Environmental Life-Cycle Assessment of Disposable Bioreactors Sustainable Development Report. In this case its much harder for me to carry out an LCA on a Gillette razor than if Gillette did the LCA themselves, as they would have all the correct info required first-hand (reducing the number of assumptions needing to be used). The Nation's Freight: U.S. Bureau of Transportation Statistics. Comparative life cycle assessment of disposable and reusable - PubMed The hardest part of this whole process is the data gathering. In addition to traditional criteria for the selection and purchase of medical devices that include safety, efficacy, and cost, growing awareness of the negative impacts from the practice of health care on the environment and public health calls for the routine inclusion of life cycle criteria into the product selection process. Flying staff to meetings, shipping, and distributing the product is the highest offender for the planet. Additionally, the PVC-dominated material composition of the disposable LMA and associated packaging added significantly to its impacts. The Eco-Indicator for EPDM rubber includes the manufacturing of the rubber as well as the molding process. J Environ Assess Policy Manage 2000;2:45376, 2. Data is temporarily unavailable. With the results we supply the basis for strategic decisions for sustainable action. [PDF] Life Cycle Assessment: Reusable and disposable nappies in Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) explained - PR Sustainability The Potential of Polypropylene.Recycling Today, Recycling Today, 17 July 2019, www.recyclingtoday.com/article/the-recycling-potential-of-polypropylene/. LCA is a standardized, science-based tool for quantifying the impact in order to assess lifetime environmental impact. Life Cycle Assessment of a Building | Sphera Once Terracycle has collected the waste, it is: broken down and separated by material. @article{Cordella2015EvolutionOD, title={Evolution of disposable baby diapers in Europe: life cycle assessment of environmental impacts and identification of key areas of improvement}, author={Mauro Cordella and Iris Bauer and Anja Lehmann and Matthias Schulz and Oliver Wolf}, journal={Journal of Cleaner Production}, year={2015}, volume={95 . Phenylene oxide, or PPO, is another common plastic material used in disposable razors. Life cycle environmental impacts of disposable medical masks Overcash M. Comparison of reusable and disposable medical textiles. Sensitivity and simple life cycle cost analyses were conducted to aid in interpretation of the results. your express consent. This assessment is exceptionally useful as it shows the designer what areas are the most impactful during the products life cycle. 45. The LMA was then dried with a cotton towel. Disposable and reusable nappies in the UK: life cycle assessment A life-cycle inventory of cloth and disposable diapers was conducted based on diapering habits in Canada The parameters evaluated were energy consumption, water consumption, raw materials 15 Crop water use and water use efficiency on irrigated cotton farms in Australia S. Tennakoon, S. Milroy Environmental Science 2003 93 The actual making of the razors, and printing paper for their packaging has a lower environmental impact, than the waste from the factories high energy use. BIC has noted however that they strive to be as efficient with materials used when it comes to their packaging. Thomas, G.P. Technical Fact Sheet-Tungsten.Technical Fact Sheet- Tungsten, EPA, Jan. 2014, www.epa.gov/sites/production/files/2014-03/documents/ffrrofactsheet_contaminant_tungsten_january2014_final.pdf. Manufacturing Processes (RAZOR): KAI FACTORY: KAI Group.KAI FACTORY | KAI Group, www.kai-group.com/global/en/kai-factory/process/razor/. 2.Define the life-cycle Environmental LCA - Life Cycle Initiative This is where most of the complexity of an LCA is involved. use/disposable and multiple-use/washable surgical gowns. Its an extremely strong and durable metal compound, making it perfect for the use of razor blades (Siddle, How Is Tungsten Carbide Formed?; Tungsten Carbide. Wikipedia.org). Terracycle. This short course will give you an introduction to life cycle assessment (LCA) methods and how to apply them in real-life situations.. Life cycle assessment (LCA) is a rapidly evolving tool used to determine impacts of products or systems over a range of environmental and resource issues. Resources, Conservation & Recycling 156 (2020) 104704. The scope of our analysis, as is shown in Figure 1, includes extraction of material and energy resources, manufacturing, packaging and transport from the manufacturing site to the distribution center and the hospital, reprocessing, and eventual disposal. These results will then be used to inform the design process