The dragons stat blocks are presented in chapter 7.Forgotten Realms, scholars describe the fabric of FOUNDER DRAGONSmagic as a Weave that allows spellcasters to inter-act with the worlds underlying magical reality. Embed Strixhaven - A Curriculum of Chaos to websites for free. Does literature selflessly Dean Shaile Talonrook (lawful good owlin Silver-better society or selfishly advance ones own goals? year students, but older students from all five col- Five lines of beacon-towers radiate from the Bib- leges can be seen inside at all hours.lioplex like enormous spokes. Clerics with the Divine Do-mains of Light and Trickery also fit in well amongthe mages of Silverquill. Widdershins is a network of inter-he gives out unreasonably large portions. But danger lurks even here. The cafes name comesinterior of the Biblioplex is vast, with long hall- from its trademark beverage, which the manager, anways, archive chambers tall enough to have their elf mage named Ellina, brews with her fire magic.own weather, and even pools and moat-passages The Firejolt has a reputation as a hangout for first-crossable only by boat. These mages make for natural conflict a scholar more likely aligns with.leaders, fiercely competitive, with a piercing wit and SILVERQUILL SCHOLARS Principlea never-second-place attitude. If your destination space is too ture, and it doesnt count as difficult terrain. Whichever scores you decide to in- ness as if it were dim light. Upon choosing a college, a their lives to the universitys operations, numerousstudent is assigned two professors to serve as coun- automatons and artificial life-forms various kindsselors to help the student plan a course of studies.The two deans of the college assign these two coun- of Constructs serve in various roles, includingselors, who represent the poles of the colleges phil-osophical opposition. Though shes an elite mage who characters take over the course of chapter 4.can easily hold her own in a fight, Breena prefers todefeat her foes with words alone. A Studentlars noted below, as described later in this section.If a student character also works on campus using Die is a d4 the player can roll and add to an ability check that the character makes, provided the checkthe Job rules, the character can benefit from only uses one of the skills listed in the Extracurricularsone Extracurricular. The piece re- new aptitude: conducting.ceived a standing ovation from the mage-studentbody and a grumpy thumbs down from the campusconstruction golems. If you pour coffee from the bottle, rather than In addition, one creature of your choice in that drinking from it, the coffee vanishes the moment itarea can spend and roll one of its unspent Hit Dice leaves the bottle. Players can create characters using a new race presented in the book, an owlin, one of the owlfolk who study at the university. Yourand fighters (including those who emulate the ar-chetype of the Eldritch Knight) also delight in the interests concentrate on the mathematical princi- ples and patterns found in the natural world. (In truth, though he did possess prodigiousNazzari always want to see art that is bigger, more talent, they were also growing tired of their house being randomly struck by lightning or engulfed inradical in concept, and more emotionally powerful. Similarly, gravity-defying arch shapes appear The Oracle of Strixhaven is the wisest and most ac-throughout the world of Arcavios and, in particular, complished mage in the world of Arcavios, selectedtower over the Biblioplex. It is situated in the northeastern portion ofa continent called Orrithia, also known as the Vast- earth motes, and other weird locales.lands, which is populated by a tremendous variety FOUNDER DRAGONSof peoples. The exam rules presented here STUDYING TOGETHERare thus designed to help the players keep their If two or more characters engage in a group studycharacters studies part of the game. Both the scholarly focus 2 A stoppered glass bottle that, when opened , plays a brassy orchestral piece of wizards (especially those who study the Schools of Abjuration, Illusion, or Transmutation) and the 3 A quartet of hovering water motes in a vial metamagic manipulations of sorcerers are welcome in Quandrix, and many druids explore the patterns 4 A bandolier of watercolor paints of nature in Quandrix as well. of someone who has lived and died (or who will Few know that archaics existence is linked to a one day live and die) as an Oracle. A few clerics, particu- 5 A tiara capped with a crystal that crackles with harmless lightning larly those with the Knowledge or Nature domains, 6 An iridescent quill study in Quandrix as well. Before you finish yournext long rest, you can cast the chosen spell once by a Spellcaster)without a spell slot if you are holding the primer. Quandrix mages who embrace this Kianne believes in using mathematics to betterview use magic to bring numerical concepts to life, understand nature. What is this book? Tivash (neutral human Witherbloom professor ofWILLOWDUSK, ESSENCE SEER decay) teaches Witherbloom students. Most player characters,character you can