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The test shall be considered successful if the stopping time remains within that which is determined by paragraph (h)(9)(v) for the safety distance setting. This subparagraph does not apply to keys or setscrews within gear or sprocket casings or other enclosures, nor to keys, setscrews, or oilcups in hubs of pulleys less than twenty (20) inches in diameter where they are within the plane of the rim of the pulley. Conveyors training, regulations, analysis, news, and tools - BLR (c) As used in 1910.216, unless the context clearly requires otherwise, the following mills and calenders in the rubber and plastic industries terms shall have the meanings prescribed in this paragraph. (b) If center to center distance between pulleys is ten (10) feet or more. Each manufacturer supplying parts, components, subsystems, and assemblies needs to maintain the quality of the product, and each employer needs to maintain the system in a non-degraded condition. (i) Air-lift hammers shall have a safety cylinder head as required in paragraph (d)(1) of this section. (3) The top of the cutting chain and driving mechanism shall be enclosed. 6. Where presence sensing devices are used for supplemental safeguarding, a check for proper operation shall be performed using the test rod according to the presence sensing device manufacturer's instructions. One or more methods of machine guarding shall be provided to protect the operator and other employees in the machine area from hazards such as those created by point of operation, ingoing nip points, rotating parts, flying chips and sparks. A slot opening for jack bar will be permitted. FAR). (3) Bearings. When mounting wheels which have not been cemented together, or ones which do not utilize separating spacers, care must be exercised to use wheels specially manufactured for that purpose. Other material, designs or dimensions affording equal or superior protection are also acceptable. Belt shippers and shipper poles. (5) Changing dies. (h) Modified types 6 and 11 wheels (terrazzo). (1) Each circular crosscut table saw shall be guarded by a hood which shall meet all the requirements of paragraph (c)(1) of this section for hoods for circular ripsaws. Machines designed for a fixed location shall be securely anchored to prevent walking or moving. (i) Each continuous line of shafting shall be secured in position against excessive endwise movement. (12) Presence sensing device means a device designed, constructed and arranged to create a sensing field or area that signals the clutch/brake control to deactivate the clutch and activate the brake of the press when any part of the operator's body or a hand tool is within such field or area. (1) Safety trip, face. Machine components shall be designed, secured, or covered to minimize hazards caused by breakage, or loosening and falling or release of mechanical energy (i.e. (ii) The inside diameter of the band shall not be more than 1 inch larger than the outside diameter of the wheel, and shall be mounted as nearly concentric with the wheel as practicable. Vertical belts running over a lower pulley more than seven (7) feet above floor or platform shall be guarded at the bottom in the same manner as horizontal overhead belts, if conditions are as stated in paragraphs (e)(2)(ii) (a) and (c) of this section. 1910.242 Hand and portable powered tools and equipment, general. 2. The validating laboratory, if a separate organization from the validation organization, shall assign technical responsibility for the validation of PSDI certification to a Technical Director. Materials should be placed on the conveyor so that they will ride safely. 8. (4) Hand feeding tools. Analysis. Upsetters shall be provided with a means for locking out the power at its entry point to the machine and rendering its cycling controls inoperable. 3. 1910.160 Fixed extinguishing systems, general. All trip and emergency switches shall not be of the automatically resetting type, but shall require manual resetting. The guard shall effectively keep the operator's hand from coming in contact with the revolving knives. Regulation Y Since that time there have been several revisions, 1987, 1990, 1993, an Addenda in 1992, 2003, 2009, 2012, and 2015. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (Osha) issued citations against Amazon at six warehouses in December 2022, . Safety guards of the types described in subparagraphs (3) and (4) of this paragraph, where the operator stands in front of the opening, shall be constructed so that the peripheral protecting member can be adjusted to the constantly decreasing diameter of the wheel. (l) Belt shifters, clutches, shippers, poles, perches, and fasteners -. The PSDI safety system shall remain under certification/validation for the shorter of one year or until the system hardware is changed, modified or refurbished, or operating conditions are changed (including environmental, application or facility changes), or a failure of a critical component has occurred. See paragraph (c)(3)(ii) of this section regarding manual feeding through interlocked press barrier devices. For any timer setting greater than 15 seconds, the adjustment shall be made by the use of a special tool available only to authorized persons. This monitor shall stop slide motion and prevent successive press strokes if decoupling occurs, or if the monitor itself fails. 1910.1001 Asbestos. of this appendix, above, not less than 180 calendar days, nor more than one year, before the expiration date of its current recognition. (1) Forging means the product of work on metal formed to a desired shape by impact or pressure in hammers, forging machines (upsetters), presses, rolls, and related forming equipment. (vii) Means used to actuate press stroke (foot trip, foot control, hand trip, hand control, or other). (f) As used in 1910.219, unless the context clearly requires otherwise, the following mechanical power-transmission guarding terms shall have the meaning prescribed in this paragraph. 1910.216 Mills and calenders in the rubber and plastics industries. Unused keyways shall be filled up or covered. (iii) Stamped to indicate complete die weight when handling equipment may become overloaded. 1910.1008 bis-Chloromethyl ether. When required by paragraph (c)(5) of this section, the brake monitor shall meet the following requirements: (i) Be so constructed as to automatically prevent the activation of a successive stroke if the stopping time or braking distance deteriorates to a point where the safety distance being utilized does not meet the requirements set forth in paragraph (c)(3)(iii)(e) or (c)(3)(vii)(c) of this section. (Ts is defined as the sum of the kinetic energy dissipation time plus the pneumatic/magnetic/hydraulic reaction time of the clutch/brake operating mechanism(s).). Equip.) If there are no valid requests for a hearing, based on the application, supporting documents, staff recommendation, evidence and public comment, the Assistant Secretary shall issue the final decision (including reasons) of the Department of Labor on whether the applicant has demonstrated by a preponderance of the evidence that it meets the requirements for recognition. 1910.1010 Benzidine. d. When the change of state is motion, the measurement shall be made at the completion of the motion. The identified parts, components and subsystems shall be certified by the manufacturer to be able to withstand the functional and operational environments of the PSDI safety system. Hangers shall be inspected to make certain that all supporting bolts and screws are tight and that supports of hanger boxes are adjusted properly. (3) Each disk sanding machine shall have the exhaust hood, or other guard if no exhaust system is required, so arranged as to enclose the revolving disk, except for that portion of the disk above the table, if a table is used, which may be necessary for the application of the material to be finished. 1910.272 Grain handling facilities. (4) of this appendix. A safety triprod, cable, or wire center cord shall be provided across each pair of in-running rolls extending the length of the face of the rolls. 7. This clearance shall not exceed one-sixteenth inch. The spreader shall be attached so that it will remain in true alignment with the saw even when either the saw or table is tilted. It shall be made of material that is soft enough so that it will be unlikely to cause tooth breakage. (iv) All overhead parts shall be fastened or protected in such a manner that they will not fly off or fall in event of failure. No extra microswitches or interlocking sensors would be required. There are other general safety precautions which should be followed by everyone even if they dont work directly with conveyors. 1910.1014 2-Acetylaminofluorene. d. Tests designed by the manufacturer shall be made available upon request to the validation organization. The angular exposure of the grinding wheel periphery and sides for safety guards used on machines known as bench and floor stands should not exceed 90 or one-fourth of the periphery. This content is from the eCFR and is authoritative but unofficial. 