You During the surgery, Leah came in, ready to scrub in. She complimented Arizona's eyes, and Arizona then said she was married to Callie and that she only had one leg. Leah thinks it's not, as she's all about easy. Profession She asked Bailey to start thinking about Jackson instead of her, as he needed all the time he could get. In series eight, Arizona boarded a flight to get to another hospital to perform surgery on conjoined twins. Arizona and Teddy continued to keep in touch after Teddy moved to Germany, as Arizona learned about Owen double-dipping from her phone conversation with Teddy. Sofia Robbin Sloan TorresMiscarriage (with Callie) Arizona made Callie promise that she would not cut her leg off and Callie agreed. Arizona smiled as the doors closed, charmed by the attention she was getting and her having only one leg being no problem for Lauren.[14]. When Arizona told Bailey after surgery to put Jackson on the transplant list, Bailey asked to get a second opinion. Callie didn't tell her because she knew Arizona would hate her and she wanted her to have someone to lean on. She took his place on the plane and pulled him off every single pediatric case before she left. She recalled he brought her to their house once and shared she was a real screamer, unaware that she was talking about Maggie. She revealed it was driving her crazy how Callie kept on trying to forgive and take care of her. Eliza told her to be quiet and kissed her. On day 30, they went back to the counselor together, where Arizona said that she needed Callie, her anchor. You are kind of a legend with the interns and residents. At some point, April asked her if she could try on her leg and they both laughed. But as time went on, Karev realized that Arizona was one of the few people who actually believed in him. After seeing the baby's heartbeat for the first time, Arizona referred to the baby as "theirs.". They said their goodbyes and Arizona extended her arm for a handshake. She then coughed up blood again. In the army, he had seen phantom limb before and know some ways to ease the pain, the mirror being one of them. When she returned from Malawi, she asked Callie for a second chance. Lauren, who was still lying in the bed, asked if she needed an extra set of hands to help out, but Arizona rejected the offer. Callie pushed Arizona to answer when she asked her if that meant she didn't ever want to try again, but all Arizona could say was that she didn't know. GA: 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, and 14 She suffered from phantom limb at night, but when it started to happen during the day too, she didn't want to talk to Callie about it. While April initially still refused to tell Jackson, she finally realized she needed to do it before he found out from someone else. [30] Arizona quickly learned that Dr. Herman had a brain tumor and had been given six months to live. Meanwhile, Arizona was introduced to her prosthetist, David Moore. Then she learned from reading Sofia's diary that she stole the money to buy a plane ticket to New York and didn't want to tell Arizona because she worried about hurting her feelings. Later on, Arizona tried to tell Callie how she felt about the miscarriage. Does Jackson Avery die? However, Bailey soon realized that Arizona is a competent doctor and grew closer to her after applying for a peds fellowship. Arizona then took to eating dessert right out of the dish before April took her home. They agreed to go get a drink together afterward. However, a fight at the airport resulted in Arizona leaving for Africa without Callie. At the beginning of the 2014-2015 residency year, Arizona decided to start a fetal surgery fellowship under Dr. Nicole Herman. Eliza thanked her and then they hugged. Callie was feeling awful, and Arizona gave her a drawing Sofia made to make her feel better. However, the back end of the small plane broke off, leading it to crash in the woods and even though Arizona survived, as a result of her injuries, her leg had to be amputated. Arizona proposed to have Sofia choose between her astronaut costume and Callie's princess costume, but Callie thought it wasn't worth the fight and told Arizona she could take Sofia to the party at Meredith's. She told Leah a similar story to reach out to her. Arizona obliged and took her there. While the others went away, Arizona sat up and tore open her pants, revealing she had an open femur fracture. Callie countered that neither of them liked sandwiches, so they settled on pizza instead. Lauren continued explaining her approach, and said she'd make sure to show off a little in surgery for Arizona. Wherever they ended up, the skating always stayed the same, which made her feel safe. Arizona took her daughter to the deck, where she told Sofia that she loved and missed her. On Arizona's birthday, after a failed surprise