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Those who have opted not to sign the new statement include shadow cabinet members Andy McDonald and Marsha de Cordova, and Labour frontbenchers Sam Tarry, Imran Hussain and Rachael Maskell. The Socialist Campaign Group of Labour MPs has released a statement defending Ken Loach as a "fierce opponent of discrimination", urging the party to reinstate the filmmaker. However, Margaret Beckett, who had been a member of the Campaign Group until 1988, was nominated by 18 Campaign Group MPs, with 5 nominating John Prescott. Is that a genuine hope of just a way to have a dig at the SCG? To avoid this party officials changed the rules mid-contest, at the suggestion of Gould, to allow MPs who had already nominated a candidate to withdraw and support another instead. 47 Labour MPs voted against the proposals including Campaign Group members Ken Livingstone, Ronnie Campbell, Tony Benn, Jeremy Corbyn, Ann Cryer, Alan Simpson, John McDonnell, Dennis Skinner, Audrey Wise, and Diane Abbott. @socialistcam Tweets Socialist Campaign Group @socialistcam Occasional tweets from the Socialist Campaign Group of Labour MPs. and I dont think they have the political bottle to take on the Labour Right and the rich and powerful, with the advocacy of left wing policies and actions. It brought to an end a decades-long, Angela Rayner has declared that evidence presented by the privileges committee is absolutely damning for Boris Johnson after, Huq regains whip following suspension for calling Kwarteng superficially Black, The Mo Mowlam cinematic arts studio is a fitting tribute to her remarkable life, Rayner: Privileges committee evidence absolutely damning for Johnson, Labour warned relationship with trans people could be irreversibly fractured, Labours parliamentary selection process is under scrutiny for good reason, Our rolling list of Labour parliamentary candidate selections, Exclusive: Byrne files official notification over alleged intimidation, Book review: Out of the Blue by James Heale and Harry Cole, LabourList relies on the support of its readers please donate. The Centre-Left was an elitist alliance between parliamentary supporters of former Labor leader Bill Hayden (who had resigned in favor of Bob Hawke) and smaller state party officials who feared the move away from equal state representation at National Conferences would lead to a loss of influence. Especially when they get paid 80k a year with a generous expense account and a good pension. my god the transformation into the UK version of the far right Yanky Democratic party of bullshit is complete. Totally off subject but thought I whould throw that in there as I have messed around in this field for many years now and vertebral every smith that uses it has to mask up because its not pleasant stuff. The right of free speech and assembly, the entrenchment of civil liberties and human rights and the right to organise voluntary associations and free trade unions for the purpose of protecting and improving the prospects for those who belong to them, and in particular, the right to withdraw labour as a means of securing justice. Socialist Campaign Group Page Socialist Campaign Group Page Newsletter 3 - July 2020 Building Back Better In our latest newsletter, members of the Socialist Campaign Group of Labour MPs look at how the Left must respond to the public health and economic crisis and call for solidarity with Palestine. when he was really quite another. As we can all see thats been a rip-roaring success. [43], No Campaign Group MPs backed Tony Blair, who went on to win the contest. Its the electoral equivalent of a drunk looking in the light of a street lamp, for something lost in the dark across the road. Not sure what they are up to but I will keep this situation under review.. Socialist Campaign Group of MPs Splits. Allegedly. After all there is already a report being prepared. Thanks. The rule that shadow cabinet MPs could not be group members caused difficulties, and this rule was removed, allowing the group to recover to 23 members by 2019.