[41] Its eventual downfall was to result from the use of illegal methods, ordered and authorized by Mary Sue, to further its campaign. I just wanted to be free of him! Please do believe I do so want to help you get Alexis."[64]. [17] The Hubbards' relationship was unconventional, as their butler, Ken Urquhart, later recalled: "Neither Ron nor Mary Sue lived the way one might have expected in a house like that. I've been married twice. Alternative_Effort 7 mo. "[12] Joan Vidal, a friend of the sculptor Edward Harris, who was commissioned by Hubbard to create a bust of him, described Mary Sue as "a rather drab, mousy, nothing sort of person, quite a bit younger than him. It was horrible. "[76] As Downsborough put it, he portrayed himself as "a constant victim of women". [1] She soon rose to the rank of a second degree member, or "Magician", of the O.T.O. [88] In one publication the Church has airbrushed Northrup out of a photograph of the couple that appeared in the Miami Daily News issue of June 30, 1946. Parsons told Helen to her face that he preferred Northrup sexually: "This is a fact that I can do nothing about. Scientology founder L. Ron Hubbard served in the US Navy in the 1940s. She recalled that "with or without an argument, there'd be an upsurge of violence. Without him, none of this would have been possible; and so to Ron goes my everlasting gratitude for having provided for all of us the road to Clear. She was a highly intelligent woman who helped her husband with his research and writing. "[50] Hubbard enlisted de Mille and another Dianeticist, Dave Williams, in an attempt to convince her to stay with him. Hubbard married his third wife, Mary Sue Whipp, in 1952. When she first came to me with this wild story about how her husband had taken her baby I was determined to help her all I could. [50] Her husband avoided being indicted but was extremely concerned that Mary Sue would betray him. [38] Northrup became Hubbard's personal auditor (Dianetic counselor)[39] and was hailed by him as one of the first Dianetic "Clears". According to Mayo: She was really offended and very upset. In 1952, Mary Sue and Ron were married. [47], Klowden recalled later that "he was very down in the dumps about his wife. [11] and had a son in 1943 who bore Parsons' surname but who was almost certainly fathered by Smith. Confessedly a member of the Young Communists. She worked with her husband, completing tasks for him and helping to dull his temper when he raged at other members. Fur coats, Lincoln cars and a young man without any concept of honor so far turned the head of the woman who had been associated with me that on discovery of her affairs, she and these others, hungry for money and power, sought to take over and control all of Dianetics. L. Ron Hubbard's drug use is a classic example of his hypocrisy. Sara Elizabeth Bruce Northrup Hollister (April 8, 1924 December 19, 1997) was an occultist and second wife of Scientologist founder L. Ron Hubbard. Mary Sue strongly opposed these changes and reappointed herself Controller, rescinding the CMO's permission to investigate the GO. But I am 13 years older than she. "[14], In August 1945, Northrup met L. Ron Hubbard for the first time. [78] In December 1995, Hubbard had a mastectomy of her left breast. L. Ron Hubbard's wife, Mary Sue Hubbard, was an important part of the Church of Scientology. According to Russell Miller, "The crew worked to the point of exhaustion, the food was meager and no one was allowed to wash or change their clothes. When Hubbard's active stint in the Navy was over he stayed on the West Coast, moving to Los Angeles in 1945. [48] Meisner became increasingly reluctant to cooperate with his GO handlers and in April 1977 he was forcibly taken by GO staff to a new hiding place. After the vessel had been renovated by Scientologists, Mary Sue and the children moved into the upper-deck accommodation in November 1968. 