To achieve desirable career outcomes, an officer must consider the following 10 aspects. I believe SPC Smith has the potential we seek in our Soldiers. SUBJECT: Character Statement for SSG Alfred M. Deleon. It can't be a rambling, general statement that "John is one of the nicest guys I have ever met". At the conclusion of your Army career, your family is going to remain the most important aspect of your life. I currently senior rate 23 Army Officers in this grade. Describe incidents where he was encouraged to cut corners or leave his post but refused. In addition, I have had the opportunity during the last month to interact with him during PT sessions three times a week. Evaluation Reporting System Flashcards | Quizlet I have served over eleven years active duty service in our great Army. This group of officers is targeted for areas that allow more opportunities to strengthen their files. As a rater and senior rater, I provided the thoughts below to my team as more clear and concise guidance regarding each. #2) Ask for your rater and senior rater's support forms and ensure your support form nests with theirs. I understand that he must be held accountable for his actions and punishment will be administered. The DA Form 67-10-2 evaluates an applicant's ability to perform duties and assesses their character. From an assignments perspective, the goal is to match the right skills and experiences to the right position. SSN#(or#DOD#ID#No.)! DA FORM 67-10-2 - Field Grade Plate (O4 - O5; CW3 - CW5) Officer Senior Rater Bullet Comments; what is best for promotion boards? Votes. 45- The MSAF programs was eliminated June 08. I am writing this character statement in support of SrA Morrison. Because he or she is being judged by strangers who don't know him, character statements will be required for his defense. An assignment at the Army Human Resources Command (HRC) is an incredible opportunity for officers and enlisted personnel to learn how the Army executes personnel processes. as a role model by displaying character, confidence, and competence, and influence outside the chain of command. During my time at HRC, I learned many things about field-grade officer career progression that I want to share. Character Statement Examples - ArmyWriter And, in her defense, she had the integrity to immediately acknowledge her mistake and take care of it immediately. The body is the majority of the letter. It is your responsibility to double-check the information you find on this site before you use it professionally. I encourage officers to perform well regardless of the assignment, and to trust the organization to keep them on a path of progression. His interactions with me, and those I have witnessed with other superiors, are always with good military bearing and keen attention to customs and courtesies. Now that I've given you my advice about managing your OER, here are some sample OER bullets and OER comments. 30 days or first drill if reserve component. I will have honorably served for 15 years come June 2021. SSG Deleon displayed an unmatched work ethic. ". However, if someone strives to become a battalion commander, previous senior rater comments will carry enormous weight during the selection process. (Adherence)to)Army)Values . It must directly describe traits that support the person's character and counters the alleged bad behavior. That was very much the norm, especially in TPU status but I think the new entry system makes that more dofficult since the rated soldier can't open their eval. The Army wants specifics on AR 623-3 and DA form 67-10-1a. - Intellect. OER Appeal - Explained by The Law Office of Matthew Barry Take the time to make the next move a family decision and not just about the position available. Assignment officers need time to work on special circumstances that require external coordination, such as by-name requests, nominations, and accommodations for enrollees in the Exceptional Family Member Program, and Married Army Couples Program. Finally, the remaining branch-immaterial jobs are filled. Nominative assignments are continual and do not necessarily align with a specific cycle. During this rating period, CPT Holmes has demonstrated that he is an excellent Officer and company commander. Essentially, this is an algorithm, and step one must be accomplished before step two is initiated. Comments and Help with electrical outage report example forms. In most cases, one OER can separate officers in the top third from those in the middle third. November 8, 2021. by Ashley Welte. o performed at a level above the normal call of duty; produced exemplary results. No choice when you have to rate / are rated by someone you don't even know. You must justify through detail why you think an officer deserves an outstanding rating. Sample Army OER Bullets & Comments. Leadership. List incidents that you observed where he accepted orders or even punishment without argument. Use plain bond paper and the official memorandum format. Theoretically, each assignment officer will touch approximately 68 percent of their assigned population over a span of two years. Thanks! In the interest of helping all you young officers out there, (who will eventually spend the best years of your life in uniform, only to get passed over just before you have enough time to retire (seen it . 