[28]. The right to equality of treatment under just laws, free from all discrimination based upon class, sex, race, life-style or beliefs. Combat medals without taking part, Tory Rory here in the UK is similar. Labour's Silence on Apsana Begum Shows How Morally Bankrupt the Party Its up to us the people on the ground whod rather not give-up on the despicable and often authoritarian (show me your papers) Labour party. Since theyve mostly BEEN members of the SCG, who have gone very quiet since Starmer, I wouldnt get your hopes up. Margaret Beckett described this change as "unprecedented". They signed StopTheWar letter. "[16] Labour Party historian Alex Nunns described how "Left-wing hopefuls, like Christine Shawcroft or Mark Seddon, were stopped at all costs. Jeremy Corbyn is the MP for Islington North and former leader of the Labour Party. Take AOC. The right to a good home for all in which to live, bring up children and care for all dependents. Organisation [ edit] Lefty MPs who said 'aggressive' UK provoked Russia turn on Putin Len McCluskey, leader of the Unite union, Labour's biggest financial donor, also rolled back from his more combative tone from Thursday, saying it was "a sensitive time" and people should remain. Just read that report by unite on Ford report.First thoughts is how can anyone remain in a party of criminals that stole members money to pay staff to divert money and destroy Jeremy Corbyn and a socialist government in waiting..The hatred and bile can be understood especially when dealing with fascists now in charge and out of control.The part that Mcnicol played as G Secretary was the fulcrum for criminal behaviour and in any other party the Police would be called in..This I cant understand.ITs all too late and they know it with just token resistance from a minority who stay and ?keep feeding the parasites infesting the Labour party. [5], The Campaign Group subsequently organised itself around opposition to the direction the party took under the leadership of Kinnock and his successors. Enquiry as they were gathering their evidence? Below is the full text of the Socialist Campaign Group statement and its signatories. THE Socialist Campaign Group of Labour MPs called on the party to immediately reinstate the membership of filmmaker and anti-racist Ken Loach today. Two minutes before the deadline Corbyn reached the threshold of 35 nominations, having been 'lent' nominations from MPs who did not support him but were persuaded to nominate him by grassroots members and Campaign Group MPs. The paper published articles by Campaign Group MPs alongside left wing Labour Party activists and trade unionists. A coalition of left-wing MPs, unions and Labour members are calling on Keir Starmer to hold an emergency party conference, HuffPost UK has learned. ", This page was last edited on 30 January 2023, at 22:23. Off topic.. Not only do the PTB want to slowly poisonous all, but they are using falsehoods to do so: The following clips from a letter sent to Boris Johnson by two scientists regarding the Governments intention to fluoridate the water supply are self-explanatory: Further to our letter dated 5th September 2021, we have not yet received any acknowledgement of its receipt or any reply from your office despite it being sent by recorded delivery. Fingers crossed ..like many I would like to see the Cant see him here: While Corbyn was party leader, from 2015 to 2019, Socialist Campaign Group activity reduced as many members joined the shadow cabinet. For doing precisely sod all if they so choose. The MPs wrote: The Equality and Human Rights Commision report ought to have been an important moment for the Labour Party to reflect and move forward together in battle against antisemitism. [23], The Coalition organised what is widely thought to be the largest demonstration in British history, when on 15 February 2003, over a million people[24] marched against the War in Iraq. The BBC's Adam Fleming revealed that the Socialist Campaign Group - a . The injustice against the Palestinian people is intensifying. Everything changed in 2015. Just reading a cracking book, Why We Cant Afford The Rich by Andrew Sayer. Fantasy politics : A new party led by Howard Beckett(?) Can it not be more? The cut was brought in by Harriet Harman, Secretary of State for Social Security, who championed the cut despite the majority of people affected being women and children who were already poor. PS this is not a invitation to f and blind..! The document describes the group as a space for organising but denies that it will be a central identity, despite the new and presumably centralised legal structure for handling its funds but its Principles of organising together again emphasise that it intends to play a part in Keir Starmers front bench team: We are pushing the Labour leadership to do better on its economic approach and socialand environmental justice issues Individual MPs step forward to push particular issues together and not everyone willwork on everything Were not setting up a central identity, just an organising space for collaboration andplanning action. Sorry comrades to be so harsh but with the climate crisis, the cost of living crisis, Right Wing Tory Authoritarianism and War mongering we dont have the time for Left Wing Labour to turn things around or the Lefts CUSTERS LAST STAND! In