up with an encore, constantly granting Offense Up and making sure the Critical hits keep coming. However, there cannot be any punch-up if you wanna succeed. For early access to graphics like this, as well as offers on roster reviews and my resource management tool, join our public discord server You must use Emma instead of Stitcher or Bruiser to grant yourself cleansing, though. Well, were officially in the Spider-Verse now! In Alliance War, Shadowland has all answers needed for this synergy. Conquer Wars With Accurate Counters!. To her surprise, she was bitten by the spider and was overcome with a fever. If you use Dormhold, a punch-up can be significantly higher, and the strategy is the same. It will not be a big problem for the Green-Red War squad. Marvel Strike Force: Mister Negative is a Net Positive for, Marvel Strike Force: Introducing Spider-Weaver and the, Marvel Strike Force: Unlock Abomination in the Hulk Hunter. Uncanny X-Men with Magik is another team that is a natural counter to Web Warriors. Maybe the best option against Uxmen is a duplicate team boosted with Emma Frost. The natural counter for them as long as they are not with Eternals are Dark Hunters and Shadowland (only in War). The trick is to find a team that is the least important and can be used for this task. Pym Tech has no means to remove debuffs, so A.I.M.s main strength will remain unopposed and good enough for an easy win with a considerable punch-up. When dealing with DD, the most important thing is to place Ability Block on him and kill him before he can use his ultimate (Ability Block prevents him from triggering his passive that activates his ultimate instantly). MARVEL Strike Force - Gamma is Gamma the best War team in the game. Your Future in SWGoH, Which Characters First? The secret when fighting Young Avengers is to prevent Squirrel Girl from healing while controlling Kate Bishops turns. Darkhold can beat almost anyone in every game mode, so they are a logical choice. Spider-Man now grants random positive effects to Web-Warrior allies whenever a negative effect is applied to an enemy. In short, when you see Secret Avengers with Nick Fury just use your 2 Eternals regardless of their strength and you will win. Thank you in advance! Weapon X is considered the best counter for the Young Avengers. Although you have to keep Squirrel Girl controlled by Agathas Stun in the first turn while Scarlet Witchs ultimate focus is on Dormammu. Having that in mind, it would be a mistake to forget to mention the team who is assembled to be the counter for BO. Whenever a team is designed to excel is a specific mode, I always here the same question: Is this team worth it OUTSIDE of that mode? And its usually a loaded question. The importance of YA is high enough to justify using Weapon X against them in war. That being said, they're not the worst team to try against them too since they can flip buffs and Maw loves his hero controllers. Uxmen are the best team for Cosmic Crucible without a doubt and only Infinity Watch has the real answer for them. The synergy between Absorbing Man, Kang, and Titania is insanely powerful for all game features. You should thus ensure that you make the most of her attacks. I will test Death Seed with other teams (Darkhold, Weapon X, Tangled Web+Undying, War Dogs, etc) in the next few days and I will update COunters accordingly. Since my goal is to help MSF players as much as I can, I've decided to do what you asked and divide content as you asked. At the moment he starts executing ultimate you should pause the game and wait for the battle to pass. It also looks like Young Avengers will be relegated to War Defense instead of including War attacks, thanks to the wording of Echos Special Ability. In Marvel Strike Force (MSF), you can step into the well-renowned Marvel Universe to protect it from dreadful foes. There is always an option to use a duplicate team in dealing with Young Avengers. They will prevent Cloak from controlling the battle and they have enough self-healing to survive New Warriors initial burst. Keep Squirrel Girl controlled by Agathas Stun in the first turn and Scarlet Witchs ultimate and focus on Dormammu. Press J to jump to the feed. SWGoH: Quick Tips for Success in Conquest 26 February/March 2023. I am not a fan of combining Doctor Doom with A-Force in War, but that is definitely a legitimate option. Ravagers dont have Ability Block, but TChalla can steal Ability Energy from Doctor Doom, prolonging his ultimate long enough for you to deal with the rest of the enemies. Pym Tech is not even near META, but they can be a problem for some really strong teams due to their evade mechanics and incredible damage output granted to Yellow Jacket + Ghost. Black Order is a team that can easily deal with Emarauders. There are a lot of combinations whose kit suggests that they could challenge Death Seed. The chance that OR will put Abi Block on Wong is only 20%. Possible punch-ups are broken and you dont need anyone else but Hela and ZIM. With the recent update, we got such a team. In AW, Weapon X is another answer for IW. Keep in mind though, that fights between Young Avengers last too many turns so you should consider this option only if all other options are not possible. Keep in mind that players who unlocked new levels for MLF do not necessarily need Dormammu to beat Dormhold they can do it with full Darkhold. Players should remember that Viv-Visions attack strikes in a line, either back or front rows. Secret Avengers and Kestrel are easy picks. As soon as you kill Shang Chi, I honestly suggest you turn on auto-combat because that is the only way to win on time.