imagine, drawing on player char- including owlin, are of the Humanoid type. Once you teleport in this way, you cant shunted to the last unoccupied space you occu- pied, and you take ld8 force damage. No successful ability checks means a char-time. The designers have developed rules to simulate college life including taking tests and working on campus. Stat You magically empower your movement with dance- blocks for these creatures appear in chapter 7. like steps, giving yourself the following benefits for When you take the Attack action on your turn, you the duration: can forgo one attack to allow your mascot familiar to make one attack of its own with its reaction. Otherwise, you can Rather than playing the four adventures as a cam- find the stat block in the Monster Manual. At theand part new construction, Pillardrop is a seriesof buildings excavated out of cliffs on the Lorehold center of the hall towers a magnificent statue of Kollema, a wise monastic who was one of the first.campus Ruins and upgraded halls together are now Lorehold professors.used for research, classwork, and housing. Strixhaven: A Curriculum of Chaos releases on Nov. 16, 2021. The Items for Sale table.chosen creature has advantage on the next attackroll, ability check, or saving throw it makes within 1 MAGIC ITEMS FOR SALEminute. Characters have multiple opportunities to study Her lessons proved so effective that she was asked with Professor Lang in chapters 3 and stay as a professor. If you create deleterious effects, Strixhaven kindly requests you refrainfrom invok-First Printing: November 2021 ing any names, symbols, or other references to the university should youfind yourself in a confrontation. Methodical histo-LOREHOLD STUDENT rians and daring adventurers alike can be foundYou have spent your youth preparing to be a student among the ranks of Lorehold college. eminent mana scholars of the world. 4 I ve mastered the art of using humor as a defense, In addition, if you have the Spellcasting or Pact and I always have a charming joke ready.Magic feature, the spells on the Silverquill Spellstable are added to the spell list of your spellcasting 5 I always wait before speaking, analyzing the situa-class. Over the years,dant rivers and streams. The events of the adventure character? your bones? Share it: Copy. Today we'll be talking about all five "Student" backgrounds offered to newcomers . Before you finish youradvantage on the roll if the toy is on your person. from the pests of the bayouGROWTH AND DECAY WITHERBLOOM FACULTYThe two deans of Witherbloom are traditionally This section describes noteworthy members ofcalled the Dean of the Root and the Dean of the the Witherbloom faculty. In Strixhaven: A Curriculum of Chaos, we are introduced to backgrounds that go far beyond that. The character thus loses weight, and making this integral part of student life any benefits from Extracurriculars or Jobs, and a more significant part of the game. 2 Electrovisionary, wielding the forms of ExpressionPERFECTION AND EXPRESSION lightning as a paintbrushPrismaris two deans carry the titles Dean of Per- 3 Flamesinger, combining fire and music Expressionfection and Dean of Expression, and they often 4 Ceosculptor, using earth and lava in Expressionexpress the fundamental conflict of their philosophy volatile emotional displaysas perfection versus expression or, sometimes, as 5 Heartrager, turning inner creative fire Expressionintellect versus emotion. (If you are a multiclass character with multi-ple spell lists, these spells are added to all of them.) Upload PDF to create a flipbook like Strixhaven - A Curriculum of Chaos now. Strixhaven: A Curriculum of Chaos is an adventure module and campaign guide for using the Strixhaven setting, from the collectible card game Magic: The Gathering, in the 5th edition.The book expands on game elements for the 5th edition, such as: Four adventures which correspond to each year of university; these adventures can be run as a continuous campaign or as individual one-shots View flipping ebook version of Strixhaven: A Curriculum of Chaos published by That D&D place on 2021-12-08. a Relationship. In practical terms, for player characters, you can use the rules found in any D&D book to select aEven as they get caught up in the adventures, thecharacters have to continue going to class, doing characters race, if the DM approves. Strixhaven Curriculum of Chaos AnyFlip PDF Free Download. Before you finish your next long rest, you can cast the chosen spell oncenext long rest, you can cast the chosen spell once without a spell slot if you are holding the primer.without a spell slot if you are holding the primer. First-year students live in dormitories located on A students course of learning at Strixhaven in- the central campus and often form close friendships there that last throughout their educational careers, volves exploring the tension between these oppos- even when members of tight-knit groups of friends ing principles, which typically involves late-night arguments in residence halls and study rooms. Discover the best professional documents and content resources in AnyFlip Document Base. Like D&D 5e Strixhaven - A Curriculum of Chaos? Clerics (often with the Knowledge or Light If you do choose one of these backgrounds, you domains) are also quite common. Even when open, theComponents: V, S, M (a withered vine twisted bottle wont accept any liquid other than the coffee into a loop)Duration: Instantaneous it produces. Remind players that while their check mark when they expend the die.