the US, a relatively small group in the Senate/HoR can exert significant pressure, particularly when their party holds the presidency and has a tenuous hold on the two houses. http://frozenbritishpensions.org/our-members/, These SNP, Tories, Lib Dem MPs are more Socialist than Sam Tarry, The Socialist Party already exists, build it up with JC as their star signing then there is a chance to attract unions, members and supporters First published in March 1986,[73] Socialist Campaign Group News was the monthly magazine of the Campaign Group. The right to life, free from fear, oppression, ignorance, preventable ill-health or poverty. Oh and you can add Sam Tarry from the above list. Only kidding. Talks a good game. He told The Times newspaper "I am here today because thousands of people who elected me just cannot afford to pay. Christine Blower The squawking one claims: Sam Gorst, Labour councillor for Liverpool's Cressington ward, was . People are getting wise to the Establishment liar. Well, they seem to be anticipating some funding already, bank account? Left The SCG statement describing the reinstatement of Corbyn as correct and the continued suspension of the party whip as wrong and damaging has 32 signatories, including 27 Labour MPs plus Claudia Webbe. [17], Alan Simpson, a member of the Campaign Group during the New Labour years, described it as "the only bolt-hole of real political thought that I found throughout my parliamentary years they were the MPs you would always find on picket lines, at trade union and social movement rallies, on anti-war marches and at the forefront of campaigns to restore rather than exploit the planet. I think they are career politicians. It is the funds from hidden and unknown sources which Yes, Starmers turning up to commemorate the 13 citizens murdered by the British Estalishment. The Socialist Campaign Group of Labour MPs on the party's left wing have issued a statement calling for the reversal of the decision taken by Keir Starmer not to restore the whip to Jeremy Corbyn. SKWAWKBOX needs your help. [36] Benn secured only 11.4% of the vote (17.2% of MPs, 19.6% of CLPs and 0.2% of affiliated unions). [36] At a meeting of the Campaign Group following this election defeat, it was agreed that Tony Benn should stand against Kinnock in a leadership election, although Benn himself was reluctant to run. It was formed in December 1982 following the 1981 Labour Party deputy leadership election when a number of soft left MPs, led by Neil Kinnock, refused to back Tony Benn's campaign, leading a number of left-wing Benn-supporting MPs to split from the Tribune Group to form the Socialist Campaign Group.[1]. So, these MPs and MSP are going to fund this, in part, with 1000 payments from their training budget? Hes intendng to recite his TenPledges again with his fingers crossed behind his back. [19] Backbench Labour MPs, led by the Campaign Group, opposed these plans, speaking and voting against them in Parliament. Trying to save their own necks more like. Ive just found this on FB. Hes the proverbial waste of space as leader of Labour. Enter your email address to receive notifications of new posts by email. The site is provided free of charge but depends on the support of its readers to be viable. Former Shadow Home Secretary. SCG MPs who did not sign the statement released on Wednesday: Paula Barker; Olivia Blake; Dan Carden; Marsha de Cordova; Rachel Hopkins; Imran Hussain; Kim Johnson; Lewis; Rachael Maskell; Andy McDonald; Nav Mishra; Charlotte Nichols; Kate Osamor; Lloyd Russell Moyle; Sam Tarry; and Whittome. Socialist Campaign Group MPs. They have cut off their legs. Well Ill give this group time. [65], On 24 September 2016, Corbyn was re-elected Leader of the Labour Party in another landslide victory, increasing his share of the vote from 59.5% to 61.8%. Thanks for reminding us why this new group needs our active support. Welcome to Socialist Councillors - Socialist Councillors with Corbyn as honorary President would be a more exciting development. Eleven Labour MPs and Jeremy Corbyn backed a Stop the War campaign . [34] In the 1987 General Election Margaret Thatcher's Conservatives won a landslide victory and were nearly 12% ahead of Labour in the popular vote. It appears that the UKs four Chief Medical Officershave already concluded Water Fluoridation is safe, citing the footnoted references made in the Policy Paper. Temporary commission in the military as an officer , Lets see what they deliver from their wish list. Zarah Sultana MP History is with the science. Absolutely pathetic from a bunch of cowards. Socialist Campaign Group MPs John McDonnell and Diane Abbott both sought nominations to run; however, McDonnell withdrew