party, Arizona told Callie she loved her, and Callie reciprocated her feelings. Then Callie appeared, just as the electricity came back on. When Jackson came into the board meeting to tell them that Dr. Boswell was in a cab on her way to the airport, Callie outed Arizona as a cheater in front of everyone, embarrassing Arizona. He wished she could stay around a little longer, and Arizona quietly agreed. The now happy again couple went to look at a house with a pool and a swing set, where Arizona started dreaming of the life she and her family could have there. Arizona was shocked to learn Carina had never lost a mom, while Carina was shocked to learn Arizona had lost more than one. [60], Eliza asked Arizona about how big her stove was, because she wanted to make Arizona pierogi. Arizona helped calm her worry. She stated that she "rocked the heavy eyeliner and had some t-shirts". She then ended up helping Arizona, during which she flirted. "I'm trying," she says. After becoming Callie's girlfriend, Arizona also became good enough friends with Mark, Lexie, and Cristina. With fake promises to deliver the patient's chart, she managed to get Arizona walking to the door of her apartment. Callie took the drawing and thanked Arizona for being there. Richard said if she wanted her daughter, she had to fight like she'd never fought before. Also, several board members were out and Callie and Arizona couldn't be in the same room together, complicating things even more. She and Arizona went to a lounge, where they started fighting. [41] Arizona was the first one to find out about April's pregnancy after her divorce to Jackson. On the night of the fundraising gala, Arizona Robbins and April Kepner bonded over drinks in the hospital storage closet. The next day, moments before leaving for the wedding, Arizona confessed she still wanted to stay home. She fell, but he caught her. Familial Information After seeing Callie at the fundraising gala, Arizona escaped back to the hospital, where she hid in a supply closet to cry. Callie accepted it and Arizona asked her out again and after pretending not to be interested for a few seconds, Callie accepted. She was in a coma for a long time after the crash, but has since recovered. [43], April continued to refuse to tell Jackson about her pregnancy while Arizona continued to advise her to tell him, since other people had already find out. Having learned her lesson, Arizona respected Jenny's wishes while April eventually told the mother. She ended up bringing her home and the two had sex. Despite this, Arizona quickly saw Bailey's potential as a pediatric surgeon, claiming she was "uniquely qualified," and supporting her in her decision to apply for a spot in pediatric surgery. [22], Arizona started off a sexual relationship with Leah and they agreed it would just be sex. Arizona had to bribe her in order to get her to go to school. Her brother later joined the army and died because there weren't enough doctors. In the evening, Owen did finally manage to gather all the board members to plan a fundraising gala to help out the hospital financially. They then shared a laugh when they discovered Callie had accidentally put on pantyhose with butterflies on them. Arizona tried to ask her out, but Charlotte mistook it as an invite for a follow-up. When the lights came back on, Arizona pushed Lauren off and walked towards the door, saying she couldn't do this. Teddy then made it clear to Cristina that she had to what she said, and left. When under pressure and in trouble, Arizona smokes cigarettes. When Callie became pregnant and asked Arizona to be in, Arizona went to Teddy for advice on whether or not to be in. As the lights flickered back on, Arizona pushed her off, saying that she couldn't do that. At the end of the season 8, Robbins is hurt badly in a plane crash, resulting in her left leg being amputated. Emma asked for more information about Callie, and Arizona told her that Callie is great, but not that great as they're divorced now. She apologized, but she wasn't ready to get sexy again. Prior to her left leg being amputated above the knee, she often wore wheeled sneakers at work. When Arizona gave her notice to Chief Bailey in anticipation of moving to New York, Bailey said when she had first met Arizona, she had thought Arizona was a pixie stick, an empty vessel, full of sugar, who skated in a hospital and didn't know then that it would be one of the great privileges of her life to know her and to work with her.