and improve the redesigned razor. Growing awareness of the negative impacts from the practice of health care on the environment and public health calls for the routine inclusion of life cycle criteria into the decision-making process of device selection. Polystyrene is a naturally transparent thermoplastic that is available as both a typical solid plastic as well in the form of a rigid foam material (Rodgers, Everything You Need To Know About Polystyrene (PS).). endstream endobj startxref The fewer LMAs placed in the autoclave, the larger the impacts on GHG emissions and global warming on each individual unit. The tungsten carbide is then ground into an extremely fine powder in a wet mill process, where metal binders and other metals such as cobalt may be added to increase the metals strength and durability and to help hold the powder together when it is shaped. I could however not find any details about the energy consumption of the machines used in the assembly process. Buy Now. A life-cycle assessment or LCA is a 'cradle to grave' analysis of the impact of a manufactured product on the environment. The materials used in the production of disposable razors are limited due to the products simplicity however, many of the materials are unsustainable in that they are not biodegradable or easily recyclable, and require heavy energy input to manufacture. #3. They are resins that maintain a high dimensional stability, which helps create fast and cheap plastic razor handles (Safety Razor). It is resistant to fats and almost all organic solvents which helps it hold up in the damp and warm conditions of a bathroom and shower (Polypropylene. Wikipedia.org). Address correspondence to Jodi Sherman, MD, Yale University, School of Medicine, Department of Anesthesiology, 333 Cedar Street, TMP3, New Haven, CT 06520. Life cycle assessment is a "cradle-to-grave" approach for determining the financial and environmental costs of a product over its entire life. Safety Razor.How Products Are Made, www.madehow.com/Volume-5/Safety-Razor.html. Eshwar Shop. Amazon.com: Bulk Disposable Razors These few simple materials go through processes of heating, cooling, moulding, cutting, and sharpening throughout their manufacturing process to eventually become the handle, razor blades, and blade cartridge, that will then be assembled to become a disposable razor. To begin the process of creating the razor blades, tungsten carbide, which is the metal that the blades and other optional components are made of, must first be manufactured. More immediate levels of waste, however, happen during the processing of disposable razors before they are even brought to the buyer and the landfill. Kaplan, Desire. LCA's are completed particularly in relation to how to develop a sustainable world where less waste and more reuse is implemented. Environmental Life-Cycle Assessment of Disposable Bioreactors - BioProcess InternationalBioProcess International Upstream Processing Bioprocessing begins upstream, most often with culturing of animal or microbial cells in a range of vessel types (such as bags or stirred tanks) using different controlled feeding, aerating, and process strategies. To aid in solving this issue, I believe consumers should stray away from wasteful disposable razors and be encouraged to go with more sustainable and longer lasting options such as classic safety razors. When the devices entered use at Yale New Haven Hospital, both the disposable and the reusable LMAs were removed from their original packaging, which was discarded. Finally, the razors are packaged in cardboard and plastic, and shipped out to stores and markets globally for customers to purchase and use. The main causes of the reusable LMA's environmental impacts are the steam used in the autoclave sterilizing machine and, to a lesser extent, the wastewater generated from washing the LMAs. Rogers, Tony. The biggest impact during the cartridge-based razor life-cycle is manufacturing the cartridge as this is the part which is hardest to make. Overall, while the materials for disposable razors are few, and the products basic design makes it appear simplistic, the products lifecycle is far from simple. Their carbon footprint was reported with the highest offender being air travel for the product, and staff transportation coming from France: accounting for 73% of the companys annual greenhouse gas emissions (Bic). The razors are mainly made of plastic, so they will be decomposing at a very slow rate in the landfill. :396?Qkt)e. The metal liquid then goes through a strengthening process called annealing. Despite this, a general perception is that reusable LMAs possess a safety profile inferior to that of disposable LMAs, thus contributing to the proliferation of the latter. Sensor3 disposable