from the race after it became clear he would not receive sufficient nominations, and instead supported Abbott to give her the best chance of making it onto the ballot. Our dedicated coverage of Labour's policies and personalities, internal debates, selections and elections relies on donations from our readers. https://unitealliance.org/unite-the-union-submission-to-the-forde-inquiry/. "Campaign Group" redirects here. strategic use of parliamentaryspeeches and questions clipped for social media, coordination around Private MembersBills and amendments to Bills, media interventions around select committeeappearances etc Playing with Parliamentary conventions to capture media attention and generate debatein Westminster i.e. To her credit, she footslogged like no other. But ask how she got her rank without the 15 years service? LabourList has more readers than ever before - but we need your support. MS by Michael Segalov,. All point in the same direction infant IQ loss (or increased ADHD symptoms) associated with fluoride exposure at the doses experienced in artificially fluoridated communities. Before their eyes Corbyn is once again humiliated without even a discussion and NOTHING! I couldnt agree more. Really?! [43][44], In 2007 only 24 of 353 Labour MPs were members of the Socialist Campaign Group and party rules required nominations from 45 MPs (12.5% of the Parliamentary Labour Party) to make it onto the ballot paper. [33], During his time as Leader Neil Kinnock moved the Labour party to adopt centrist politics. News, politics, insights, inside information from the left. Answer nothing. Despite the scale of the opposition from Labour MPs and campaigners, Harman continued to implement the cuts. It looks to me like an attempt by a group of MPs to differentiate themselves from the SCG in the hope that they can retain their positions in the face of a possible removal of all left- wing members of the PLP. Just wonder if this is the prelude to a leadership bid by at least a couple of them. [45] However, although Meacher gave his support to McDonnell following Blair's resignation not all of his supporters switched allegiance, leaving McDonnell short of the nominations required and leading to Gordon Brown becoming leader unopposed. [36] The scale of this defeat was a surprise to Benn, in particular the decline in support from CLPs since the 1983 election, and strengthened Kinnock's position, which he used to take the party further towards centrism. Hopefully on the right side of history. mis- used by Starmer to suppress democracy. [66], Following the 2019 general election, the Socialist Campaign Group reformed for 20192024. Rupa Huq has had the Labour whip restored following her suspension from the party after she described then, This year marks the 25th anniversary of the Good Friday Agreement. And all they have is their heads but they say We wont nut you as a tiny minority we will try to persuade you hmm. Apsana Begum MP Three candidates sought nominations: John Smith, the favourite, regarded as being "from the right" of the party, Bryan Gould, from the "centre-left" and Ken Livingstone, the Campaign Group candidate. Then renaged coz Starmer threatened them. that the group hopes to persuade to part with cash to achieve an alliance between GND [green new deal] and new/progressive economics. [61] Anti-Corbyn MPs had been briefing the media "for months to expect movement against Corbyn on 24 June",[62] suggesting that the opposition to Corbyn was not primarily motivated by his actions during the referendum. Good luck, now let's organise! Kay Clark A Labour spokesperson subsequently announced that Corbyn had been suspended, and the Parliamentary Labour Party whip removed from the Labour MP, in light of his comments made today and his failure to retract them. If you wish to republish this post for non-commercial use, you are welcome to do so seeherefor more. The Socialist Campaign Group of Labour MPs on the partys left wing have issued a statement calling for the reversal of the decision taken by Keir Starmer not to restore the whip to Jeremy Corbyn. FWIW, I like the new financially independent group is honest, specifically: * That its not separatist against the authoritarian pro-neoliberal, (anti-socialist) centrists; * that it remains like a thorn in its side within the historical Labour party (until the aggressive RW gets its act together and suspends every single group member and the tens of thousands of former party members who support, raise money for, sustain community links and campaign in support of the new group; * that it is investigating a new organisational structure (not least to protect itself from the authoritarian pro-crony-capitalism clique currently