4.3. MSAF information was a data point collected on DA Form 67-10 series OERs dated Nov 2015. EP005: Five Quick Tips for Completing Your OER Support Form A character statement helps judges, Commanders, First Sergeants, and other strangers make fair decisions by providing a factual description of a person's character. Sample Army OER Rater Bullet# 1. The fundamental purpose of the MER is to give commanders and human resources professionals the ability to formally advocate for the skills, experience, and knowledge required to accomplish specific missions. How to Write an Officer Evaluation Report in the U.S. Army SUBJECT: Character Statement for SPC Joe J. Smith. Normally must serve 90 days. We need all leaders in our quest to remain the dominant force in the world, and it is the responsibility of all leaders to maximize individual talents in the best interest of the organization. Since, traditionally "companies" are commanded by captains and assisted by lieutenants serving as their executive officers (second-in-command) and platoo. An effective character statement focuses on specifics. Officers' personal assignment considerations are the last aspect in the assignments process. However, I do not believe the fullest extent of the law should be applied when determining her final punishment. HRC will continue to move personnel in predefined cycles, and senior leaders must not shy away from being involved in the process early. RYAN P. FASANO Recently, HRC held a virtual town hall, and many comments focused on this issue. Leading includes inspiring others to take the journey with you. Excels proficient capable unsatisfactory comments x - Course Hero Every officer matters to the continued success of our organization. To achieve desirable career outcomes, an officer must consider the following 10 aspects. Need help with OER for CW3 : r/Armyaviation - Reddit Timing of the MER submission is critical, and G-1s are ultimately responsible for submitting it to HRC. ASF Admin/Occupational Health Element Chief Assignment officers typically serve on the desk for two years or four assignment cycles. I aware of the pending review of CW3 Texas-Ranger s advancement to CW4 due to an investigation while he was assigned as a Drill Sergeant. Lt. Col. Charles L. Montgomery is the commander of the 123rd Brigade Support Battalion, 3rd Armored Brigade Combat Team, 1st Armored Division, at Fort Bliss, Texas. PDF OER SUPPORT FORM AND OER VIGNETTE - MilitaryCAC The new Army OER form requires bullet comments for the following sections: First and foremost, I have one thing to say: ADRP 6-22 (. Rated officers or NCOs should not write their own evaluations, period. All officers are leaders, regardless of duty position. Therefore, an account manager's concern is filling "spaces.". I have been in the Army for over 11 years and I am currently the NCOIC of Personal Property at the Installation Transportation Office. PERIOD'COVERED:'''!FROM%(YYYYMMDD)!THRU%(YYYYMMDD)! Contact Disclaimer. Usually, when things get to the point where character references are requested, the person is in potentially serious trouble and his career is on the line. He would selflessly sacrifice his time on countless occasions, in order to lift the weight off his struggling peer's backs. HRC wants to nominate officers who desire the positions and have the right skills for those positions. (3) (b) The rater will ensure that the rated officer or rated NCO receives a copy of the rater's and senior rater's support forms. OFFICER EVALUATION RECORD. I am aware of the punishment that SGT Jones could be given. !! A joint assignment is a great opportunity, but if you do not get promoted to lieutenant colonel or selected for battalion command, it will not take you very far. The way officers perform far outweighs their assigned positions. At that time, LCpl Trejo displayed himself in a manner that was well above reproach. However, officers must understand that not all advice is relevant. O-6s typically attend the Army War College. In summary, I am surprised to learn of the behavior SPC Morrison is charged with. Writing an OER support form. Generally, the rule of thumb is that officers should have two OERs in a KD position. It's happening for a good reason, because the professional Soldier already knows what they have done well and what they need to improve. 