1910.36 Design and construction requirements for exit routes. All d.c. control circuits shall be powered by not more than a nominal 240-volt d.c. supply isolated from any higher voltages. (2) Drag saws shall be so located as to give at least a 4-foot clearance for passage when the saw is at the extreme end of the stroke; or if such clearance is not obtainable, the saw and its driving mechanism shall be provided with a standard enclosure. (ii) The point of operation of machines whose operation exposes an employee to injury, shall be guarded. (29) Manual feeding means feeding wherein the material or part being processed is handled by the operator on each stroke of the press. This is known as the Ring Test. (12) Upsetters (or forging machines, or headers) type of forging equipment, related to the mechanical press, in which the main forming energy is applied horizontally to the workpiece which is gripped and held by prior action of the dies. OSHA in the Battery Room Part Two: OSHA 1910.178(g) Appendix A to Subpart T of Part 1910Examples of Conditions Which May Restrict or Limit Exposure to Hyperbaric Conditions The PSDI set-up/reset means required by paragraph (h)(6)(iv) may be initiated by the actuation of a special momentary pushbutton or by the actuation of a special momentary pushbutton and the initiation of a first stroke with two hand controls. Use of a brake monitor does not eliminate the need for periodic brake inspection and maintenance to reduce the possibility of catastrophic failures. This table shows the distances that guards shall be positioned from the danger line in accordance with the required openings. All drip cups and pans shall be securely fastened. 1910.309-1910.330 [Reserved], 1910.331 Scope. If made of pipe, the post shall be one and one-fourth (114) inches inside diameter, or larger. Where a disk is used, the keys or other dangerous projections not covered by disk shall be cut off or covered. 1926.555 (a) (5) Where a conveyor passes over work areas, aisles, or thoroughfares, suitable guards shall be provided to protect employees required to work below the conveyors. 1. 1910.111 Storage and handling of anhydrous ammonia. (20) Die set means a tool holder held in alignment by guide posts and bushings and consisting of a lower shoe, an upper shoe or punch holder, and guide posts and bushings. (2) Vertical and inclined belts (paragraphs (e) (3) and (4) of this section) if not more than two and one-half (212) inches wide and running at a speed of less than one thousand (1,000) feet per minute, and if free from metal lacings or fastenings may be guarded with a nip-point belt and pulley guard. Peripheral grinding wheel having a diameter, thickness and hole. The third-party validation organization, the validating laboratory, and the employees of each shall meet the requirements set forth in this section of this appendix. 1910.15 Shipyard employment. (i) The point of operation of presses operated in the PSDI mode shall be safeguarded in accordance with the requirements of paragraph (c) of this section, except that the safety distance requirements of paragraph (h)(9)(v) of this section shall be used for PSDI operation. of this appendix, above, except that a reinspection is not required but may be performed by OSHA. The bottom of the guard shall come to within three-eighths inch of a plane formed by bottom or contact face of the feed roll where it touches the stock. (61) Presence sensing device initiation means an operating mode of indirect manual initiation of a single stroke by a presence sensing device when it senses that work motions of the operator, related to feeding and/or removing parts, are completed and all parts of the operator's body or hand tools are safely clear of the point of operation. (i) All hammers shall be positioned or installed in such a manner that they remain on or are anchored to foundations sufficient to support them according to applicable engineering standards. 1910.142 Temporary labor camps. [39 FR 23502, June 27, 1974, as amended at 43 FR 49750, Oct. 24, 1978; 43 FR 51760; Nov. 7, 1978; 49 FR 5323, Feb. 10, 1984; 61 FR 9227, March 7, 1996; 69 FR 31882, June 8, 2004], Occupational Safety & Health Administration. Similarly, only presses with a configuration such that a person's body cannot completely enter the bed area are approved for PSDI. (4) The mention of specific machines in paragraphs (a) thru (q) and this paragraph (r) of this section, inclusive, is not intended to exclude other woodworking machines from the requirement that suitable guards and exhaust hoods be provided to reduce to a minimum the hazard due to the point of operation of such machines. Grade 32510. Eligibility. Overhead belt guards shall be at least one-quarter wider than belt which they protect, except that this clearance need not in any case exceed six (6) inches on each side. (iv) Type of safeguard(s) being used (two hand control, two hand trip, pullouts, sweeps, or other). will also bring you to search results. Following a deactivation of PSDI by the timer, the system shall make it necessary to reset the set-up/reset means in order to reactivate the PSDI mode. In overhead silent chain-drive guards where the chain is held from lateral displacement on the sprockets, the