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Don Stewart :: Are the Four Gospels Historically Accurate? Remember, Jospeh and Mary were traveling to Bethlehem for the census, and he would likely have had many relatives in the city. CENTURY 21 Ramos Realty is a real estate office located in Bethlehem, PA. Bethlehem's First House. 2Ki 4:10,11 The "lattice," through which Ahasiah fell, perhaps belonged to an upper chamber of this kind, 2Ki 1:2 as also the "third loft," from which Eutychus fell. 2Ki 23:12; Jer 19:13; 32:29; Zep 1:6; Ac 10:9 At the time of the feast of tabernacles booths were erected by the Jews on the top of their houses. This sketch contains homes in ancient Israel. Dr. Modern Bethlehem is home to the largest Palestinian Christian community and one of the oldest Christian communities, although it has shrunk substantially in recent years because of emigration. For centuries, the village mostly consisted of a cluster of homes accessed by a dirt road that branched off from the Way of the Patriarchs the main north-south trade route between Jerusalem and Hebron that brought a significant amount of interregional traffic from Egypt, Arabia and Syria. Contrast the picture of Edom's desolation, "thorns in the palaces, nettles and brambles in the fortresses a court for owls" (Isaiah 34:13). In addition to living together, Moravians worked together under the General Economy, a system where everyone works and provides for the good of the community and, in return, receives care from birth to death. Over the door is a projecting window with a lattice more or less elaborately wrought, which, except in times of public celebrations is usually closed. The house was discovered in the 1880s by the nuns of the Sisters of Nazareth convent. The architecture of Palestine and ancient Israel covers a vast historical time frame and a number of different styles and influences over the ages. Kloster in Bethlehem, painted in 1882 by Bernhard Fiedler. Internal Appearance III. A simple thing for Him I know but, intriguing I Kings 17:8-19)." It is primarily thought of as a New Testament city, but is actually extremely old. Magi visit Herod in Jerusalem4. Neil Ward, via Wikimedia Commons. After staying with Elisabeth for three months, Mary went home to Nazareth (1:56). The two spies went to her house as she was an inn keeper. Subscribe for free and get daily or weekly updates straight to your inbox, The three things you need to know everyday, Highlights from the last week to keep you informed. Houses in ancient Nazareth were made with a rough stone foundation and mud-bricks made on site. 19:13; 27:15; Ps. Archeologists in Nazareth say a first century house discovered in the 1880s could be the home of Mary and Joseph where Jesus was brought up. Copyright K.R.Dark Dark believes the cave-church is the one mentioned by the Christian pilgrim Egeria, who wrote a detailed account of her visit to the Holy Land in the 380s. It was here in 1741 at the union of the Monocacy Creek and Lehigh River that the first Moravians, members of a Protestant denomination, felled white oak trees and began building their community on a 500 acre tract. The outer doors are closed with a wooden lock, but in some cases the apartments are divided from each other by curtains only. When Mary is told by the angel Gabriel that she will be the mother of the Son of God, she is also told about Elizabeths pregnancy and quickly makes a bee-line to stay with Elizabeth for three months. Bethlehem The First Nativity Scene (Photo copyright Ken Dark. The Christianized American Indian village of Nain, located one mile west from the Gemeinhaus, was dismantled in 1765 when the American Indians were forced by the colonial Pennsylvania government to move west. People in ancient Israel used two types of housing: tents for nomadic or semi-nomadic herders who travelled with their flocks houses, either large or small, in villages or cities. There was, however, a darker period when the hospital became more conservative, secretive and, eventually, abusive in the treatment of its patients. At the end of the room there would be some steps down to a lower level, going down only a couple of feet. The shepherds are to go to nearby Bethlehem and search the houses until they find a newborn baby laying in a . The Babylonians - Learn about ancient Babylon and the people who lived there. Joseph, Mary, and perhaps their parents were possibly born in Bethlehem before migrating north into Galilee. Mud-brick buildings (Job 4:19) of similar plan occur, and to protect this friable material from the weather, the walls were sometimes covered with a casing of stone slabs, as at Lachish. It must have been an uncomfortable journey when Mary was almost 9 months pregnant and had to travel, probably on the back of a donkey, from Nazareth to Bethlehem a 100 mile long journey through the Jordan Valley! Yet Bethlehem was a small town in the upper mountains of Judea, and no major Roman road is known to have passed through