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Barely an inconvenience! You may need to do 2 RG runs as you approach e240 IP. These 2x boosts can stack. This is also beneficial, because there is an eternity upgrade that increases based on eternities - the fact that EC1's unlock requirement is eternities, was meant to tell you that you should get that upgrade's power up anyway. You get one every time you reach infinity (for now). Dimensions Statistics Achievements Dimensions Time Dimensions Production You did this again just for the achievement right? After this, do a bunch of quick runs for Eternity Milestones. - YouTube Finally! (Get used to it now - you'll have to get more infinities for the challenge later.) Set auto dim1-7 on buy1, dim8 on buy10. (When you first get TS181 (about 1e40 EP), you won't have enough TT to buy EC4x5, so you have to grind before you can buy it. Get the 8th Antimatter Dimension multiplier to be highest, 7th Antimatter Dimension multiplier second highest, etc. This is what I have to do to get rid of you: Progress related achievement, respec time studies and go into dilation. Set the big crunch autobuyer to 1e50x last crunch, and wait. Like regular Challenge 9, this requires very careful planning. Antimatter Dimensions - Antimatter Dimensions is a highly unfolding Idle Incremental game with multiple layers of unlocks, prestige, and achievements. Now, set your crunch autobuyer to crunch every 5 seconds, and turn off your RG autobuyer, and wait overnight. - Big crunch: Find where your peak IP/min is and big crunch at that many IP. Trivial; 1st dimensions must be purchased to start the game. Due to dilated time being a currency produced by a constant source, which upgrades you spend your dilated time on first isn't a massive deal, but buy those upgrades whenever you get access to them, and I'd recommend buying the galaxy threshold multiplier decrease last for the sake of speed, so that you do not waste any dilated time and any possible dilated time upgrade. After you complete this achievement, you can do other things, like grinding for EP. In the web version, the description for the reward is "Reduces starting tick interval by 2%. When you have another 500 TT, switch 222 for 228 then get 234. Achievements you should have gotten by this point: This section may take a while (potentially over 1 week), so you should be active often to get more progress. * {{Squick}}: There's an Achievement called "Like Feasting on a Behind", which has rather. Without replicanti upgrades, you should have enough time to do this. - Infinity Upgrades. At this point until start of next section, focus on upgrading autobuyers with IP, and upgrading the bulk buy and interval on all of them. Press F12, ctrl+shift+c, ctrl+shift+i, or ctrl+shift+j. O snap. This achievement had an incorrect image when it was ^345678, then was ^345578. The first 3 upgrades in the column are just a production boost, then finally, you have one that lets you generate IP. EC11 has all dimension multipliers disabled except from Infinity power and dimensional boosts, and EC12 "makes" the game perform at a 1,000 times slower rate (with each second counting as a thousandth of a second), but really only affects the numbers of the game. When you're ready for EC4, this is probably the most annoying and long part of unlocking challenges, by far. - Challenges. You want to do this because challenge 8 runs will be FASTER than normal runs for now. You should also optimize your challenge times. Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available from Disable autobuyers and just hold down 8 while manually buying the highest dimension you can and doing resets (prioritize buying the 8th dimension as its price increases most quickly and it is required to get dimension boosts and galaxies). A famous quote from James Bond. Reference to Cookie Clicker's Cookie dunker achievement. This means that you can make things impossible until you reset if Dimension 8's cost gets too high. They are still tough to conquer, with their own difficult parts of the challenge. The order of upgrades should go like this: 3x TP upgrade (if possible, but recommended) -> Double dilated time generation -> Galaxy threshold multiplier decrease (to prevent wasting dilated time, as it will reset). Then, buy 2nd dimensions until their multiplier (shown on the left next to where it says "first dimension") is higher than the multiplier for the first dimension, then buy 3rd dimensions until their multiplier is higher than the 2nd, and so on. Once you have done that, go to the newly unlocked infinity dimensions subtab under dmiensions buy the first infinity dimension for 100 M IP. Nameless Reality unlocked/Nameless Level 16 in Ra. In the web version prior to the Reality Update, all the challenges were stored in a single variable. Active path is crucial for this achievement. Once you get the last infinity upgrade, your fastest infinity time should massively decrease. Have each AD multiplier be greater than the previous AD multiplier, Each Antimatter Dimension gains a boost proportional to tier (8th gets 8%, 7th gets 7%, etc.). The reward slightly counters the challenge nerf. Are you sure these are the right way around? Your antimatter doesn't reset on Dimension Boosts or Antimatter Galaxies. After you beat EC12x5, you should have over 1e1300 EP (you actually don't need this much to beat EC12x5, but you should eventually get 1e1300 EP). All Antimatter Dimensions are stronger in the first 3 minutes of Infinities. Continue down the time study tree. - Yet another infinity reference: Set your sacrifice autobuyer to 1.80e308. Have 1e63 antimatter and your 1st AD's production/s be greater than your current antimatter. Now you're thinking with dilation! Gain a multiplier to Tachyon Particle and Dilated Time gain based on Antimatter Galaxies. Have antimatter/sec exceed your current antimatter for 30 consecutive seconds. You can do a really long run overnight if you want. To do this, do all ICs at higher amounts of IP to big crunch in these challenges in a very small interval. This is to prevent game-breaking growth. This means that you can make things impossible until you reset if Dimension 8's cost gets too high. 104 Total Achievements. (log10(AD1)/10)^2.0 -> (log10(AD1)/10)^2.2, or AD1^0.008 -> AD1^0.009 if you