[71]. Leah asked Arizona to treat her with more respect. On the second go, day 29, Callie and Arizona slept together, but agreed not to tell their marriage counselor. However, tensions continued with Mark in the picture as an active and interested father. She found a house and pinned a flyer to a board at the hospital to find a roommate. They disagreed when Arizona wanted to change Dr. Kenley's course of treatment. At the end of the surgery, Lauren left to go the bathroom and Jackson then said that Lauren was just one of these people who could make you feel great. Arizona even became pregnant with a sperm donor's child but miscarried. After being kicked out Callie and Arizona both agree couples therapy would be the best option. In the episode, 6 doctors from Seattle Grace Mercy West Hospital who are victims of an aviation accident fight to stay alive, but Dr. Lexie Grey ( Chyler Leigh) ultimately dies. She then said they went "everywhere." she and Leah worked together on a girl with a broken femur, which required Callie consulting. Together with Meredith and Derek, they took Sofia out for trick-or-treating. Arizona said that she was back, but not to be Callie's whipping boy and then demanded to sleep in the bed again. That inspired Arizona to look into it as a surgical project and once she had written up a proposal, she asked Carina to work on it with her, a decision they sealed with a kiss. Arizona wondered why Eliza would not have to learn her name. Arizona snapped that a baby with his brain on his face wasn't elective and walked away. When Arizona decided she needed to move herself and Sofia back to New York, she ended things with Carina. At the end of the day, Arizona allowed Callie, who was ready to go back to Mark's place, to sit next to her on the couch to watch American Bake Off together. SweetheartThe In GuyArizona HuntMrs. As she gathered up the courage to ask Charlotte out, she was surprised when Charlotte introduced her to her girlfriend. For the parking space. After Callie was informed that both she and the hospital were being sued by Travis Reed, a board meeting was called. You should know Arizona Robbins died on December 1, 2006. Callie asked who was jumping the gun now, but Arizona bounced back that she was the one who started this. Her optimism and child-friendly abilities can be seen frequently and are also shown as she has cute animals on her lab coat; what appears to be a monkey or a lion above the Seattle Grace logo on the right hand side of her lab coat and a cat above her name and title on the left hand side; and she even wears Heelys at work, heeling around the hospital. When they got paged to the ER, Arizona told Alex to run and that she'd follow. She asked for an OR, but Cristina, who had been questioning Teddy's abilities all day, was reluctant. As Callie started questioning where Arizona was, Arizona got dressed again in the on-call room to get to the understaffed NICU. They made plans for that night, but they were cancelled when one of Arizona's patients went into labor, but Arizona told Eliza that she looked for her around the hospital all the time and that the anticipation of waiting one more day wouldn't necessarily be a bad thing. She forgave her for that and asked her to come home. While Bailey confessed to Callie that she may have pushed Arizona too hard, they saw her walking in the hallway. The next night, they left the hospital and went to Arizona's house, where they had sex. Two people who were helping to fight a wildfire in western Arizona died on Saturday when their plane crashed, the Bureau of Land Management said. She genuinely cares for her patients and their relatives. Dr. Mark Sloan (Eric Dane) a.k.a. She was furious, scolded him and yelled at him, saying that he could no longer represent the hospital. This would mean the hospital had to pay the awards for the doctors itself, but since there wasn't enough money to do so, the hospital would go bankrupt.[12]. She used to be a fan of punk rock. She gave Arizona time to think about it and left. Later that night, April confessed that she had overheard Catherine saying Jackson wanted to sue for full custody over their child and that, refusing to be a victim, she filed for a restraining order against Jackson. She went to a lounge, where she took of her prosthetic. [7], Arizona being fitted for a prosthetic leg, Hearing how Callie was struggling with Arizona, Bailey planned to get Arizona back to work. [20], Some time after the gala, Leah brought Arizona a cup of coffee before the big surgery with Shepherd. Days after, Arizona came to pick up Sofia at Callie's. At the end of the day, intern Andrew DeLuca showed interest as nobody else wanted to live with him. Jackson and Cristina were waiting for Arizona, because their patient was a boy with asthma. [1], Seattle Grace Mercy West Hospital was asked by another hospital at Boise to send over a couple of surgeons to assist the surgeons at Boise with a surgery to separate conjoined twins, a surgery the doctors in Seattle had successfully completed earlier that year. In surgery, Arizona asked Alex about his strategy to get away from someone who gets way too attached after a one-night stand, which