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Moldea's book further alleges that Murchison maintained a working relationship with former U.S. Senate power broker Bobby Baker (known as "Lyndon Jr." for his close affiliation with the . By the end of June 2021, Texas had seen almost 3 million cases of COVID-19 and more than 52,000 deaths putting it third in the nation, trailing only California and New York in deaths and only California in cases. Using your mobile phone camera - scan the code below and download the Kindle app. They won for 20 years. 1 am quickly backpedaling. The home has six additional bedrooms, two of which are in what is designated as the guest suite. Photo Courtesy, Fort Worth Star-Telegram Collection, Special Collections, The University of Texas at Arlington Libraries, Arlington, Texas. Beginning in his native East Texas, the elder Mr. Murchison went on to make millions of dollars in the oil fields near Wichita Falls, Tex. Their inherited interests included the Daisy Manufacturing Company (manufacturing a BB gun); Field and Stream magazine; Heddon Rod & Reel; Henry Holt and Company (later known as Holt, Rinehart, and Winston); Delhi Oil; Kirby Petroleum and a marine construction company known as Tecon Corporation. C.W. MURCHISON JR. DIES IN TEXAS AT 63 - The New York Times He said he hoped to buy a twin-engine, six-passenger crop duster on which he could add a large fuel tank. I was an account executive for Tracy-Locke advertising and we were handling a new Frito-Lay product called Doritos. He was socially aloof to the point many considered downright rude. Tom didnt like the idea of off-the-field jobs, let alone TV product endorsements. And now its no secret that AT&T Stadium remains the underpinning of the Cowboys financial empire, the pandemic notwithstanding. His elder son, John, won Wall Street's biggest proxy fight, developed the Vail, Colorada ski resort, and was a noted jet-setter. In 1966, when the still-young Dallas Cowboys franchise ended six years of agony with their first winning season, the team's owner and founder, Clint Murchison Jr., son of a billionaire oilman, was feeling ambitious. The younger Mr. Murchison attended preparatory school in Lawrenceville, N.J., and was graduated Phi Beta Kappa from Duke University with a degree in electrical engineering while serving in the Marine Corps. Her first book, "THE MURCHISONS: The Rise and Fall of a Texas Dynasty," was published in 1989. [3], In addition to the Dallas Cowboys, The Murchison Family businesses included Centex Corporation (home builders), Daisy Air Rifles, Field & Stream magazine, the Tony Roma's restaurant chain and real estate developments throughout the U.S.[4], In the early 1960s the Murchisons were involved in a proxy fight with Allan P. Kirby over control of Alleghany Corporation, a holding company whose interests included New York Central Railroad and Investors Diversified Services, a large mutual fund company. Its a lot different now. Copyright 2023, D Magazine Partners, Inc. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. When he got to Wichita Falls, he yanked his buddy out of a poker game. As a loyal Dallas Cowboys fan, he can recite the stats on everybody from Troy Aikman towell, youll have to ask him. John was nothing like his father, whereas Clint was everything like his dad a gambler, a risk-taker extraordinaire. In that respect, Clint Sr. and Jr. resembled a more modern billionaire: current Cowboys owner Jerral Wayne Jerry Jones. Then Clint slowly lifted his cane and smilingly pointed at the front of Carters pullover shirt. It is now a signature element in the design of AT&T Stadium, whose own version of the hole in the roof appeared in the opening moments of the TNT remake of Dallas. , Hardcover By Burk Murchison and Michael Granberry. In 1952, Murchison joined a syndicate that included Everette Lee DeGolyer and Jack Crichton, both of Dallas, to use connections in the government of General Francisco Franco to obtain drilling rights in Spain. Don Meredith was quarterback, and Danny Reeves was the halfback to Perkins at fullback. Now, the Cowboys are made up of kids not much older than my son, and Carter has predicted the 90s will be the Cowboys decade. Yet, he was the rainmaker of his generation., The death of his mother and closest brother took its toll on Clint Jr. in other ways. After several unsuccessful opportunities to buy existing franchises, including the San Francisco 49ers and Washington Redskins, Murchison was awarded an NFL expansion franchise that would begin play in the 1960 season. The Los Angeles coliseum was half empty, and the crowd was asked to sit opposite the press box so that TV audiences would have the impression that there were lots of people in attendance. Son of legendary Texas oil man Clint Murchison Sr., he enlisted in the Marine Corps after the attack on Pearl Harbor, earned an electrical engineering degree from Duke University and a masters in mathematics from MIT. In 1963, Dallas suddenly became known as the city that assassinated John F. This is a digitized version of an article from The Timess print archive, before the start of online publication in 1996. Hole in the Roof The Jonsson-Cullum forces adamantly and repeatedly said no, ridiculing the notion as civic silliness. Clint Jr. became enamored of education and its extracurricular dividend football, which gave him his own identity beyond his