2. Middle third officers may have a chance for joint opportunities and some nominative opportunities. The prosecution will methodically present arguments proving their case by focusing on specific traits and if you want to have any hope of defending your pal, you must present specific examples in your statement. SSG Deleon served as a Drill Sergeant in 1st Platoon and later became the Senior Drill Sergeant of 3rd Platoon. And the members who will be judging the case don't care if you use bad grammar. Expressing a willingness to go further in defense of the subject by providing a phone number or offering to show up at any hearing will double the letter's effectiveness. The important thing is that you cared enough and took the trouble to write. Senior leader involvement in the talent management process encourages officers to build a solid reach-back network. The final pages of the OER Support Form defines them for the Army. PDF Officer Personnel Management in The Army: Past, Present, and Future - Dtic Although I was not his direct supervisor, I worked closely with him for over 16 months. For field grade officers, raters will instead provide narrative commentary that demonstrates an officer's performance regarding "field grade competencies." "It reverts back to a narrative description, similar to what we have today, except it is a documentation of performance in line with the attributes and competencies," Mustion said. What is the difference between company grade and field grade officers Each attribute/competency is broke down by level of rater box check that . If you are called on to write a character statement on someone's behalf, make sure what you write is 100% factual. This approach should include preparing for promotion to lieutenant colonel, competing for the centralized selection list, and commanding a battalion, if desired. Military Evaluation (OER & NCOER) - United States Army Being promoted to lieutenant colonel is definitely indicative of a successful career. Leaders should expect the MER approximately six months before the cycle opens. This has not been an issue with me when working with him. - Presence. He would continuously arrive early, stay as late as he needed to ensure the daily tasks were met, and to prepare for the next day. Purpose: Provides evaluation information for use by successive members of the rating chain, emphasizes and reinforces professionalism, and supports the specialty focus of Officer Professional Management System (OPMS). 2. Rater Responsibilities. My name is SSG Smith and I am writing on behalf of SGT Jones. When it came to Recruiting, LCpl Trejo was very motivated and impressive. 3. o motivated and challenged peers through leadership by example. Examples can be posted by using the form below. Thanks! Unfortunately, it presents the impression that a senior rater's evaluation of an officer is based in large part upon (1) rater's OER comments & suggested senior rater comments, plus (hopefully) an OER support form that was not crammed together at the end of the rating period simply for evaluation purposes, (2) informal verbal comments from . Of course, along with this focused description, you should also include your subject's other positive attributes. Each officer has a specific YMAV or DEROS that identifies when they are eligible to move. Writing an OER support form : r/army - reddit Satisfied. SSG Deleon had always demonstrated the highest level of integrity and never acted as someone who would violate his position of trust. The Army rolled out a new support form. The Evaluator: The Comprehensive Guide For Preparing Army NCOERs/OERs Open communication will enhance the process immensely. Serving in the Army is a great opportunity, but it represents a short time in our lives. What are best command practices for closing down battalions? DEI Best Practices: Expanding the K-12 pipeline,,,, 1. The end state is getting the right Soldier with the right qualifications to the right place at the right time. Section 6. PDF Personnel Evaluation Evaluation Reporting System The MER is the unit's best opportunity to submit formal input into the process. I am going to make some assumptions here based on the question and it being the first using the field grade OER template. However, I must note that SPC Smith was not the cause those conflicts. LT Smith security mission was responsible for securing 25 square miles of land and enabling the first . New OER means fewer boxes, more accountability for raters Officer Fitrep Bullets - FITREP & Eval Writing Guide . Oer Support Form Example - Fill Online, Printable, Fillable, Blank Having a clear understanding of your left and right parameters will ease tensions during the transition process. Spend some time thinking this through so that you can come up with material that will cast doubt on the charges. " You lead by example. Get OER Support Form Example Bullets PDF - US Legal Forms PDF Military Officer Appraisal, an Examination - Dtic It is a sign of lazy leadership if your leaders cant perform the duties expected of them, especially when properly evaluating and rating the soldiers/officers beneath them. One of a major's first priorities is to complete the Command and General Staff Officers Course regardless of assigned method. However, with our pre-built online templates, everything gets simpler. The Assignment Interactive Module II allows complete transparency for units and individual officers. HRC account managers are responsible for representing their assigned units' requirements. thank you Sir!! It can be one or several paragraphs. 