it. Jerusalem Roads - Bible History For over 35 years our family of independently owned and operated companies world wide have been committed to outstanding service. :}x, Why is it that you think they travelled to Bethlehem by Jerusalem, 100 miles each way and not to Bethlehem by Nazareth, 3 miles away? The average home of the common people was a one-room dwelling . This prophecy is fulfilled at the birth of Jesus of Nazareth, the Messiah, and John 7:42 explains this prophecy as referring to the Christ. According to my studies, every synagogue throughout Judaea and Galilee had a guest room to provide accommodations for travelers and guests (only the private homes in Jerusalem were required to provide guest rooms or spaces for visitors because of the influx of pilgrims to the city for the festivals). A repurposed cave located under a first-century house excavated near Bethlehem. There is a more significant reason why His birthplace was in this little town of Bethlehem. Sozomen, Ecclesiastical History 2.2.1). Today, the Church of the Nativity stands over this cave in Bethlehem. If you were Joseph, when would you take the tripwhen shes about to give birth or a few weeks (or even months) before? Lu 22:12; Ac 1:13; 9:37; 20:8 The windows of the upper rooms often project one or two feet, and form a kiosk or latticed chamber. The fact that Jesus could be born in his own inheritance as the true Son of David is another one of the wonderful topographic coincidences that run through the whole plan of the Bible. O' empty town of Bethlehem: a trickle of visits to the site of Christ's birth thanks to intifadas and ongoing tensions O' empty town of Bethlehem: a trickle of visits to the site of Christ's birth . The rudest cell built of rough stones in mud and covered a with roof of brushwood and mud was at first sufficient. Moravian buildings, many still standing today, reflect the ingenuity, creativity, and universality of Moravian thinking and philosophy. Luke writes that there was no place for them in the inn, better translated guestroom, and so the next place of shelter available would have been either another house built in a cave (some houses in this period in Roman Palestine were built in caves) or in a shelter for storage or animals. Is This the Exact Place Where Jesus Was Born? The - CBN News Bethlehem was founded over 250 years ago in 1741 when a religious group, members of the Moravian Church, purchased land where the Monocacy Creek flows into the Lehigh River. When there is an upper story, the ka'ah forms the most important apartment, and thus probably answers to the "upper room," which was often the guest- chamber. Excavation work conducted in the Judean hill country has shown, for example, that non-elite homes in this period typically had one or two living rooms made with stacked fieldstone walls; flat plastered roofs; packed-dirt or bedrock floors, over which reed mats could be placed for eating and sleeping; and a small courtyard for food preparation activities. When excavations were done in the 20th century, remains of a Constantine era church were discovered, presumably the one that Lady Helena had built. This latter feature likely resembles the "manger" into which Jesus . Institute of Archaeology Hebrew University. But the fact that the spies went to her showed that there was only one inn in Jericho. Bethlehem was also for many years home to Jerome, who translated the Latin Vulgate while living there in a cave near the traditional birthplace of Jesus., Episode 115: A historical visit to Bethlehem at the Saviors birth, with BYU Professor Dr. Matthew Grey,, 5 things that set The Christ Child apart from other versions of the Nativity story, Watch: A behind-the-scenes look at The Christ Child film,,, President Oaks explains why the announcement of the Christ child was made to three different groups the very humble, the very holy and the very wise, Christmas: It is so much larger than the story of the Saviors birth in Bethlehem, 7 #LightTheWorld videos to watch this Christmas season. The last mention of Bethlehem is found in John when some of those listening to Jesus Christ said that Bethlehem is the birthplace of the son of David (John 7:42). March 2, 2015, 1:05 PM PST / Source: Live Science. 9:10) and marble (1 Chr. [Manners And Customs of Bible Lands], "Houses of One Room AFTER ISRAEL had been in the land of Canaan many years and had settled down from the nomadic life to the more stable agricultural pursuits, houses began to take the place of tents as places of abode. The Moravians believed that all people, both men and women, should receive the same education; that all people should receive health care; that women should have equal rights with men in the community; and that all people should work together for the good of the community without prejudice regarding race, gender, or ethnicity. During the early Roman period, the village of Bethlehem seems to have retained its agricultural character with a small population of religiously