completed IC2. As for time studies during this time, get 191, get a few million banked infinities, then get 211, then 212, then 193 (get 1000000 eternities), then 214 then finally 213. At this point, buying TT will not make as much of a difference, as you produce more than you can buy, and you don't have to buy TT anymore. (Mobile) Have 8 Infinity Challenges completed after Crunching. After Eternity you permanently keep 5% of your Infinities. This achievement switched positions with "Eternities are the new Infinity" (now 113) in the Reality Update. There should also be at least 400 time theorems bought. Antimatter Dimensions is one of the most polished Incremental Games out there. Post-Eternity IC4/IC5 strat: 1) M/D/G until you get stuck. Keep doing single RG (replicanti galaxy) runs until you reach e240 IP, as getting all your RGs takes a very, very long time, and you should be able to reach e240 IP with 1 RG per run. You will be ready for challenges. How to do it: Go to Options, turn on the news, and wait. The last one generates IP and is not that special. Antimatter Dimensions This will be important for getting to 1e50 EP. When you can, fill in 21, 31, 41, 33, and 162, in any order. Hold 8 until its price maxes out. Invest these on the left path at the start of the tree (21, 31, 33, 41), and when you have 7 of them in total, including those invested into the 21 path, respec out of the 21 path and switch to the Infinity Dimensions (middle) path in the first 3 way split. You automatically collect antimatter over time - you can use this antimatter to buy dimensions. Once you get to this phase of the game, the IP and EP multipliers from these paths don't really matter because you're getting so many OoM so quickly, so therefore the big difference in the 2 paths is the replicanti production rate, as well as the greater replicanti multiplier due to the synergy between the Active and ID paths. Buy an Antimatter Galaxy without having Sacrificed this Infinity. This upgrade is repeatable. This achievement may also be achieved by just importing, although it may not work. Keep going for infinity "speedruns" to get as much IP as possible out of that. You start Eternities with all Infinity Challenges unlocked and completed. Now get to 1e83 IP and but everything costing 1e83 IP or less. After some time once you have bought everything costing 1e45 IP or less, do a very long run to get e10500 Antimatter and unlock ID4. Please include what you were doing when this page came up and the Cloudflare Ray ID found at the bottom of this page. The paths TD/Active may be powerful for grinding EP, at some point that it will increase EP faster than TD/Idle (depends on the person/their preference), but each path will be important in how you will progress. All Antimatter Dimensions are stronger in first 3 minutes of an Infinity, but only in challenges. <1 minute in the current Eternity, while Dilated. You can also do this earlier in challenge 3 if you are willing to wait a VERY long time for the first dimension bonus to reach infinity. Added "in a challenge" to the description of "Zero Deaths". As you can see, to unlock EC1, you need 20,000 eternities, and that number only gets higher with further completions of that challenge. Once obtained, they have a picture of Nicolas Cage and reveals their description. You must spend the 1st EP on the First Time Dimension in order to buy Time Theorems with EP, as this was an issue in the earlier versions of the game. Have your 1st ID's production be greater than your Infinity Power, for 60 seconds, while outside EC7. Since the Reality update is in DevelopmentHell, it has become increasingly. On mobile, the message is "Tap this to unlock a secret achievement.". When you can, respec out of the 21 path, get the Normal Dimension path, and get the study you were saving up for. This section is a bit slow. However, you likely are in the period where you can clear EC8x5 without breaking a sweat. Popular music (Possible at about 1e150 EP w/active path) - At least 1 normal galaxy required, and will be able to get eventually with more EP and TT, just involves management with replicanti galaxies (180 of them to be exact). Each individual achievement obtained will give a x1.03 multiplier, and an additional x1.25 multiplier is given for every completed row. The rewards for finishing the Eternity Challenges will help in how much EP and progress you make. - Multiplier to all dimensions based on slowest challenge run: This one forces you to revisit challenges. At this point, there is only 2 more challenges left to be completed, EC11 and EC12, each with their own unique quirks. Antimatter Dimensions on Steam Previously in the spot of 38. Have each of your past 10 Infinities be Infinity times more IP than the previous one. Have complete > 0 Infinity Challenges after Crunching. Crunch in at most 3 minutes in Challenge 9. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. - Galaxy: Set max galaxies to a big number like 1000000. In the web version, the description for the reward is "Reduces starting tick interval by 2%.". This achievement takes about 14 hours with a maxed tickspeed autobuyer and no manual work. (Mobile) Have 1e90 IP, and 0 infinities. You can buy 8th ADs in the same Infinity, as long as you have 0 when you crunch. Searching "do a barrel roll" into Google will make it do a 360 degree clockwise turn. Ok so now you've done all the challenges, you can use autobuyers. For now, this is the end of YT Kerfuffle's Guide. These time studies are very powerful, as it will help make more progress (more antimatter, IP and EP) and allow you to get access to row 12+ achievements. When you break infinity, you will unlock a new tab with many notable upgrades, and be able to go beyond e308 Antimatter (but you must disable your big crunch autobuyer). Getting to 80 8th dimensions takes 2-3 hours. Antimatter Dimensions Download - 10% chance each Reality of 2x Realities and Perk Points. You can either do it now or skip it until later. However, you receive a new currency called Tachyon Particles which produce dilated time. - DimBoost: Turn it off unless you are pushing Antimatter. (Mobile) Big Crunch for 1e300 or more Infinity Points. 90 degrees to infinity Buy an 8th Antimatter Dimension. Set auto dimboost to 0 and 18 (can be slightly different for you).