& MEMORIES ' STRIXHAVENRELATIONSHIPSName Points Relationship Inspiration Boon / Bane REPORT CARDS EXTRACURRICULARS 1 2 '#1 #1 ' 3 #2 Name d4 Skills Member Rerolls d YEAR 3 Skills #3 Skills Skills Rerolls d4 i YEAR JOB#2 #i . Theprompting sparks of insight when faced with diffi- character gains one Student Die, explained below. Quandrix faculty members have repeatedlycube-shaped fountains, arching aqueducts that taught growth spells in this part of campus, andflow through the air, towers of solid-seeming water. The campusthe Strixhaven campus. Characters can explore the setting over the course of four adventures, which can be played together or on their own. Strixhaven has a place for anyone who is dedicated to magic-enhanced study.expulsion might hang over their head. Its traditional name the results of his cruelty to help future lives.comes from the prominence of vampires within the VALENTIN, DEAN OF THE VEINcollege, whose conceptions of draining life through Dean Valentin (neutral vampire) is ancient and drinks the blood of living creatures throughout thethe vein have long proven an important counter-weight to the growth philosophy of Witherbloom. world. 3rd Speak with Dead, Spirit Guardians LOREHOLD TRINKETS 4th Arcane Eye, Stone Shape d6 Trinket 5th Flame Strike, Legend Lore 1 A map made of concentric circles that can be ro- Consider customizing how your spells look when tated around the pageyou cast them. They should also note the the results of each Exam. Is mastery of art a matter ofhoning precise techniques to a point of perfection or immersive experiencesof perfectly expressing a raw emotional state? Ads. Campus hijinks mix with mishaps and sinister plots, and it's up to you to save the day. Strixhaven A Curriculum Of Chaos ( D& D Beyond Rip) by Wizards of the Coast. of the characters. You may use the tableinspiration. . Precar- Chapter 5 includes a partial map of Kollema Hall.ious bridges link one neighborhood of PillardropMAP 1,2: LOREHOLD CAMPUS CHAPTER 1 | LIFE AT STRIXHAVEN 15PRISMARI COLLEGE The perspective of perfection focuses on tech- nique, analysis, theory, aesthetics, and universalPrismari, the College of Elemental Arts, is devotedto the study and practice of art intertwined with principles. Prismari mages use magic 1 Aesthemancer, studying abstract prin- Perfectionto weave the elements into their creations; theymight juxtapose fire alongside paint, ceramics, or ciples of beauty for insight into thefabric, or they might choreograph elaborate works workings of the multiversethat unite a dancers movements with gusts and ed-dies of air. activities together. adopt for your character.Skill Proficiencies: Intimidation, Persuasion SILVERQUILL PERSONALITY TRAITSLanguages: Two of your choiceEquipment: A bottle of black ink, an ink pen, a d6 Personality Trait book of poetry, a school uniform, and a pouch con- 1 I ll say whatever I need to in order to maintain my high social status. The sigils of each of Strixhavens five collegesin Magali Villeneuves cover illustration. For research. The bottle comes with a stopper, which is attachedCasting Time: 1 actionRange: 60 feet to the bottle by a little chain. All New Spells From Strixhaven: A Curriculum of Chaos. Is it supposed to be carefully thought out or 6 Ice sculptor, crafting ice and cold into Perfectionraw and spontaneous? Her research extendsa pack of hungry groffs and shepherded them back to the vital functions of fractal creatures and otherto Widdershins Hall, offering a lecture on proper artificial life-forms, leading her to teach courses at Quandrix College as well.herb-gathering practices during the journey. Professors convey fantastic secrets to eager students, and life on campus is frenetic. (If you are a multiclass character with multi- 5 I can speak eloquently about the historical ramifica- tions of an ancient war. These personnel include folk likebe their academic home for the remainder of their Mavinda Sharpbeak, the kindly owlin guidanceeducation. After5 Dustspeaker, conversing with spirits Chaos talking with the schools counselor, Mavinda, Hofriof the past to learn their storiess decided to try his luck with Lorehold. Prismari studies focus on visual arts to randomly determine the scholarly focus of a Pris-(including architecture, painting, and sculpture) and mari student or faculty member. When In addition, if you study the primer at the end ofyou make a saving throw to avoid or end the fright- a long rest, you can choose one lst-level spell fromened condition on yourself, you can give yourself the druid or wizard spell list. The player should track how many Job. To be the Oracle, one musta rough and irregular outer arch. A Student Die gained from an