10 Of The Strangest Stories About Scientology's L. Ron Hubbard [51] Around the end of February 1980, Ron Hubbard went into hiding[52] and remained in seclusion in the small town of Creston, California, for the remaining six years of his life. I want her always. [38] The raids were in response to the federal government's discovery that the Church of Scientology had been carrying out a secret and highly illegal "dirty tricks" campaign against government agencies, individuals, and institutions deemed to be enemies of Scientology. [76], The writer Christopher Evans has noted that "So painful do the memories of these incidents appear to be that L. Ron has more than once denied that he was ever married to Sarah [sic] Northrup at all. He sought to explain it to his followers as being the result of his victimization by his ex-wife. Hubbard took with him only two people, a married couple named Pat and Anne Broeker. They would go to bed very late, usually in the small hours of the morning, and get up in the early afternoon [Mary Sue] had a separate bedroom, but usually had breakfast with him scrambled eggs, sausages, mushrooms and tomatoes. An attempt was made to have her sign an affidavit stating that she was in fact the daughter of L. Ron Hubbard's first son, her half-brother L. Ron Hubbard, Jr.[87], As the United Press International news agency noted, Church of Scientology biographies of Hubbard's life do not mention either of his first two wives. "[8] Despite the tensions between them, Hubbard, Northrup and Parsons agreed at the start of 1946 that they would go into business together, buying yachts on the East Coast and sailing them to California to sell at a profit. I was under enormous stress and my advisers insisted it was necessary for me to carry through an action as I have done. Commonly armed. She told him: "All right, I'll marry you, if that's going to save you. ", HUBBARD: "I never had a second wife."[78]. David was an original deputy to the late founder L. Ron Hubbard and had been working in the upper hierarchy of the Church since he was a teenager. [54], She died of breast cancer in 1997 but in the last few months of her life she dictated a tape-recorded account of her relationship with Hubbard. "[20], By this time, Mary Sue was working as the chief course supervisor at Saint Hill Manor. Northrup played a significant role in the development of Dianetics, Hubbard's "modern science of mental health", between 1948 and 1951. At the order of both of the Hubbards, the GO ran scores of operations against Scientology's enemies. A few hours later, he returned with two of his Dianetics Foundation staff and told Northrup, who was now back at her apartment: "We have Alexis and you'll never see her alive unless you come with us. I gathered a couple of dozen of the most proven Church executives from around the world and briefed them on the criminal and other unethical conduct of the GO. She is all I have to live for. The grand jury named Hubbard as an unindicted co-conspirator; the seized Guardian Office. "[8] She believed all of it, though none of his claims of wartime action or injuries was true.[8]. Her disruptive behavior appalled Fred Gwynn, a new O.T.O. Founder of scientology son's death: What happened to Quentin Hubbard? That's it. Recently released FBI files show L. Ron Hubbard offering to - MuckRock Northrup filed a kidnapping complaint with the Los Angeles Police Department on her return home but was rebuffed by the police, who dismissed the affair as a mere domestic dispute. "[14] Cyril Vosper, one of the Saint Hill staff at the time, noted the differing impressions left by the Hubbards: "I always had great warmth and admiration for Ron he was a remarkable individual, a constant source of new information and ideas but I thought Mary Sue was an exceedingly nasty person. She told the court that she had not seen her husband since January 1980, "but I've written him personal letters but I don't believe he's getting them" as he had not replied to them. Mary Sue and two others received the heaviest penalties, a five-year prison sentence and a $10,000 fine. Nothing of this known to me until a few weeks ago. They set up a business partnership on January 15, 1946 under the name of "Allied Enterprises", with Parsons putting up $20,000 of capital, Hubbard adding $1,200 and Northrup contributing nothing. By this time, Mary Sue had become a key figure within the nascent Scientology movement. He went to live at the house and investigated the black magic rites and the general situation and found them very bad. The criminal conviction of the GO's top executives triggered a lengthy power struggle at the top of the Church of Scientology, which would lead eventually to Mary Sue being forced into retirement. A curly haired, middle-aged woman - who US magazine National . The Hubbards returned to the United States in November when their visa expired and moved into an apartment in Philadelphia. For more than a decade, the whereabouts of Shelly Miscavige, the reportedly missing wife of Scientology leader