serving Sir Keir of the Establishment Starmer, but sure as eggs someone else in the very near future). This new initiative does not smell good to me. [36], Following this election the party rules were changed to quadruple the number of MPs required to nominate a candidate to launch a leadership challenge from 5% to 20% (lowered in 1993 to 12.5% for elections where the incumbent had resigned). We all kow what they should be doing is planning a new party. Fluoride is used in the corrosive etching process. Peter Barberis, John McHugh and Mike Tyldesley. Ian Mearns MP Patrick Seyd, The Rise and Fall of the Labour Left (1987), p. 223. Although Blair was able to win these votes with the support of Conservative MPs, 139 Labour MPs voted against his plans for war, one of the largest rebellions ever seen in the Commons. Peace and Justice Joseph. The right to receive the best possible medical care, free, and at the moment of need. As soon as it became clear that John Smith was the front runner, more and more MPs simply jumped on his bandwagon. Dan Carden MP Can I ask you why you think hes a Socialist? Will Starmer move against the Socialist Campaign Group? Signed (32 names) Tahir Ali MP In January 2020, the Socialist Campaign Group was reformed. If youd like to help it keep revealing the news as it is and not what the Establishment wants you to hear and can afford to without hardship pleaseclick hereto arrange a one-off or modest monthly donation via PayPal orhereto set up a monthly donation via GoCardless (SKWAWKBOX will contact you to confirm the GoCardless amount). TWT22 // Socialist Campaign Group of Labour MPs Rally The Campaign Group backed Eric Heffer and Michael Meacher in their unsuccessful bids for the leadership and deputy leadership in 1983. The Socialist Campaign Group, also known as the Campaign Group, officially Socialist Campaign Group of Labour MPs is a left-wing , democratic socialist grouping of Labour Party Members of Parliament in the House of Commons of the United Kingdom. [22], Campaign Group MP Alan Simpson launched Labour Against The War to coordinate parliamentary opposition to Tony Blair's decision to follow George W. Bush in invading Iraq. Only one of the eleven (Kim Johnson) voted against the welfare cap. It would be accurate, at least. On Monday evening, MPs from the Socialist Campaign Group (SCG) issued a statement through Twitter denouncing the government's coronavirus policy as "class war.". The result, boosted by a higher than expected turnout despite the coronavirus pandemic, comes as a surprise after the Socialists had lost most of their advantage in recent opinion polls, and means Portugal will have a stable government to oversee the application of EU pandemic recovery funds. Much was submitted -including some put together by JVL of This session will also be live on TWTtv - sign up here, for free. Olivia Blake MP They have cut off the arms of the Left Labour MPs. But while the vast majority are struggling to get by, its boom time for the privileged few who are getting ever richer and the corporations raking in record profits. If you care share. Richard Burgon MP This is either going down with a fight OR the beginning of a super, socially relevant and economically radical, a democratic socialist rebirth. It could also be, that she is a democrat too and finds difficult to breath in the stench of fascism that the Labour leadership is producing right now. [25], 14 Campaign Group MPs, working with other Labour backbenchers, sought to block the plans by proposing an alternative plan for education. The structure and operation of the political system in the US is completely different from that in the UK. They are only copying their leader after all She was sacked from Cabinet the following year. Time will tell. Jeremy Corbyn will be turning up for the fifty years commemoration since thirteen civilians were murdered by Crown forces on the streets of Derry.Fifty years and still no justice for the murders of innocent civilians.Jeremy Corbyn has always been in the right place at the right time to support the victims of British Occupation of partitioned Ireland.God bless him and all peacemakers. The site is provided free of charge but depends on the support of its readers to be viable. [10], Only 15 Labour MPs supported the Anti Poll Tax Federation. Mary Foy MP [28][29] It supported Rebecca Long-Bailey for Leader and Richard Burgon for Deputy Leader in the 2020 Labour Party leadership election, which was won by Keir Starmer and Angela Rayner, respectively. Some activists have been campaigning for this to end for over 20 years. The UK is completely different so any such group in the UK would, just like the SCG, be largely a talking shop.