Exam is a d4 the SESSION ZERO player can roll and add to an ability check that the character makes, provided the check uses one of the If youre interested in using these rules in your two skills featured in the Exam. the archaics in some way (see Archaics and the Or- acle below). core rulebooks: the Players Handbook, the Dun- CHARACTER CREATION geon Masters Guide, and the Monster Manual. SINGLE PAGE PROCESSED JP2 ZIP download. Strixhaven: Curriculum of Chaos will be the next MTG setting for Dungeons & Dragons. One side shows the Strixhaven University cam-ture, you should ask each player to choose at least pus, with a focus on the central campus and the fiveone student to be a Friend, a Beloved, or a Rival,as described in the Relationship rules later in this surrounding colleges. The DM is free to add or remove languagesfrom that list for a particular campaign. You draw on knowledge from spirits of the past. De Entree 240. Also available through our digital partners. )CHAPTER | CHARACTER OPTIONSClerics arent very common in this school, but some QUANDRIX STUDENTwith the Tempest domain end up here. Some callNo one knows how old Willowdusk (neutral good the forces he manipulates evil, but he asserts that.treant) really is This professor of growth claims to power is only as good or evil as how you use older than Strixhaven itself, and although many VERELDA LANG, ARCANO-BIOLOGISTsuspect that she exaggerates, no one else who has Verelda Lang (chaotic neutral dryad) is a respectedlived long enough to refute her cares to do so. Founded seven centuries ago by five ancient drag- Also called the College of Elemental Arts.ons, Strixhaven is the premier institution of magical Quandrix Focuses on the mathematics of nature.learning, drawing promising young mages from all Also called the College of Numeromancy.over. These items, along with a fewreroll the d20 and use the lower roll. Youathleticism of Prismari performance. Any auditoryeffects of your spells often sound like amplified isms and their meaningsechoes of your own voice speaking the spells verbal 3 A canteen that makes any liquid drunk from it tastecomponents even amid the crash of lightning or a sweetfiery eruption. The Strixhaven Mascots table listsrelated fields. 2: Character Options 28 Work Hard, Play Harder . Consider customizing how your spells look when you cast them. Players enhance the flavor of life at a university of magic. Sedgemoor is an excellent place to find pest mas-and graduates often wish to spend their afterlife at cots, herbs, spider silk, fungi, and other ingredientstheir beloved university, and she honors that wish. CHAPTER | LIFE AT STRIXHAVENtreatment of animals, but that hasnt stopped her out getting your hands dirty which is the first thingfrom using his discoveries for her research. Both College Mascotapproaches are encouraged at the university. Is mathematics a the Quandrix faculty. It has a backdrop of rosesprofessor of shadow). This book includes a poster map that shows Strixhavens campuses on one side and location maps on the other. Cir- To the faculty and students of Strixhaven, it is un-cumstances will at times cause player characters remarkable to meet someone who hails from a far- to defy faculty authority and even deans during off land, since almost everyone on campus is fromtheir adventures, and the threat of detention or even somewhere else. Each school em- STUDENTS braces the paradoxical unity of two polar principles: life and death, order and chaos, reason and emotion, Students at Strixhaven spend their first year in a course of general studies, which lays the foundation and so on. So why bother? Consider customizing how your spells look when you cast them. SCHOLARS OF LOREHOLD The Lorehold Scholars table offers examples of the scholars in Lorehold College. Interested in flipbooks about Strixhaven - A Curriculum of Chaos? When you make yourclass. Quandrix mages Quandrix student or faculty member. Random Height and Weight table in the Players Handbook , and choose the row in the table that bestMagic Items collects magic items that Strixhaven represents the build you imagine for your character. ance found between them is far more eloquent than The colleges perspective of shadow focuses on even their words can describe.the power of language to stab, to expose stingingtruths, and to obfuscate secrets. OPUS WALK Hundreds of Prismari creations are displayed alongHe recently graduated from Strixhaven himself,and he bubbles with excitement at the prospect of a path that winds through the central campus build-guiding a new generation of students on the course ings, giving the path its name: Opus Walk. halves of a schools dichotomy, but a mage must learn at least the rudiments of those halves. Student Dice. Whether student adventur- culture encourages finding magical solutions to theers get caught up in a duel with their rivals or face a most mundane problems, and if characters needdreaded mage hunter, the stat blocks in this chapter access to a spell they cant cast, they have a stronggive you the information you need to resolve the chance of finding someone who can cast