dad. And, right now, in the euphoric afterglow of victory that has to be covering the Metroplex like a constant fog, it would be difficult to find fault with two guys from Arkansas. The ship Bon Jour was later renamed Mi Amigo, and after docking for almost a year in Galveston, Texas she sailed for southern England to become Radio Atlanta (McLendon began his radio career in the small town of Atlanta, Texas). But I should try. : Clint Murchison Jr. (left) and his brother John Murchison smiled after a 1961 meeting of the new board of directors of the multibillion-dollar Alleghany Corp. in New York. It represented a new vanguard in American stadia, just as its predecessor had when it opened for football on a sunlit afternoon on Oct. 24, 1971, with halfback Duane Thomas notching its first score on a 56-yard touchdown run that served as a lyrical foreshadowing of what would happen months later: The Cowboys captured their first championship, beating the Miami Dolphins in Super Bowl VI in New Orleans by the lopsided score of 243. Youre in, then youre out. The home has seven bedrooms, seven bathrooms and two half-bathrooms and has been renovated,. In later years, the joke became, They talk about Clint being low-profile, but he was a carnival-barker show daddy compared to John, who most Cowboys fans didnt know existed. In later years, however, John played an excruciatingly important role in the history of the Cowboys albeit in death, which triggered the fall of Clint Murchison Jr. John was two years older than Clint Jr. and was, by all accounts, the careful, judicious partner. The Murchison estate also included what the family called the "Big House," a 22,000-square-foot mansion that Clint Sr. built and which Lupe abandoned in 1998, when she completed her house just . More than $500 million in liabilities have been filed against the Murchison estate in the last two years. It may come as news to anyone who played for the Cowboys after the mid-70s and to all the fans, but the Redskins/Cowboys rivalry didnt start on the field or even between the players. Clint Jr.s success can be attributed largely to Schramm, a marketing genius; Landry, one of the games great coaches; and Gil Brandt, who, as director of scouting, revolutionized the way players are recruited by using newfangled technology computers long before computers were commonplace. There he teamed up with boyhood friend Richardson, who was nibbling at the edges of a scary new enterprise oil leases. Yeh? His executives had the authority to make important decisions without consulting him, and he never coached from the corner or second-guessed them, Woolley wrote. He was curious about the latters hole in the roof, which Dallas Cowboys linebacker D. D. Lewis once famously said existed so that God can watch his favorite team.. Dare we say it, but that was precisely the model that became the antithesis of how Jones runs the Cowboys. Most of it was written over the last 30 years, beginning before my son was born and culminating in recent years as I listened to what my son knew about the Dallas Cowboys and professional football. Companies they owned included iconic names such as Centex Corporation, Alleghany Corporation, Henry Holt Publishing, Daisy BB Guns and Tony Romas, A Place For Ribs. Texas Stadium redefined the sports stadium. During those years, I watched from the outside as professional football became a billion-dollar business, with the Super Bowl its showcase event. Its just that in football you spend your youth so fast. Clint Murchison Jr. - Wikiwand Its probably not healthy to take it all so seriously. 287: Texas Stadium - With Burk Murchison & Michael Granberr Plenty of Texas History you would never learn about in a history class (in Texas). Tex and Tom couldnt keep their areas of responsibility defined. I was led to this book from Brian Burrough's "The Big Rich." His 2 sons then extended the empire to Wall Street in the 1950s and pro football in the 1960s--they started the Dallas Cowboys. In 2022, such a sum would exceed $8.364 billion. , ISBN-10 Behind the Signatures | Clint Murchison Jr. By noon the next day, theyd returned to Wichita Falls, having tripled their profit in 24 hours by flipping the leases for $200,000 (more than $3 million in todays dollars). Carter, I ask, do you like Jimmy Johnson? What about Clint? OK, Thomas was known for being militant and surly and Smith is a choirboy. NFL films will show the Cowboys seven TDs over and over in every future pregame show, so the network can recoup their billion-dollar investment in the NFL by selling hundreds of minutes of commercial time at $2 mil-Hon-$3 million a minute. Sitting there watching Tom and Michael. Clint Murchison Jr. was an entrepreneur, businessman and risk-taking founder of the successful Dallas Cowboys football franchise. Reviewed in the United States on August 4, 2017. Clinton Williams Murchison Jr. (September 12, 1923 - March 30, 1987) was a businessman and founder of the Dallas Cowboys football team. It wasnt even called the Super Bowl. Balanced history of a most interesting family, especially Sr. Clint Murchison | Assassination of John F. Kennedy | Fandom Foreword by Hall of Famer Drew Pearson. But Im already getting ahead of myself. Anyone can read what you share. Clint William Murchison Jr., (September 12, 1923 in Dallas, Texas-March 30, 1987) was a businessman and founder of the Dallas Cowboys football team. Schramm, Landry and Brandt all have bronze busts in the Pro Football Hall of Fame. An unassuming, softspoken native of Tyler, Tex., Mr. Murchison (pronounced MER-kiss-un) was born Sept. 5, 1921, the son of Clint W. Murchison Sr., who made a fortune in the . Unable to strike a deal with city leaders to build a new stadium in downtown Dallas, Murchison selected a site in nearby Irving. The Packers went instead and we became the team that couldnt win the big game. Follow authors to get new release updates, plus improved recommendations. Carter has already heard this. Back when 1 was playing Please try again. Hole in the Roof takes you on a deep dive into the personality and passions of Clint Jr., while extending a more than passing hello to everyone else who was part of his world. 