David, has been hotly debated. I'll just go to the airplane. [76] Mary Sue Hubbard continued to be active in Scientology well into the 1990s; in a 1994 Scientology magazine, she was listed as a "Patron" of the International Association of Scientologists, indicating a donation of $40,000. Sara Northrup Hubbard, 2nd wife of L. Ron Hubbard Hubbard's strange writings did seem to imbue him with a special kind of confidence and belief in his own abilities, which for many seemed like supernatural powers. According to him, Sara had served a stretch at Tahatchapie [sic] (in a desert woman's prison) and was a dope addict. He told her that she was "in a state of complete madness" due to being dictated to and hypnotized by Hollister and his "communist cell". Hubbard had a personal steward, as did Mary Sue and the Hubbard children, who all had their own cabins. [13], Similar concerns were expressed by other O.T.O. In the late 1990s, Hubbard fell ill with breast cancer and died in 2002. Mary Sue Hubbard and the GO, however, did not simply capitulate. Apart from captaining the Royal Scotman for a period, Mary Sue's duties included managing the sprawling empire of the Guardian's Office agency within the Church of Scientology and serving as the chair of an executive group known variously as the Commodore's Staff Aides, the Aides Council, and the International Board of Scientology Organizations. Burglaries and Lies Paved a Path to Prison - Los Angeles Times [27] The wedding attracted criticism from L. Sprague de Camp, another science fiction colleague of Hubbard's, who suggested to the Heinleins that he supposed "Polly was tiresome about not giving him his divorce so he could marry six other gals who were all hot & moist over him. Alexis will get a fortune unless she goes to you as she would then get nothing. The FBI declined to take any action, characterizing Hubbard as a "mental case". "[70] She did not give evidence but was awarded custody of Alexis and $200 a month in child support. Her actual true name is a Russian name. Meals for the Commodore and his family were cooked in a separate galley by their personal chef, using ingredients brought by couriers from the United States.[26]. But he did save her life and pull her out of that whole black magic ring. Mary Sue Hubbard was still asserting her authority over the GO from her position as Controller. [85], Neither Northrup nor Alexis made any further attempt to contact Hubbard, who disinherited Alexis in his will, written in January 1986 on the day before he died. A change in the visa regime in the UK enabled foreigners to remain indefinitely if they had sufficient means to support themselves. She struck the familiar pose of not seeing, hearing or knowing any evil. He stated: In 1981, a Church investigation was begun into the activities of the GO. His wife was in prison and his estranged son believed he was either dead or insane. or so the stories go. One of his aides, David Mayo, was dispatched by Hubbard to suggest that Mary Sue might consider a divorce. Although he bluffed it out initially, a warrant was issued for his arrest in August. In 1923 the family moved to Pasadena, a destination said to have been chosen by Olga using a Ouija board. "[69], On June 12, Hubbard was awarded a divorce in the County Court of Sedgwick County, Kansas on the basis of Northrup's "gross neglect of duty and extreme cruelty", which had caused him "nervous breakdown and impairment to health. The suit was filed by Mr. Hubbard's third wife, Mary Sue Hubbard, the stepmother of Mr. Hubbard's oldest son, Ronald DeWolf. Scientology leader is MISSING as lawyers try to seek him over child I doubt that she would face what you have with me or support me as well. [11] Northrup also became pregnant but had an abortion on April 1, 1943, arranged by Parsons and carried out by Dr. Zachary Taylor Malaby, a prominent Pasadena doctor and Democratic politician. She had covered up for him so much, and there had been so many opportunities for her to betray him, that she couldn't believe he would think that. [47], The espionage continued for another three months before Meisner's luck ran out and he was caught in June 1976. She became involved in Hubbard's Dianetics in 1951, while still a student at the University of Texas at Austin, becoming a Dianetics auditor. I believed Sara absolutely; there was no question about the truth in my opinion. Your character is superior. Mary Sue Hubbard | Scientology Lies Hubbard rescued a girl