wasn't even a real one-night stand. Callie makes her feel like she's not enough, and she knows it's unfair to Callie, which is why she hates feeling like this. However, the night before Halloween, Leah did sleep over, which they had previously agreed she wouldn't do. Arizona blames Callie for making her decisions. Callie argued that Arizona moved a lot in her youth and she turned out fine. Arizona and Callie were forced to work together on a victim of the mudslide caused by the storm, much to Callie's dislike. After learning that Sofia was coming back home, Arizona inadvertently broke things off with Carina. At the wedding, Callie once again brought up that she was doing the research for Arizona. The relationship was threatened again when Callie got annoyed at Arizona for believing that George joining the army was awesome, but after hearing that Arizona's brother died in the war, she apologized. While Callie was putting on her pantyhose, Arizona noted that Callie had her wedding ring back on. Callie gifted Arizona with a weekend getaway, but continued communicating with Mark as she and Arizona drove. She was in a coma for a long time after the crash, but has since recovered. To better the happiness of her daughter, she decided to move to New York to be closer to Callie. However, Callie responded that she had spent the last 30 days feeling free, doing more and feeling better. [31] Dr. Herman stated that in that time, she would teach Arizona everything she knows for none of her knowledge is written down in books and she wanted her knowledge to be known so it could save more lives. Arizona said that she got that Bailey kept on second guessing her as she liked and trusted Kenley, but she said that she was not the problem. And a shooting. Arizona yelled at Callie, who was heartbroken that Arizona still hadn't forgiven her about the leg. In the evening, Callie and Arizona eventually both went to Meredith's party and set aside their problems that night for Sofia. Timothy Robbins When she returned to Seattle, she was confronted with Andrew's bruised up face. Wish You Were Here They later agreed to get drinks. Arizona then tried to give her some space, but later found out Eliza had left town without saying goodbye, effectively ghosting Arizona. When Dr. Kenley died Dr. Bailey took offense to Arizona changing Jackson Prescott's course of treatment and proceeded to complain to the Chief and call her an "infant". When Herman was blind after her tumor resection, Arizona took over being head of fetal surgery. Despite everyone's efforts not to make a big deal out of it, like Alex paying a kid not to ask her about the fake leg, there were some comments about her return and prosthetic, like Bailey mentioning her first surgery was a lot of standing for her first day back. At the hospital, Arizona and Callie found out they both made different costumes for Sofia. 213 Karev's decision to leave Seattle to take the fellowship offer at Hopkins led her to take his place on a plane that ended up crashing. Callie was dismayed to learn that Arizona didn't want children. [53], Arizona traveled to New York to help Sofia get settled with Callie and Penny. ET on ABC) jumped forward one month after Arizona (Jessica Capshaw), Mark (Eric Dane), Cristina Arizona played it cool and acted like she didn't remember their conversation by the elevator. She told him that she was fighting a losing battle. Arizona described the sex the two of them had as pain-relieving. Callie later came to apologize, she brought up that Penny was moving to New York after winning the Preminger Grant. [34], On Bailey's first day as Chief, Arizona was confronted with Callie enthusiastically telling everyone but her about her fantastic new girlfriend. At the end of the day, Arizona witnessed Maggie finally coming clean about her relationship with Andrew. A more complete gallery with pictures of Arizona Robbins can be found here. That day, she bonded with an old patient who found new love in a retirement home, and that man made her believe that she'd find love again. At the Emerald City Bar, she saw that Callie was upset and came to comfort her in the bathroom and kissed her. When Callie was pregnant Mark and Arizona took an interest in her health and started cooking and trying new recipes together.