2018 with issuance of Army Directive 2018-07-8. CW3 Texas-Ranger never failed to uphold the Army Values and consistently embodied technical and tactical proficiency. This is important. References mentioned: S1 Net (CAC required) Our recommended tips for completing the OERSF: #1) Keep a running log of your significant contributions and accomplishments throughout the rating period. Although we have screened every document for quality control, there likely exist errors in content and typography. Soldiers need their raters to transparently communicate how their performance and potential will be evaluated. - Leads. Assignment officers exist to ensure the Army is represented accurately and to match the right officer with the right assignment. Some of these are more obvious than others, but some are not so much. No less than 6 hours. Contact Disclaimer, non-confrontational, calm, patient, cooperative, dependable, thoroughly follows instructions, fair, competent leader, responsible, mature, good listener, good communicator, counselor, determined, driven, persevering, diligent, works independently, without supervision, has initiative, involved, invested, committed, loyal, devoted. dl- Character (Adherence to Army Values, Empathy, and Despite his young age, he is one our most mature Soldiers and never has to be told what his job is or be reminded to do something. Leadership is more than knowing where you are, where you want to go, and how you are going to get there. Covey's third principle, which he calls "put first things first," helps leaders to discern urgency from importance. Oraganized by categories: Character, Presence, Intellect, Leads, Develops, and Achieves. Please contact me if you have any questions or concerns. I am currently a Recruiter in Talladega and an active member of the Sergeant Audie Murphy Club. Assess the performance of the rated officer. The most effective and meaningful character statements are those written by people who have known the accused person for a long time and who can be considered to be impartial. This system allows officers the opportunity to market themselves by adding skills and experience that may enhance the gaining units' mission accomplishment. In my professional opinion, SSgt Trejo has always confidently displayed what it means to be a U.S Marine. HRC will serve as the final adjudicator, but the units' input combined with the officer's skill set are large parts of the assignment decision process. He was not afraid to admit when he lacked knowledge of certain procedures or tasks; knowing I had the most experience on the trail in our company, SSG Deleon would come to me for guidance or advice to ensure he didn't look unprofessional in front of the Trainees. Finally, account managers and assignment officers have different responsibilities. If you would like for me to elaborate prior to your final decision, I would sincerely appreciate the opportunity to speak further on CW3 Texas-Ranger's behalf. I was previously assigned to Chaos Company, 3rd Battalion, 54th Infantry Regiment as the Senior Drill Sergeant of 4th Platoon and assisted in the activation of the Battalion and the 197th Infantry Brigade. LCpl Trejo was soon promoted to Corporal, then shortly met me at the rank of Sergeant, and eventually being promoted to his current rank of Staff Sergeant. I have been informed by SGT Jones about the situation that she is currently in. For example, assuming there is nothing unusually good or bad to say about an officer, what have you put down for Character and . judicious in their comments. In regards to this situation, I can tell you that this was a one-time mistake and out of character for her. CW3 Texas-Ranger fortified the image of the Leader I knew him as during AIT, as he continuously mentored Soldiers at all echelons. MARY M. BELLA, CPT, USA As a point of clarity, units and officers must understand that vacancies do not equate to validated fills. Officers must understand how their assignment officers assess them in relation to their peers. New Army OER means fewer boxes, more accountability for raters This came as quite a surprise to me and definitely caught me off guard. o Updates policy authorizing officer evaluation reports for United States Army Reserve officers in the rank of major general (paras 1-7 and 3-2). 