they were using. "[52] She left Palm Springs on February 3, leaving Hubbard to complain that Northrup "had hypnotized him in his sleep and commanded him not to write. The protagonist, "a bastard child", would be the son of the three most virile men in the town (a satire of the Holy Trinity). Coffee or Die Magazine | Scientology Founder L. Ron Hubbard Was an Ate . She was forced from her post as controller, convicted and imprisoned as a felon, and deserted by her husband. L. Ron Hubbard Presents Writers Of The Future; Tuesday Trash And Trouble ~ The Friday Night Mystery Club by Joanna Campbell Slan; The Adventures Of Winston The Pig: Meet Winston ~ Guest Post And Giveaway; No Small Murder ~ A Mini-Meadows Mystery by Lena Gregory; Invocation: Days Of Iron & Clay by Aileen Erin ~ Cover Reveal And Giveaway; categories I make this statement of my own free will for I have begun to realize that what I have done may have injured the science of Dianetics, which in my studied opinion may be the only hope of sanity in future generations. He became disillusioned with Scientology and left the Church, taking with him copies of biographical material, including Hubbard's letters to Mary Sue over the years. [63] Hubbard continued to develop Dianetics (and ultimately Scientology), through which he met his third and last wife, Mary Sue Whipp, in late 1951 only a few months after his divorce. She and Hubbard eloped, taking with them a substantial amount of Parsons' life savings and marrying bigamously a year later while Hubbard was still married to his first wife, Margaret Grubb. Parsons initially attempted to obtain redress through magical means, carrying out a "Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram" to curse Hubbard and Northrup. Lafayette Ron Hubbard is a controversial figure. Georgia Guidestones Were Built by L. Ron Hubbard Mary Sue Hubbard, third wife of L. Ron, was sentenced to four years and given a fine of $10,000. Scientology Founder's Wife Gets Prison Term - Washington Post Sometimes when the two of them were sitting at the table together, the hostility was almost tangible. [15] Hubbard soon began an affair with Northrup after beginning "affairs with one girl after another in the house. Since. [69] She was sent to the federal prison in Lexington, Kentucky, to serve her sentence,[70] though in the end, she was released after only a year of imprisonment.[71]. Dissmissed [sic] in February when affiliations discovered. Speaking several years later to the St. Petersburg Times newspaper, Miscavige commented: I knew if it was going to be a physical takeover we're going to lose because they had a couple thousand staff and we (the "messengers") had about 50. [33] The couple moved to a rented trailer in North Hollywood in July 1947, where Hubbard spent much of his time writing stories for pulp magazines. [11], A family friend, Ray Kemp, later recalled: "their relationship seemed OK, but there never seemed to be a lot of love between them. [9], In June 1941, at the age of seventeen, she began a passionate affair with Parsons while her sister Helen was away on vacation. Suspected only. She was part of a free love colony in Pasadena. Hubbard would evolve into the leader of the Church of Scientology.[1]. [32], The relationship was not an easy one. The divorce of Sara Hubbard, April 1951 - Spaink The wife of the founder of Scientology, L. Ron Hubbard, has filed a $5 million suit against Mr. Hubbard's son, charging "massive fraud" in his 1982 effort to have his father declared legally dead or mentally incompetent. L. Ron Hubbard's last refuge - New Times San Luis Obispo My wife Sara."[74]. [3] The couple had three daughters. Sorted by date as received from FBI archives. The targets were not just external enemies but dissident Scientologists; in 1969, Mary Sue wrote an order directing the GO to cull information from the confessional folders of Scientologists, breaking a rule of confidence that was supposedly sacrosanct. It began when Sara's father died. Despite her complicated feelings toward the man, Sara was overwhelmed with grief and sadness. The house was torn down. Apparently it is the ordinary confidence trick."[19]. Spy vs. spy: How Scientology and the CIA battled 40 years ago [60] She stood down again, being replaced by a South African Scientologist named Gordon Cook,[61] and Jane Kember was replaced by David Gaiman, a British Scientologist.