observant Judean families continuing to harvest its nearby fields and graze their flocks on the surrounding hillsides. King David was born in Bethlehem and anointed king there by Samuel the Prophet. The rude wigwam and the natural cave were the abodes of those who, being scattered abroad, subsequently degenerated from the primitive civilization implied in the elaborate structure of Babel (Genesis 11:3; Genesis 11:31). Yours is one of the best. Christmas Urban Legends: No Room at the Inn - Lifeway Research Because of that structure, Moravians built large choir houses, superb examples of German Colonial style architecture in America. Here are images of the archaeological remains. The Moravian Museum of Bethlehem introduces guests to the earliest history of the Bethlehem community. Yeshua the Living Bread was born in the House of Bread. About four decades before Jesus was born, a monarch named Herod the Great was named king of the Jews by the Roman Senate to rule the region of Judea on its behalf. Whereas Luke focuses his Nativity account on the shepherds, household dynamics and manger that were present that first Christmas night, the Gospel of Matthew emphasizes the tense first-century political context that surrounded it. During the time of the New Testament, these and other nearby grottos may have served as stable, storage or water facilities for adjacent households. Tradition only places Rachels Tomb there as early as the 4th century AD. Came across Chimham. These outbuildings are sometimes easy to identify since they are specifically designed for just one use, like tobacco drying barns, poultry houses, root cellars, smoke houses and milk houses. Bethlehem, PA Real Estate Office | CENTURY 21 Ramos Realty nonetheless. Such may have been "the chamber in the wall." because he humbleth himself before me, I will not bring the evil in his days: [but] in his son's days will I bring the evil upon his house.Ezekiel 41:19 - So that the face of a man [was] toward the palm tree on the one side, and the face of a young lion toward the palm tree on the other side: [it was] made through all the house round about.Nehemiah 1:6 - Let thine ear now be attentive, and thine eyes open, that thou mayest hear the prayer of thy servant, which I pray before thee now, day and night, for the children of Israel thy servants, and confess the sins of the children of Israel, which we have sinned against thee: both I and my father's house have sinned.Job 38:20 - That thou shouldest take it to the bound thereof, and that thou shouldest know the paths [to] the house thereof?2 Chronicles 10:16 - And when all Israel [saw] that the king would not hearken unto them, the people answered the king, saying, What portion have we in David? First-century homes in the Judean hill country have been excavated and studied. Your email address will not be published. Matthew and Luke mention Bethlehem in the birth narratives (Matthew 2:1, 5-6;Luke 2:4, 15). The bible says he went to his parents house (although it is interpreted to be his ancestors). Archaeological research in 2006-10 indicated that an underground complex beneath the convent of the . Many of these locations are included in our effort to realize World Heritage Site status. The Church News is an official publication of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Many of the home's original features are still intact, including doors and windows. A Harmony of the Life of Jesus - Four gospel accounts in harmony. neither [have we] inheritance in the son of Jesse: to your tents, O Israel: now see to thine own house, David. 22:14). Bethlehem's First House - Bethlehem Area Public Library - BAPL Ancient Jerusalem - Interactive Study of Jerusalem with Map. Abraham Rihbany, who was born in Syria and spent his early life there, has made a very illuminative statement about the meaning and purpose of the Palestinian house: The Hebrew word bavith and the Arabic word bait mean primarily a "shelter." Within this is a court or courts with apartments opening into them. Jacob Jr. Ehrenhardt House: Built in 1803, this 2 1/2-story fieldstone house features a slate-covered roof and is open to the public as a historic house museum. The church father Origen also wrote in the 3rd century that Jesus was born in a certain cave (Origen, Contra Celsum 1.51). They lived in a city in the hill country of Judea (Luke 1:39. Together, these features offer a rich cultural experience and create cherished spaces for visitors to join with fellow believers from around the world to celebrate the Christmas message. ANCIENT BUILDING IN JESUS' TIME. Nazareth, Jerusalem, palaces, houses 1Sa 28:24 The windows are small apertures high up in the walls, sometimes grated with wood. The earliest permanent habitations of the prehistoric inhabitants of Israel were the natural caves which abound throughout the country. Archaeologists working in Nazareth Jesus' hometown in modern-day Israel have identified a house dating to the first century that was . 