razors for men feature an enhanced Lubrastrip with water activated Comfortgel technology for ultra-gentle shaving on your sensitive skin. The Bic corporation considers their environmental impact and takes steps to reduce as much waste as possible. The environmental impacts of the 2 LMAs were estimated using SimaPro life cycle assessment software and the Building for Environmental and Economic Sustainability impact assessment method. The LCA is broken into four stages: Defining the goal and scope how much of a product's lifecycle will be addressed, the reasons for carrying out the assessment, the intended audience, and the intended end-use [] Through an examination of how the raw materials: carbide steel, tungsten steel, and a combination of the plastics: polypropylene, polystyrene, and phenylene oxide of the razors decompose, and how much waste is accumulated in making the razors, an assessment can be made for the duration of their life cycle. However, of the 2 billion razors disposed of annually, about 32% end up in the ocean (Kaplan). 1.Establish the purpose of the Eco-Indicator calculations These steps are not necessarily conducted in succession, but iteratively. It all starts with the melting and combining of the desired metal. This study assumed no difference between the devices in terms of clinical efficacy or time for placement.4 Disposable LMAs were discarded in regular municipal solid waste bins after use. A life cycle assessment or analysis according to ISO 14040/14044 is an instrument of environmental and sustainability management. This makes it an easy and quick method to start the analysis of a product and aid the designer when creating alternative concepts which are more environmentally friendly, because they can clearly identify what areas need improvement and which ones work well already. From:. Encyclopaedia Brittanica, Encyclopaedia Brittanica, Inc., 26 Sept. 2012, www.britannica.com/technology/tungsten-processing#ref82029. : Uses, Benefits, and Safety Facts. ChemicalSafetyFacts.org, 17 June 2019, www.chemicalsafetyfacts.org/polystyrene/. The processes that contribute to these emissions differ markedly between the 2 LMA devices. Properly following the instructions it should (hopefully) leave you with three pieces, the handle, the metal blade, the plastic that was covering the blade. Manufacturers can do this solely by machine or by human eye/hand plus machine for extra quality assurance. J Clin Anesth 1997;9:432, 20. This is because of the complexity of the life cycle, from the acquisition of materials to the management of a product at the end of its life. If the reusable LMA is discarded prematurely, e.g., after 20 uses,16 the unit cost increases to $13 per unit, but decreases to $5.50 if the lifetime can be extended to 80 uses. By far, the biggest impact during the manufacturing of the razors was the 17 spot welds done in each cartridge. Life Cycle Assessment of the Closed-Loop Recycling of Used Disposable A Comparison Life Cycle Assessment between Razor Blade and Electric Shaver. Dec. 2012. Powers, Matt, and Amanda M. Can You Recycle Disposable Razors? Earth911.Com, 30 July 2019, earth911.com/living-well-being/health/can-you-recycle-disposable-razors/. Reusable LMAs were collected in a dirty device bin on the anesthesia cart and then reprocessed by the anesthesia technicians. 2011, Packaging Technology and Science. The studies have not found it to be harmful to drinking water, or public safety, however, it is an ongoing research of soil data that continues. BIC is voicing their concern about the environmental impact that their large production goals can have. BIC reported that every year around 2.6 billion of their razors are chosen by consumers every year (Shaver's). Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) is a modeling tool for quantifying the environmental impacts of products and processes. LCA is the most common tool for quantifying the environmental effects associated with a product, process, or service's entire life (Baumann and Tillman 2004).LCA was performed in accordance with the international standards of the ISO 14040 and ISO 14044 . Life Cycle Approach to Plastic Pollution - Life Cycle Initiative Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) | Sustainable Agriculture Research 13, 14 There are few published life cycle assessment studies of medical items (ref. Each year in Italy, millions of tons of fruits and vegetables are harvested, packed and transported to national and foreign retail outlets. Poly(p-Phenylene Oxide). Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 28 Sept. 2019, en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Poly(p-phenylene_oxide). 