[72]. Richard encouraged her and she figured out that she would have April and Jackson's support. He took a mirror out of a closet and placed it in between her legs, so she could visualize a leg that didn't hurt. Feeling uncomfortable, Arizona quickly left with Sofia. That's not one you forget.". During the surgery, Leah complimented Arizona's technique, and Callie then apologized for having stated that Arizona wasn't a general surgeon. They bonded over a shared experience of moving all the time as a kid. You have screwed dozens of interns, and you got them all fired. Arizona replied not so many and asked Andrew to back her up, but then realized he was with his girlfriend every night. She took two bottles of champagne and returned to the hospital to drink with Arizona. Leah told her she went to check if Arizona made it home, only to find her passed out on the hallway floor. When Arizona was asking Jerry about the 4 hours he mentioned earlier, a helicopter passed over the woods, and she screamed along with the others, but it didn't help. When Callie finds out she is furious she ends up kicking her out of the house. After four days in the woods, Arizona and the others were taken to the hospital in Boise, where scans were taken of her leg. Lexie was crushed by a piece of the plane, severely injuring her pelvis, legs, and left arm. [55], When Eliza came to the hospital to help out after a building collapsed, she was surprised that Arizona appeared not to remember their conversation, but Arizona admitted that she did and she was interested, but she didn't like that Eliza talked like she owned the place. When Eliza forgot to alert the authorities that Stephanie went missing during the hospital lockdown and explosion, Bailey fired her. He urged her to think about Sofia, who was too important to do something that could not be undone. She suggested that she take the next day off and take Sofia to find an adventure. She reminded Callie that Arizona needs the elevator and that it's already retrofitted to be accessible for her. Following her request to go to Callie, she and the others were sedated and put on a plane to Seattle, where Callie started taking care of the infected leg. The two watched movies and talked all night (though Arizona remembered none of it). Arizona later approached Callie and Callie told her the real reason was because she didn't have the money for four-star restaurants anymore but Arizona told her that they could stay in and eat sandwiches. Callie then revealed that she was pregnant and that Mark was the father. Mark and Cristina both suggested that she lie and say she broke up with Arizona, but after Arizona approached her and told her that she loved how Callie cared so much about things and wouldn't care if Callie lied, Callie decided not to lie because her family should accept her. At the end of the evening, Callie and Arizona started fighting again at their apartment. The doctors, Arizona in particular, weren't extremely happy about the award and went back to work. We spent our money on four park-to-park tickets, four Express Passes, and food. Arizona told her to pop the hood and she quickly pulled the horn wire, which she told Eliza she'd need to have fixed. Mark then informed Arizona that Lexie died. Originally, Alex was on the plane to Boise to represent Arizona's department, but then Arizona heard that he had chosen to take the fellowship at Johns Hopkins instead of staying in Seattle to study under her. Not knowing that Callie was staying at Meredith's with Sofia, Arizona went back to the hospital and tried to get someone to page Callie 911, as Callie didn't reply to Arizona's pages. CurrentRobbins-Herman Center for Women's HealthFormerGrey Sloan Memorial HospitalSeattle Grace HospitalSeattle Grace Mercy West HospitalNamboze ClinicJohns Hopkins Hospital Later, Arizona was confronted by Eliza in the parking lot, with Eliza claiming while Arizona was acting as though she was against her, she was really afraid of Eliza being fired, as that would mean the pair could pursue a relationship. What season of Grey's anatomy teased Arizona's plane crash? Arizona took her to work and put her in the daycare for the day. Following the death of Dr. Jordan Kenley (John Sloman), Chief Webber (James Pickens, Jr.) replaces his head of pediatric surgery with Dr. Arizona Robbins, a graduate of the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine. She told Arizona that Arizona promised to allow her to scrub in on the surgery on the night of the gala. Shortly after the crash, Arizona was lying next to the front part of the wreckage and she kept on screaming until Cristina yelled at her to shut up. Arizona really wanted to meet her, but she was nervous and it also reminded her that she had nobody. Her reasons were metaphorical: she deals mostly with newborns at work; she does not want to deal with them in her personal life, but she claimed "[she is] super flattered. She got a haircut and chose Callie's favorite red dress. When Mark died 30 days later, Callie went into her bedroom, where Arizona was just sitting in bed, and she told Arizona that she couldn't keep doing things alone. During the surgery, Lauren complimented both Arizona and Jackson for having bought the hospital and saved the staff. Arizona then confessed she couldn't stand the way everyone stared at her, and the way everyone talked and judged her, including