1898, d. 1926). ''With his engineering background, he was very much 'hands on' during its construction. At that time, he was well on his way to success and wealth in gas and oil, Fortune wrote, and if he had been alone in the world he might never have wandered. He nodded to Billy Kilmer, smiled again at Carter and moved toward the elevator. Michael Granberry, Arts Writer. They believed the people who borrowed money and invested it in land and other things that appreciate with inflation would win. As deals fell through and development projects around the country failed, the cash needed to sustain the payments on the large loans that he had personally guaranteed at high interest rates was not available. The result was the famous Texas Stadium hole in the roof.. They got Irvin but not Aikman. Clint Jr.s risk-taking would lead him to the world of professional football and allow his team to succeed. 1 looked at Carters shirt where the outline of a cowboy on a bucking horse was stitched over his heart. Now, they would pee on an electric fence to get Kenny to sing the national anthem. Working with his father and his brother John, the Murchison family diversified away from oil into homebuilding, general construction, real estate development, insurance, mutual funds, publishing, the leisure time industry and restaurant industry. Texas Stadium became the prototype of the 21st-century stadium, whether it hosts high school games in Katy, Texas, or serves as the $5 billion launchpad that opened in 2020 as the shared home of the Rams and Chargers. Clint Murchison Sr. erupted from East Texas during the rough-and-tumble years of oil drilling in the 1930s, and spent his life "doing deals." One of the first to make nationwide headlines was the youngest of Hunt's sons: shy, well-mannered Lamar. It was a pleasure to read. He attended school at Lawrenceville School and joined the Marine Corps after Pearl Harbor and went on to become a student at Duke University as part of the Marine Corps V-12 training program[2] where he graduated Phi Beta Kappa in electrical engineering. Cheerful and Optimistic. It was the last time I saw Clint Murchison Jr. See the article in its original context from. After all, I did it for Tex and Tom for 20 years. He got two technicals and lost the kids a close game the other night. [1][2] A son of Clint Murchison Sr., who made his first fortune in oil exploration and became notorious for exploiting the sale of "hot oil", Clint and his surviving brother inherited their father's wealth and business interests to which Clint Jr. added ventures of his own. In 1919, he made his way to Fort Worth, with nary a penny in his pocket. I joined the team for the 1964 season, coming to Dallas and the NFL out of Big Ten Basketball at Michigan State. Finally, I could make out the word cowboy. Clint Sr. was born in 1895 in Athens, a small hamlet in East Texas. TimesMachine is an exclusive benefit for home delivery and digital subscribers. Carving out their own reality, the 2020 Cowboys continued their reign of having the Leagues highest attendance, with Jones luring 197,313 fans to Arlington. Now he has a 16-year-old son who sees the team and the sport very differently than he did. Under Murchisons ownership the Dallas Cowboys delivered 20 consecutive winning seasons, 17 years of playoff appearances, five trips to the Super Bowl and two Lombardi trophies. From now on, you're on your own.[4]. How the Dallas Cowboys Were Born in 1960 Washington Redskins owner George Preston Marshall hated Clint Murchison Jr. because, to get the Dallas franchise, Murchison lobbed money on Congress to force the Redskins to give up their virtual broadcast monopoly of professional football in the South in 1960. Broke and dying, Clint Jr. sold the Cowboys in 1984, the same year the art museum abandoned Fair Park, only to resurface downtown as the anchor of the Dallas Arts District. He was furious. Lawyers involved in the case called it one of the largest personal bankruptcy cases in United States history.