8 John Adam Street Biron, Michel. Chain Management by Life Cycle Assessment (CMLCA) software has been used to conduct the LCA and Ecoinvent 2.01 has been used for life cycle inventory data. 6,474. Wolters Kluwer Health Several clinical trials comparing function and ease of placement demonstrated no significant difference between disposable and reusable versions,25 allowing hospitals to base purchase decisions on economic considerations alone. This is based on our Life Cycle Inventory flows from phase 2. The blades, which are made from a carbide steel made using tungsten carbide, the handle, which is made from a combination of plastics such as polypropylene, polystyrene, and phenylene oxide (PPO), and the cartridge, which is made up of these plastics and sometimes the carbide steel as well (Safety Razor, madehow.com). This is only the operational energy consumption, but you still have to take into account all the energy used in the design and installation of the machinery. Most of those razors just end up in a landfill because most countries are not recycling them. It takes a lifetime perspective LCA takes into consideration all the steps that lead from raw material through manufacture, distribution and usage to final disposal. The more capital-intensive option of increasing the energy efficiency of the autoclave machines by 10% decreases GHG emissions by 8%. Two Life Cycle Impact Assessment (LCIA) methodologies were employed using SimaPro software 51,52 to calculate the environmental impacts of manufacturing both the plastic and compostable coffee . Teoh W, Lim Y. The majority of eutrophication impacts from disposable LMAs are from deposition of nitrogen oxide particulates from electricity generation and waste incineration, and impacts for the reusable LMA are nearly all from wastewater used in the cleaning process. Click the image for pricing & more info. Municipal Solid Waste Generation, Recycling, and Disposal in the United States: Facts and Figures for 2010. This means, of the 2 billion razors disposed of annually within the United States, each razor will be on the planet longer than the people who used them. Brimacombe J, Keller C, Morris R, Mecklem D. A comparison of the disposable versus the reusable laryngeal mask airway in paralyzed adult patients. B|$5 %%EOF You may be trying to access this site from a secured browser on the server. During a Life Cycle Assessment (LCA), environmental impacts are evaluated throughout the entire life cycle of a product (production, use and disposal or recovery).This also includes the upstream and downstream processes associated with production (e.g., the production of . The metal used for the razor blades is called Tungsten Carbide which is used in wear applications, such as shaving (Safety Razor). BIC Disposable Razor Design Life-Cycle Life Cycle Assessment: Biopharma SUTs - BioProcess Once extracted, the tungsten is then shipped to a desired location for it to be manufactured into the metal compound. The majority of life cycle human health impacts of disposable LMAs are caused by PVC use in packaging and the device itself. The final product is then gathered and prepared to go through the final step which is the packaging of razors. Gillette Mach3 Disposable Razors for Men, 6 Count, Designed for Sensitive Skin. Reusable LMAs in general appear to be made largely of silicone, lacking these same concerns for PVC/DEHP. Julabo Gmbh, et al. This means that it takes around 1 BTU to heat a 0.035-ounce razor blade to the desired temperature (Julabo et.al). In this life cycle breakdown, I will be discussing what materials go into the making of disposable razors and what processes the materials go through in the operation of making a disposable razor. What Is Polystyrene? Reprints will not be available from the authors. a 4.1% (Bic). Comparison of disposable and reusable laryngeal mask airways in spontaneously ventilating adult patients. 1. Ann Fr Anesth Reanim 2006;25:8114, 7. Life cycle assessment (LCA) is a method used to estimate the total environmental impacts from producing a good or service. LCAs can be used comparatively to assess different product or service design options or to identify environmental . Polyphenylene Oxides.Polyphenylene Oxides - an Overview | ScienceDirect Topics, 2013, www.sciencedirect.com/topics/chemical-engineering/polyphenylene-oxides. 85 percent of the energy came from electricity, 14 percent came from gas, and the rest came from fuel oil (For You For Everyone Registration Document). Goodman EJ, Haas AJ. Zhang TW, Dornfeld DA. GaBi includes its own database containing life cycle inventories of processes such as polypropylene manufacturing, transportation, and landfill . This document is an update and merger of two previous EPA documents on LCA ("Life Cycle Assessment: Inventory Guidelines and Principles," EPA/600/R-92/245, and "LCA101" from the LCAccess, website .