it.situation. You can decide how quickly the year passesThis book contains a number of interior maps and isaccompanied by a poster map, all of which will aid and work with your players to decide what else theyyou as you run these adventures. Murgaxor who uses evil magic to sustain his life Chapters 1 and 2 contain all the information the force focuses his all-consuming desire for revenge players need to play Strixhaven students. end of each adventure provides information that RUNNING THE ADVENTURES foreshadows or sets up the events of the next adven- ture. Upload PDF to create a flipbook like D&D 5e Strixhaven - A Curriculum of Chaos now. The adventure assumes that the characters are heavy armor. acter failed, having gotten fewer than half the Dont forget to have each player mark the results questions correct.of an Exam on their tracking sheet! ..96 Oracle of Strixhaven 206 36 Oriq Blood Mage 206 Silvery Barbs 37 .Ch 4: Hunt for Mage Tower Oriq Recruiter 208 Vortex Warp Pest Mascot 208 Wither and Bloom 32 Running This Adventure 97 Prismari ApprenticeMagic Items Prismari Pledgemage .209 Bottle of Boundless Coffee 32 Back in Session 98 Prismari Professor of Expression .209 Cuddly Strixhaven Mascot Prismari Professor of Perfection Lorehold Primer 32 Mascots Everywhere! Auto Flip. The primer has 3 at Strixhavens Silverquill College. They can be seen striding through the The star arches are a mystery left over from the wilds, exploring sources of magic with their manybirth of the world. session, each participating character has advantageUSING THESE RULES on their ability check during the Studying phase.Each of the books adventures includes Exams. After a review, she often offers a In addition to being an accomplished elementalist, Veyran (chaotic good genasi Prismari professor ofsmall piece of advice that alters the students point perfection) serves as a mentor to many Prismariof view and work forever for the better. Each crea- the bottle.ture of your choice in that area must make a Consti- Each time you drink the coffee, roll a d20. The player notes here the names of gain a positive or negative Relationship Point with each student NPC with whom their character has its associated student NPC. get up to. The greatest minds in the multiverse meet at Strixhaven University. When you make your char- 2nd Borrowed Knowledge (in this book), acter, you may roll once on the Lorehold Trinkets Locate Object table, instead of on the Trinkets table in the Players Handbook, for your starting trinket. The primer has 3 charges, and it regains ld3 expendedof Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma. He teaches that no rewards1 Archaeoscribe, chronicling historical Order come without risk, and his excursions typically endtruths for posterity with students heading to the infirmary. 222 . download 1 file . But danger lurks even here. Wither and BloomSTRIXHAVEN SPELLS Warlock, WizardCollege Cantrips 1st-Level Spell Transmutation Artificer * Bard, Sorcerer, WizardLorehold Choose two from Choose one 1st- Conjuration Artificer * level cleric or wizard Sorcerer, Wizard light, sacred flame, and thaumaturgy. Dungeons & Dragons' latest Magic: The Gathering crossover, Strixhaven: A Curriculum of Chaos, brings five powerful new spells to Fifth Edition. The player should track the Student whichever is applicable. The students cram both information and caffeine into themselves before exams. FIREJOLT CAFEInside, almost every surface from the floor to the At the edge of Archway Commons and just outside the Biblioplex stands the cozy Firejolt Cafe, wherehigh ceiling is jammed with stacks of books. the knife 5 If these classes have taught me anything, its that reality is a lie, and nothing matters. These mages brew their spells from the table to randomly determine the scholarly focusnatural components and the essence of living crea- of a Witherbloom student or faculty member. inner expanse called the Arithmodrome. A master of artistic technique, Uvilda trains and excitement. Scribd is the world's largest social reading and publishing site. Two successful ability checks mean the char-cult questions, or using mnemonics or other memo-rization techniques to absorb academic material. However, this outlookdeserve. While he often argues with Dean Talon- also means hes constantly disappointed by theirrook, he holds a deep (if begrudging) respect for suboptimal choices, and he is well known for histhe owlin. Check 26 flipbooks from DasKnguru. You may use theand symmetries to wield power over the funda- table to randomly determine the scholarly focus of amental mathematics of nature. This tutoring can be to cement friendships, establish rivalries, deepen bonds, and otherwise develop relationships with narrated through roleplaying, or you might simply student NPCs in this books adventures. Suggested Characteristics. He particularly de- famous pieces of magical art have been displayed along Opus Walk for centuries, while other transientlights in finding new ways to help students workcollaboratively to unlock the heights of their creative bursts of creativity last only a few moments.potential.