[62]. Things like, "Be his wife, have a family that looks good, not have a divorce." Russell Miller notes: They were indeed an unlikely couple a flamboyant, fast-talking extrovert entrepreneur in his forties and a quiet, intense young woman twenty years his junior from a small town in Texas. "[83], Despite clearly being written by Hubbard, who spoke in the first person in the letter, it was signed "Your good friend, J. Edgar Hoover". Despite this, she still "felt so guilty about the fact that he was so psychologically damaged. You are a greater person. He never had a child with her. . She had been part of Jack Parsons' group because "she had been sent in there by the Russians. I know, because I personally met with her and obtained her resignation At first, Mary Sue Hubbard was not willing to resign. It's an unimportant detail but he's had three wives What is important is that his followers were there as he lied, but no matter what the evidence they don't believe it. member, wrote to Karl Germer to explain the situation: As you may know by this time, Brother John signed a partnership agreement with this Ron and Betty whereby all money earned by the three for life is equally divided between the three. "[6] Three weeks later, on September 24, 1952, she gave birth to her first child, Diana Meredith de Wolfe Hubbard. One of its principal figures was David Miscavige, a 21-year-old Messenger who had worked as a cameraman for Hubbard. Mary Sue Hubbard She subsequently married one of Hubbard's former employees, Miles Hollister, and moved to Hawaii and later Massachusetts, where she died in 1997. L. Ron Hubbard PO Box 24152 Tampa, FL 33623 28 November 1980. They used to have fierce husband and wife domestic arguments. His wife is Mary Sue Whipp (30 October 1952 - 24 January 1986) ( his death) ( 4 children), Sara Northrup (10 August 1946 - 13 June 1951) ( divorced) ( 1 child), Margaret Louise Grubb (13 April 1933 - 24 December 1947) ( divorced) ( 2 children) L. Ron Hubbard Net Worth His lawsuit accused Hubbard and Northrup of breaking the terms of their partnership, dissipating the assets and attempting to abscond. [36] This eventually became the first draft of Hubbard's book Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health, which marked the foundation of Dianetics and ultimately of Scientology. [21] Parsons subsequently resorted to more conventional means of obtaining redress and sued the couple on July 1 in the Circuit Court for Dade County. [44], One of their primary targets was the IRS, with which Scientology was engaged in a bitter battle over tax exemptions. 24 Award-winning Authors and Illustrators 3 Bonus Short Stories by Kevin J. Anderson L. Ron Hubbard S. M. Stirling Art and . Her salary was relatively modest, amounting to $30,430 ($150,732 in 2007 prices) between 1970 and 1972, though she did also benefit from tens of thousands of dollars a year in living expenses paid for by the Church of Scientology. "[46] In November 1950, Northrup attempted suicide by taking sleeping pills. He moved in with me about two months ago, and although Betty and I are still friendly, she has transferred her sexual affection to Ron. L. Ron Hubbard Biography, Age, Height, Wife, Net Worth, Family Helen and Jack were engaged in July 1934[6] and married in April 1935. He wasn't married to her. "[90], After the documentary-maker Alex Gibney directed the film Going Clear, based on Wright's book of the same name and citing Northrup's words about Hubbard, the Church published a video calling Northrup a "failed gold digger" and "self admitted perjurer" who was responsible for "a get-rich-quick scheme [concocted] by the woman and her publicity starved lawyer to try to shake down Mr. Hubbard for money and take over the Hubbard Dianetics Foundation after Dianetics soared to the top of national bestseller lists. [43] L. Ron Hubbard was said to have been fully aware of the GO's actions; the US government would later declare him to be an "unindicted co-conspirator" in the GO's illegal activities. "[91], Although Northrup did not speak out publicly against her ex-husband following their divorce, she broke her silence in 1972. L. Ron Hubbard was previously married to Mary Sue Whipp (1952 - 1986), Sara Northrup (1946 - 1951), Margaret Louise Grubb (1933 - 1947) and Margaret Grubb.. L. Ron Hubbard was in relationships with Barbara Kaye (1950) and Mary Sue Hubbard.. About. members, Northrup's usurpation of Helen's role led to conflict between the two sisters. Mary Sue Hubbard - Wikipedia The Hubbards continued to carry out auditing of each