45:8). for the latest research, analysis and products on Biblical Archaeology. Originally built by Emperor Constantine's mother, Helena, in the 4th century, Emperor Justinian rebuilt the current structure in the mid-6th century. The Kemerer Museum of Decorative Arts is housed in three interconnected mid-1800s homes featuring changing exhibits, period rooms, and galleries highlighting furniture, paintings, china, clothing, and silver over three centuries of decorative arts. When there is no second floor, but more than one court, the women's apartments --hareems, harem or haram -- are usually in the second court; otherwise they form a separate building within the general enclosure, or are above on the first floor. Ancient Israelite House July 20, 2013 James F. McGrath Patheos Explore the world's faith through different perspectives on religion and spirituality! Birth of Jesus in Bethlehem3. NASA warns of 3 skyscraper-sized asteroids headed toward Earth this week. Gentile Ruth was, of course, one of these amazing few women mentioned in the genealogy of Jesus in Matthew Ch. The church mostly dates to the 6th century construction of Emperor Justinian, but additions and modifications were made during the medieval era. The most prodigious period in Bethlehem began with the founding in 1741 until the end of the General Economy in the 1760s. Today, a Moravian from the mid-1700s would recognize his or her community and feel at home walking the streets of Bethlehem. Caves, during the rainy season, were faulty dwellings, as at the time when protection was most needed, they were being flooded through the surface openings which formed their entrances. New Testament Overview - General survey of the New Testament. . The Palestinian townhouse shared in the same basic conceptions regarding the arrangement of living space and apartment types commonly seen throughout the . But, what is the importance of Bethlehem and which inn was chosen by God as the place for His son to be born in? Micah Ch. (See Bliss, A Mound of Many Cities.) Located around 36 km from Blou Donki Gallery, the guest house with free WiFi is also 36 km away from Art and Wine Gallery on Main. A number of water sources, which would have been accessed in ancient times, have also been found at Nazareth. Both houses are located near the Basilica of the Annunciation seen here. There is a mosaic floor about two feet underneath the current floor that some archaeologists believe is from the original church. Matthew 2:56). Protection of the roof by parapets was enjoined by the law. The passage into it is so contrived that the court cannot be seen from the street outside. The excavation revealed a first-century "courtyard house" that was partially hewn from naturally occurring rock and partially constructed with rock-built walls. An unwalled village about five miles south of Jerusalem with little more than a hundred persons during the Herodian period, it was, nevertheless, the prophesied place of the Messiahs birth (Micah 5:2-4). In response to the urging of contemporaries to restore . The roofs of the dwelling-houses were flat, and are often alluded to in Scripture (2 Sam. Bethlehem, Arabic Bayt Lam ("House of Meat"), Hebrew Bet Leem ("House of Bread"), town in the West Bank, situated in the Judaean Hills 5 miles (8 km) south of Jerusalem. Registration does not imply endorsement. Annunciation to Joseph in Bethlehem2. Their town plan grouped their choir (residential) houses together, surrounding them with kitchen gardens and orchards. Mary's Well See The Holy Land Jud 16:26 in the Bible Encyclopedia - ISBE hous (bayith; oikos, in classical Greek generally "an estate," oikia, oikema (literally, "habitation"), in Acts 12:1, "prison"): I. CAVE DWELLINGS II. It was from a land of houses that Abram, at God's call, became a dweller in tents (Genesis 12:1; Hebrews 11:9). Many homes in Bethlehem were built in front of caves, so we can easily envision Joseph and Mary seeking appropriate privacy in a homes back area that was used for stabling and storage. Both Gospel accounts state clearly that Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea. The Smithy was built in 1750 expanded in 1761 and a second floor added. The word for harlot (zonah) is closely related to mazon which means food. The archaeologists discovered several new sites which date to the early period of Roman rule. Bethlehem is about six miles south of Jerusalem in Israel. The Bible mentions a lot concerning "Houses". This image shows how it looked in 1916. Elijah, fleeing from Jezebel, lodged in a cave (1 Ki 19:9). The Temple Mount during the Byzantine period (324-638 AD). Given that Zacharias worked in the temple, his home would not have been too far away, correct? No doubt the social and also the devotional elements entered into the occasion. Asaf T., Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons. The stairs to the upper apartments are in Syria usually in a corner of the court. Registration and financial information about Historic Bethlehem