side clearances required on drives of twenty (20) inch centers or under shall be not less than one-fourth inch from the nearest moving chain part, and on drives of over twenty (20) inch centers a minimum of one-half inch from the nearest moving chain part. (iii) Table O-8 and Figure O-35 show minimum dimensions for straight flanges that are an integral part of wheel sleeves which are frequently used on precision grinding machines. [39 FR 23502, June 27, 1974, as amended at 49 FR 5323, Feb. 10, 1984; 61 FR 9240, Mar. 1910.1044 1,2-dibromo-3-chloropropane. (27) Automatic feeding means feeding wherein the material or part being processed is placed within or removed from the point of operation by a method or means not requiring action by an operator on each stroke of the press. (5) Modified types 6 and 11 wheels (terrazzo) mean some type 6 and 11 cup wheels used in the terrazzo trade having tapered K dimensions to match a special tapered flange furnished by the machine builder. Subpart PHand and Portable Powered Tools and Other Hand-Held Equipment. (56) Turnover bar means a bar used in die setting to manually turn the crankshaft of the press. (1) Keys. (B) The safety distance shall be checked for compliance with (h)(9)(v) of this section. (62) Safety system means the integrated total system, including the pertinent elements of the press, the controls, the safeguarding and any required supplemental safeguarding, and their interfaces with the operator, and the environment, designed, constructed and arranged to operate together as a unit, such that a single failure or single operating error will not cause injury to personnel due to point of operation hazards. (iv) There are three general types of flanges: (a) Straight relieved flanges (see Figure O-32); (b) Straight unrelieved flanges (see Figure O-30); (c) Adaptor flanges (see Figures O-33 and O-34); (v) Regardless of flange type used, the wheel shall always be guarded. Class 20. The explanation and use of the scale shall be documented. (vi) Electrical clutch/brake control circuits shall incorporate features to minimize the possibility of an unintended stroke in the event of the failure of a control component to function properly, including relays, limit switches, and static output circuits. 1910.1028 Benzene. 1910.19 Special provisions for air contaminants. (3) Feed rolls shall be guarded by a hood or suitable guard to prevent the hands of the operator from coming in contact with the in-running rolls at any point. The dates of the period of recognition will be stated in the recognition letter. View the most recent official publication: These links go to the official, published CFR, which is updated annually. Sec. Its hood shall be so designed that it will automatically cover the lower portion of the blade, so that when the saw is returned to the back of the table the hood will rise on top of the fence, and when the saw is moved forward the hood will drop on top of and remain in contact with the table or material being cut. 1910.178 Powered industrial trucks. (6) Maintenance runway means any permanent runway or platform used for oiling, maintenance, running adjustment, or repair work, but not for passageway. The spreader shall be made of hard tempered steel, or its equivalent, and shall be thinner than the saw kerf. 1910.94 Ventilation. Instructions for use of the test rod shall be noted on a label affixed to the presence sensing device. (i) The employer shall establish a diesetting procedure that will insure compliance with paragraph (c) of this section. 1910.145 Specifications for accident prevention signs and tags. 4. All measurements on mills and calenders shall be taken with the rolls running empty at maximum operating speed. Regulations Respecting Occupational Health and Safety, Decree 885-2001, 5-2.1, r.19.01, July 2001. (40) Jog means an intermittent motion imparted to the slide by momentary operation of the drive motor, after the clutch is engaged with the flywheel at rest. This valve shall be closed and locked in the off position while the hammer is being adjusted, repaired, or serviced, or when the dies are being changed. The sides of the lower exposed portion of the blade shall be guarded to the full diameter of the blade by a device that will automatically adjust itself to the thickness of the stock and remain in contact with stock being cut to give maximum protection possible for the operation being performed. (2) Couplings. C. Analyses may be used for certification/validation when existing data are available or when test is not feasible. Pressing enter in the search box (b) Abrasive discs (inserted nut, inserted washer, and projecting stud type). (The operational and installation requirements of the PSDI safety system may vary for different applications.). (26) Feeding means the process of placing or removing material within or from the point of operation. Expanded metal, perforated or solid sheet metal, wire mesh on a frame of angle iron, or iron pipe securely fastened to floor or to frame of machine. 