April. However, Arizona had an infection in her leg that she could have died from if she didn't cut off the leg. Arizona apologized, but Lauren made no big deal out of it and just took Arizona's coffee instead. When Callie started talking about how great her girlfriend was and how they connected, Arizona asked her to dial down the enthusiasm a little and advised her to read the room before opening her mouth. Leah promised her she wouldn't tell anybody what happened, but Arizona cut her off and said she could be more useful handling patients on the floor, making Leah leave. Callie did come up with a plan to save the leg and although Owen mentioned a prosthetic would give Arizona a much better quality of life, the surgery was planned. Arizona explained that Callie was the one person she trusted most in her life, and she was the one who decided to cut off the leg. She later assured Andrew she didn't want him to move out of the house and expressed support for him. Arizona then points Meredith, Mark, and Cristina into the direction of a consistent banging sound, which turned out to be Lexie, who was crushed under a part of the plane, banging a belt against the metal. She clarified she really wants to fix the relationship that she had broken, while Callie wants to fix her. She managed to teach Arizona everything from the one-year fellowship in less than half the time, thus making Arizona officially an attending fetal surgeon. When he told her he couldn't feel his legs, she suddenly stopped laughing, and he said he knew that was bad. Arizona then gave Callie her lawyer's card and stated they would only talk through her. Impressed by Lauren's skills, Callie whispered to Arizona that she was a little bit in love with Lauren, and Arizona awkwardly smiled. Leah planned to scrub in on a surgery with Arizona, which was observed by Emma, but Arizona said the OR was full and sent Leah away. She said her wingman couldn't also be her dad. [40], After the failed attempt, she and Richard continued their nights out to the lesbian bar. "So please, don't run," Arizona asked her wife. On the day of the judgment about the plane crash, Arizona interrupted Derek's ping-pong game to inform him that the lawyer called to tell that they had to meet at the courthouse. Snap out of this?" How does Arizona Robbins die? She told Callie that they were having a baby when Callie came home that night after a long day of work. Workplace When things sparked between Mark and Teddy, Arizona was again the one she confided in. After not seeing Arizona for a few days, Carina asked her if she was okay. [8], On Arizona's first day back at work, Callie urged everyone not to make a big deal out of it and unbeknownst to Arizona, she put Heather Brooks on wheelchair duty, so Arizona would have a wheelchair nearby when she wanted to sit down. Because Callie broke the promise, Arizona began to ignore her. Emma apologized for being too personal, but Arizona didn't mind as they do too personal on a daily basis at Grey Sloan Memorial. While looking for spare batteries for the NICU machines, Arizona confessed to Alex that she cheated on Callie with "that woman out there" and that she felt horrible about it. Arizona yelled at her for not checking her voicemail, where she left her a message. Later that day, during the proposal when Matthew told April he felt a shock when he first saw her, Arizona and Lauren looked at each other. Arizona rebuffed her obsession and ended things. On her first day at the hospital, the only person Teddy knew was Owen. Arizona Robbins saw Karev as a promising peds surgeon who was dedicated despite his temper and personal issues and continued to maintain a good mentor-student relationship with him until the end of Alex's residency. Lexie was on the plane that crashed when she, Meredith, Cristina, Mark, Arizona Robbins (Jessica Capshaw), and Derek Shepherd (Patrick Dempsey) were traveling to another hospital to perform surgery to separate conjoined twins. Alias He then went away to do other work and left her alone to give her some time. She met Carina at a bar. "How the hell am I supposed to snap out of this when you cut off my leg?" The next day at the hospital, Callie told Arizona, who started apologizing for the previous night, that they were going to take a break and live apart for a while, with switching off Sofia every two nights. Title(s) While walking to the ER, Arizona noticed Heather with the wheelchair and asked if she could help her, but Heather talked herself out of it with an excuse. When Arizona won a grant to advance pediatric surgery in less developed countries, she gave her notice and resigned. Despite this, Eliza found Arizona at the end of the day and told her that her allowing Leah to take the lead on the Wallace baby was a perfect example of her teaching strategy and thanked her for being on board.