Partnership, Inc. may be obtained from the Pennsylvania Department of State by calling toll-free, within Pennsylvania, 1-800-732-0999, or on the web at and [we have] none inheritance in the son of Jesse: every man to your tents, O Israel: [and] now, David, see to thine own house. There were stairs leading outside to the roof. The text never mentions a stable at all, only a manger. Christ was necessarily born in Judea to one day be its ruler. Jesus birth in Bethlehem, then, literally occurred in the shadow of Herods reign within sight of Herodion while at the same time posing a divine challenge to it by bringing forth the ultimate royal messiah born in the village of David. Visiting the site The second house was discovered in 2009 during a rescue operation carried out by Israel Antiquities Authority archaeologists. Jointly published by the Deseret News and The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, its content supports the doctrines, principles and practices of the Church. In the Old Testament period, it began to develop as a modest settlement along a crescent-shaped ridge on the border of the Judean hill country to the west and the Judean desert to the east. Centuries after Jesuss time the house was decorated with mosaics and a church was built over it. There is little or no sign of improvement until the period of the Hellenistic influence, and even then the improvement was slight, so far as the homes of the common people were concerned. In some parts of Israel and Arabia stone is used, and in certain districts caves in the rocks are used as dwellings. The sinking was shallow and the headroom low but sufficient for the undersized troglodites who were the occupiers. His goings forth are from long ago, from the days of eternity. The political dynamics of this episode can be seen in one final archaeological feature on the Bethlehem landscape the monumental fortress-palace and tomb that Herod constructed near the southeast of the village called Herodion. CENTURY 21: The Gold Standard. Most people know Herod the Great as the king who ordered the massacre of the Innocents at the time of Jesus' birth. Ancient cities typically had one inn as in the case of Rahab. Although no complete house from this period has yet been excavated within Bethlehem itself, it is quite possible that some of the repurposed caves preserved under the Church of the Nativity once functioned as this type of stable space for homes that stood near or above them at the time of Jesus birth. House in Easton's Bible Dictionary Till their sojourn in Egypt the Hebrews dwelt in tents. Though a house might have been drab on the outside, inside it was cool, comfortable and pleasant. On another point, the regular populace were not as rigid as the Pharisees and were not as scrupulous about not traveling through Samaria (it wasnt an issue for Jesus and his disciples). Archaeologists May Have Found Jesus' Childhood Home in Nazareth On the house-tops grass sometimes grew (Prov. Ive often wondered if Mary and Joseph returned to Zacharias house as the day for Jesus birth drew near since the last thing Joseph would want to do is put his young virgin wife on a donkey when shes nine months pregnant. Bethlehem Paintings - Fine Art America Because the Palestinians lived out-of-doors so much, the sacred writers were fond of referring to GOD as a "shelter" or as a "refuge," rather than as a "home." 2002-2022 The roofs are used as places of recreation in the evening, and often as sleeping-places at night. It was here during the infancy of early Christianity that he began his ministry in the town synagogue (Mark 1:21), recruited his first disciples (Mark 1:16-20) and became renowned for his power to heal the sick and infirm (Mark 3 . As small towns like Bethlehem usually had only one inn, it is reasonable to suggest that Jesus may have been born in this inn. The most significant aspect of Bethlehem, however, is the location of the birth of Jesus Christ. Was Jesus really born in Bethlehem? | Titus Institute Historical map of Ancient Jerusalem. From the earliest times the Assyrians and the Canaanites were builders of cities. Was There Really "No Room at the Inn"? - Christmas Devotionals Matthew J. Grey is a Brigham Young University professor of ancient scripture. Archaeologists working in Nazareth Jesus' hometown in modern-day Israel have identified a house dating to the first century that was regarded as the place where Jesus was brought up by. It was, quite literally, Bethlehem's first house. But most first-century houses in Israel had two stories, an upper floor for sleeping and a lower floor for cooking and keeping animals, including their mangers. Despite his royal power and ostentatious displays of grandeur, which can still be seen by his monumental building projects throughout the region, Herod was fully aware that many Judeans viewed him as an illegitimate ruler appointed by a foreign entity and that many longed for the return of a king from the line of David to replace him.