1910.440 Recordkeeping requirements. A controlled clearance between the wheel hole and the machine spindle (or wheel sleeves or adaptors) is essential to avoid excessive pressure from mounting and spindle expansion. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration's (OSHA's) requirements for machine guarding are found in 29 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) 1910 Subpart O, Machinery and Machine Guarding as detailed below; 1910.211 Definitions; 1910.212 General requirements for all machines; . It shall be the responsibility of the employer to insure the original and continuing competence of personnel caring for, inspecting, and maintaining power presses. (1) Mills. 4. (iii) Where brake engagement and clutch release is effected by spring action, such spring(s) shall operate in compression on a rod or within a hole or tube, and shall be of non-interleaving design. The driving point of all friction drives when exposed to contact shall be guarded, all arm or spoke friction drives and all web friction drives with holes in the web shall be entirely enclosed, and all projecting belts on friction drives where exposed to contact shall be guarded. 'They're more concerned about profit': Osha, DoJ take on Amazon's a. Blotters shall be used in accordance with paragraph (c)(6) of this section. A PSDI safety system which has received installation certification/validation shall undergo recertification/revalidation the earlier of: a. Rivet making with less than 1-inch diameter is usually a cold forging operation, and therefore not included in this subpart. The recognition of each validation organization will be valid for five years, unless terminated before or renewed after the expiration of the period. Solid material used for this purpose shall be of an equivalent strength and firmness. If you need more than just a PowerPoint, be sure to hop over to . 6.a. The provisions of paragraph (h) of this section shall apply to rivet making. (ii) The following checks shall be made at the beginning of each shift and whenever a die change is made. See paragraph (b) of 1910.215. This section covers all types and shapes of power-transmission belts, except the following when operating at two hundred and fifty (250) feet per minute or less: Flat belts one (1) inch or less in width. The manufacturer's recommended minimum lining depth shall be identified and documented, and an evaluation made that the minimum depth will not be exceeded before the next (annual) recertification/revalidation. All contact surfaces of wheels, blotters and flanges shall be flat and free of foreign matter. If a stairway accesses the catwalk, the width requirements depend on the width of the stairway that serves it. Tr = Longest response time, in seconds, of all interposing control elements between the presence sensing device and the clutch/brake operating mechanism(s). 1. The guidelines apply to certification/validation activity from design evaluation through the completion of the installation test and the annual recertification/revalidation tests. (C) A check shall be made to determine that all supplemental safeguarding is in place. 6. 1910.98 Effective dates. The maximum angular exposure of the grinding wheel periphery and sides for safety guards used on grinders known as automatic snagging machines shall not exceed 180 and the top half of the wheel shall be enclosed at all times. site when drafting amendatory language for Federal regulations: 1910.30 Training requirements. 1910.126 Additional requirements for special dipping and coating operations. For the purpose of demonstrating compliance with the reaction time required by 1910.217(h), the tests shall use the following definitions and requirements: a. 1910.262 Textiles. (ii) In powerplants or power-development rooms, a guardrail may be used in lieu of the guard required by subdivision (i) of this subparagraph. (ii) The motor start button shall be protected against accidental operation. (9) Repairs and maintenance. (11) The frames and all exposed, noncurrent-carrying metal parts of portable electric woodworking machinery operated at more than 90 volts to ground shall be grounded and other portable motors driving electric tools which are held in the hand while being operated shall be grounded if they operate at more than 90 volts to ground. This requirement does not apply to those elements of the control system which have no effect on the protection against point of operation injuries. (6) Types 27 and 28 depressed center wheels mean wheels having diameter, thickness, and hole size dimensions.