other and in February 1960 Mary Sue wrote to a friend to inform her that her husband had discovered that she had been the writer D.H. Lawrence in a past life. In reality, Hubbard had made an unsuccessful request for assistance from the US military attach to Havana. [34], The Scientology fleet was finally disbanded in 1975, when Hubbard decided to move ashore and establish a "land base" in Florida. Mental disorders of L. Ron Hubbard - Why We Protest The Hubbards lived at a house on Tatum Boulevard (now 5501 North 44th Street)[10] on the slopes of Camelback Mountain in Phoenix for the remainder of 1954. ), a secret society led by the English occultist Aleister Crowley, where she was known as "Soror [Sister] Cassap". [70] Her reunion with her daughter was uncertain to the last, as Hubbard had second thoughts about letting her go as he drove Northrup and Alexis to the local airport. [44] Klowden recalled that Northrup "was very hostile to me. She turned up destitute and pregnant. Hubbard established his career as a writer with science fiction and fantasy novels, including the novel Battlefield Earth, which was adapted into a feature film in 2000. On one occasion, while Northrup was pregnant, Hubbard kicked her several times in the stomach in an apparent though unsuccessful attempt to induce an abortion. I had hoped that you could straighten him out. As far as I know, all his policies and doctrines were race-neutral, which is a big deal for someone from the 1940s. L Ron Hubbard Biography - Facts, Childhood, Family Life of Philosopher His first wife had not obtained divorce until '47 and he was married in '46. "[11], Helen was far less sanguine, writing in her diary of "the sore spot I carried where my heart should be",[11] and had furious sometimes violent rows with both Parsons and Northrup. [8] In October 1953 they returned to the US where Hubbard gave a series of lectures in Camden, New Jersey and established the first Church of Scientology. [30] Their sojourn in Morocco ended abruptly in December 1972 when it became clear that the Church of Scientology was about to be indicted in France for fraud, and that Hubbard himself was potentially at risk of being extradited to appear in court if the case went to trial. [37], On July 8, 1977, 134 agents of the Federal Bureau of Investigation simultaneously stormed the Church of Scientology's offices in Washington, D.C. and Los Angeles, seizing nearly 50,000 documents and other evidence. [51] She stated that she was "not interested in revenge; I'm interested in the truth. David went ballistic at his wife while she . A chance meeting with a man named Jack Parsons led to Hubbard and his new friend performing a bizarre ritual. After her resignation from the GO, Mary Sue Hubbard ceased to have any involvement in the management of the Church of Scientology. Hubbard's financial troubles were reflected in his attempts to persuade the Veterans Administration to increase his pension award on the grounds of a variety of ailments which he said were preventing him finding a job. I loved to make plots. Hubbard and Mary Sue each had their own state-rooms in addition to a suite on the promenade deck comprising an auditing-room, office, an elegant saloon and a wood-paneled dining-room, all off-limits to students and crew. Following the birth, the Hubbards moved into a house in Silver Spring, Maryland. Here I am in Miami pursuing the children of my folly; they cannot move without going to jail. "[47] He told her that he didn't want to be married "for I can buy my friends whenever I want them" but he could not divorce either, as the stigma would hurt his reputation. L. Ron Hubbard's daughter the one he wanted to disappear surfaces online By Tony Ortega, February 6, 2017 . She wrote privately to Paulette Cooper, the author of the book The Scandal of Scientology who was subsequently targeted by the Church's Operation Freakout. [42] Northrup recalled that "he used to Why is he lying about this? "[59] On April 19, as Barbara Klowden recorded in her journal, Hubbard telephoned her from Wichita and told her "he was not legally married. In three years of marriage to Hubbard, she had set up home in seven different states and had never stayed in one place for more than a few months. L. Ron Hubbard and Sara, his second wife, aboard the schooner Blue Water II, June 1946 in Miami, Florida. He promised that he would tell her where Alexis was if she signed a piece of paper saying that she had gone with him voluntarily.