[2]. : Despite sporting radically different personalities, the two agreed to co-own the Cowboys via their partnership, with each owning half of the 90% of total ownership. From the beginning, Clint saw it as far more than a place to play games. During the outrageously troubled 2020 season, 13 National Football League teams 13! They had gotten as far as seeding the field with hundreds of pounds of chicken feed and smuggling a couple hundred chickens into the stadium. : Over the next 20 years I wrote three more novels, several screenplays, dozens of newspaper and magazine articles and saw my screenplay of North Dallas Forty made into a major motion picture starring Nick Nolte. Jones even managed to land the Jan. 1, 2021, Rose Bowl game, which, because of the pandemic, could not be played in its traditional home in Pasadena, Calif. For all my negative feelings about pro football, I can think of no better example to describe the best of life in the NFL in the 60s. Radio Nord broadcast in Swedish for 16 months, between March 8, 1961 and June 30, 1962. Television has convinced a whole generation that success in sports requires a professional career and a stack of product endorsements. Theyll never get old. Forbes magazine assessed its value in 2021 at $5.7 billion the sixth consecutive year the Cowboys were ranked as the worlds most valuable sports company. He believed his team would be good, even special, for years to come. We could not tell the story of Clint Jr. without sharing our view that all good stories fall into three categories: history, comedy or tragedy. Her current book is "BURL: Journalism Giant and Media Trailblazer," to be published by Andrews McMeel Publishing (AMP) on September 6, 2022. Theyll never die. Murchison funded radio entrepreneur Gordon McLendon to create a floating commercial (pirate radio) station called Radio Nord aboard the motor vessel Bon Jour, anchored in the Stockholm archipelago. You're listening to a sample of the Audible audio edition. Enjoy unlimited access to all of our incredible journalism, in print and digital. She died in 1926, leaving him to raise three small sons John, Clint Jr. and Burk, who died from pneumonia when he was 11. Reviewed in the United States on December 26, 2017, Reviewed in the United States on June 14, 2009. Theres no in-between mats very comfortable. . After John Murchison's death in 1979, a legal dispute over his estate led to the sale of the Cowboys to H. R. Bright, a Dallas businessman, for $60 million in 1984. Clinton Williams Murchison, Sr. (April 11, 1895 - 20 June 1969), was a noted Texas-based oil magnate and political operative. She writes about luxury properties, food and lifestyle in Dallas. Recalling his wit and sense of humor, Mr. Top subscription boxes right to your door, 1996-2023,, Inc. or its affiliates, Learn more how customers reviews work on Amazon. And Murchison didnt stop with the fight song. : Clint Sr. shipped John and Clint off to prep school. The biography tells the riveting story of Burl's unlikely rise from the coal mines of Appalachia to the pinnacle of journalism - a remarkable feat made more so by his ongoing battle with kidney disease. They began doing business as the Murchison Brothers in the late 1940s from an office in Dallas, Texas. Murchison's laissez-faire attitude has been credited by many Cowboys fans as the driving force in the team's 20 consecutive winning seasons from 19661985 (including five Super Bowl appearances and including two Super Bowl championships). In the spring of 2000, a 31-year-old Egyptian national showed up at a federal office in Florida seeking a $650,000 loan from the Department of Agriculture. He also happened to be far more socially adept, comfortable in high society in ways his brother never was nor hoped to be. The article, by Edwin Pope, a sports editor of The Miami Herald, referred to Mr. Murchison as ''a 130-pound halfback from M.I.T.'' Its the only way I can deal with mis particular dilemma. Undaunted, these rich Dallas tycoons would get drunk, make prank calls to George Preston Marshall in the middle of the night and cluck into the phone. : Rather than being a city-owned rental facility, la the Cotton Bowl and dozens like it across America, where the only real perk was a hot dog and a Coke (or in Texas, a Dr Pepper), Clint cast the stadium in an adventurous new light, and Jones got it. The station was not a financial success, and joined forces with the Caroline organization to become the southern station of Radio Caroline. Author Jane Wolfe lived in Dallas for forty years before recently relocating to her hometown of Columbus, Ohio. He and Richardson drove to the site, and sure enough, smelled the black gold bubblin up. To calculate the overall star rating and percentage breakdown by star, we dont use a simple average. News | Clint Murchison Jr. Hence, Schramm oversaw most of the Cowboys day-to-day business matters, and represented the Cowboys at league meetingsa prerogative normally reserved to the owner. I am interested in the Bills because Elijah Pitts is the backfield coach and Elijah went with the Packers to that first Super Bowl instead of Perkins and me. A motivating factor in the NFL's decision to award a license for Dallas was the establishment of the American Football League (AFL) by Lamar Hunt, another Dallas area businessman. It also analyzed reviews to verify trustworthiness. Clint Murchison Sr. began building the family fortune selling animal skins for pennies; later with interests in oil, real estate, and publishing, he was one of the first conglomerate makers. In 1966, when the still-young Dallas Cowboys franchise ended six years of agony with their first winning season, the team's owner and founder, Clint Murchison Jr., son of a billionaire oilman, was feeling ambitious. I dont know anything at all about Smith and Everett. In 1966, when the still-young Dallas Cowboys franchise ended six years of agony with their first winning season, the team's owner and founder, Clint Murchison Jr., son of a billionaire oilman, was feeling ambitious.