3. I will have honorably served for 15 years come February, 2019. LEAD. At that time, SSgt Trejo was a Lance Corporal and played a key role in the success of RSS Brooklyn. Witnessing CW3 Texas-Ranger s superior leadership and mentorship qualities in such a diverse environment, certainly groomed me into the Leader I am today. They have a total of 22 years in Major key development positions . Contributions are moderated and will not show up until reviewed. The goal is to achieve diversity of thought, so officers should have multiple mentors to avoid a myopic assignment approach. I am fully aware of the severity of SSG Deleon's actions. The current OER character/ line boundaries are (approximately): Rater (for Field Grade OERs): o Character4 lines/ @61 words Middle third officers are on track for promotion but will not compete as well for battalion command. The DA Form 1059 is what? These documents will provide the rated Soldier essential rating chain direction and focus to aid in developing his or her support form. New Officer Evaluation Report means fewer boxes, more accountability She embodies her job as assignments manager and places her job and the Army first in her life, and wouldn't have it any other way. I have worked with SPC Morrison (as a co-worker and now as a supervisor) for almost two years and in that time I have never seen him lose his temper or even raise his voice to anyone. His drive and motivation played a key role in the accomplishment of the Unit's mission: taking civilians, turning them into Infantrymen and training them to be the Force's future leaders. Despite numerous TDYs and dozens of uses, she has never misused her card before this instance. My name is SSG Smith and I am writing on behalf of SGT Jones. I am positive that he will thoroughly think things through and never make another decision without basing it off of our core Army Values. He owned his Platoon, took responsibility for their mistakes, never made excuses for his short comings, and always gave the Trainees credit for their successes. c.#1)#Character:! The transition process can be stressful on everyone; however, if these identified aspects are taken into consideration, friction will be reduced. Does anyone besides me still think it is outrageous that OERs/NCOERs are sometimes filled out and written by the the person who's ER it is. In this case, a middle third officer may have the right skills and experiences to supersede a top third officer. It takes time to evaluate/assess and the process exists. I supervise the Headquarters section of the G-3 consisting of two Noncommissioned Officers and one junior Marine. Commanders for cause or misconduct without Field Grade LDAP consultation (Ch 3-6 i.1.a) o Updated Pre Command Course (PCC) attendance guidance (Ch 3-6 i.1.a note) o Updated the Officer Career Management Board convene date and added AMEDD OCMB (Ch 4-3) o Added a sixth consideration for AGR promotion (Ch 4-4 d) Academic Evaluation form. If you are asked to write a character statement, don't worry if you can't write well. Making the Switch: What I wish I knew before becoming a field grade officer I had the opportunity to get to know SGT Jones as a peer and as a friend. Now, creating a OER Support Form Example Bullets PDF takes a maximum of 5 minutes. Despite this, he had an extremely positive impact on me and the unit. 31 Things Your Senior Rater Would Like You to Know That He Probably Won Officers must routinely update their two-to-five year plans, incorporating changes to accurately project future accomplishments. Provides an overview of the new Army regulation, citing paragraphs and page numbers in the regulation. Officer Fitrep Bullets. Networking at the field-grade level is integral to continuing career progression. As a recruiter assistant who was not formally trained, LCpl Trejo outshined many certified Marine Corps Recruiters (8411s). The reader will automatically assign a certain level of credibility to the letter based on the relationship. new year new NCOER program this helps a lot! Character NCOER Bullets - ArmyWriter Furthermore, I served with CW3 Texas-Ranger in Fort Hood, TX, and Bagram, Afghanistan. Contributions are moderated and will not show up until reviewed. Size:60.77 KB. height/weight and APFT data. HELP! I am aware of the discharge proceedings against SPC Smith. o Incorporates Army Directive 2015-11, Unmasking of Army Officer Evaluation Rate free field grade oer support form example. The more distant the relationship, the more credible the letter will be perceived to be. Leading by example is a manifestation of character and presence attributes." (FM 6-22 Leader Development, 7-23) . If you marked "no" in a box, you have to explain in detail why. One day, as SPC Morrison and I were walking back to the barracks after working all day during a base cleanup detail, we were stopped by a Master Sergeant we didn't know who accused us of shirking our duties. An evaluation philosophy accomplishes three goals. His technical prowess was steadfast and contributions to the G6 team guaranteed overall mission accomplishment. To this end, this I have known (SSgt) Trejo, Mario since December of 2010 when I was a Sergeant serving as a Canvassing Recruiter with 1st Marine Corps District, Recruiting Station New York, Recruiting Sub-station (RSS) Brooklyn.