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The strange thing is that Mark was with Bob for almost the entire 30 years as his #1 right hand man and Mark was a brilliant businessman. They were expecting it. , : - -, - -. , : , . Is this what was meant or was Nebuchadnezzar telling them to get it as hot as possible? You dont have any morals.your life is a lie. He should have been honest and asked for a divorce. His picture is in every one of your posts. So they began to buy out failing churches in the area and use large screens. If true that absolutely stuns me. I have not been to this site in quite sometime (If anyone doubts that , Im sure Michael can verify that, right Michael?) Hugh, Yeah, I agree completely with Neo, You really, really need a hug. Not one of us is perfect, which is why we are to put our faith in the Lord, not in man. Police say the victim wasn't a church member, and Calvary Chapel says it immediately fired Tague upon learning about the claims. Thanks for the words. Since you have only been taught the CC line yes, Satan has been bound for the past 2,000 years. "He was just transparent, and he could be very funny as well. Excellent, thoughtful article today and we appreciate it much. The transformation that has taken place is that when I sin there is conviction that takes place reminding me that what I have done or thought is wrong. But he declines to share the results of the test, which he says was not done for the police. The only point is the one they refuse to acknowledge. Ive had so much calamity the last few years that a standard curse would feel like a vacation. As I made comment on those who did, others jumpe in and made each a Luther discussion. The accusations reveal in graphic detail that Coy forced the girl to perform oral sex on him, and that he "digitally penetrated her.". If this is untrue or these are unlawfully exaggerated claims the. Look Jesus does speak of his return very clearly in Matt 25, the 2nd half about the sheep and the goats 1.) After doing research, we found that each of these churches are controlled at the top by people who have connections to the ecumenical/interfaith movement and are stealthily drawing the churches into the one world religion of the Antichrist.. The women werent in a position of power and trust and in covenant with another woman. I dont remember much of it. Time to Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.2Tim 2:15. I think that older men with less testosterone can dodge these bullets. Im more sympathetic to the people like Anonymous above than to Coy. A man of that importance-you dont think would have been brought before the congregation and prayed off as they have done in the past with others who have left? When you are dealing with human resource issues at a corporate level there are legal and illegal ways to speak of a persons departure from the company. The hearts that through him were opened to accept Jesus as their saviors will always be in Gods heart. I have struggled to find a place to call home as well. Nobody should jugde him he is human NOT god. Interesting and worthy of noting: it was called CC Ft Lauderdale and was never in Ft Lauderdale but Pompano BeachHe was called to Ft. Lauderdale but never ever had a church there. Lets look 20:1 Then I saw an angel coming down from heaven, holding in his hand the key to the bottomless pit do angels have hands? Baker and haggard were false teachers. But you still havent addressed the question, has Luther ever taught anything wrong? Hopefully cooler heads prevail. Is his family with him? And the harmony in the animal kingdom and man will no longer be afraid of the wild beasts, only of the raging false teaching Calvinists! Most of us live in glass houses anyway. And I also said that I would not give him the keys to another church. I cant tell you how many employees would be afraid to speak up about ANYTHING going on in both the church and the school because they were afraid to lose their job or position! "If Calvary gives these pastors this much authority and they use and abuse it with no accountability, they have to blame themselves.". It doesnt say or infer anything you are saying. Changes things greatly. But in your praying dont forget those who are at the bottom of the iceberg who are actively involved in their secret sin of choice and will continue to do so as long as theyre not found out and as long as they ignore the conviction of the Holy Spirit. "We need to stop him. Anonymous dont buy the lie men do not cheat because an ad pops up on their FB page. Seems like this must be worse than the usual cc pastor adultery because from my observation, calvary chapel covers for their guys and discredits the victims. Glory(Pride) Gold-(Obtaining personal financial advancement from the ministry) Girls-(giving in to self serving sexual pleasure from Women) I think that older men with less testosterone can dodge these bullets. I hope in time Bob will have someone reach out to him as I have dear people and pastors reach out to me. PS Connie and Ashleigh (Pastors Gregs wife) have been afflicted with cancer I will ask you all to hold them in prayer this month please. For Diane, all the skills gained at being a pastors wife are now useless. Hi Lorenzo, There is another reason some of us choose monogamy, and that is love. 3. She works with children! Mark, are you kidding? Thak you for sparing me hahaha, I already had my sleep for the night, and for not trying to make me a Calvin disciple, I see how they turn out hahaha! At its core, this is not a CC failure or a megachurch failure or a Moses-model failure. Founded in 1985 by Bob Coy and his wife Diane,. How I have seen just over the last two days, about where a person goes for Bible interpretation, will make all the difference. I have no issue with him looking at porn. Anything at all? I may know what she is feeling, how she is running it all over and over in her head trying to make sense of it, trying to protect her family. Coy has never been criminally charged, and if there were other cases of sexual harassment or abuse in the decades he ran Calvary Chapel Fort Lauderdale, neither the church nor cops have revealed them. This is not uncommon among men. In 2017, he was accused of sexually abusing a four-year-old girl. Coy says he was never approached by the police about the allegations. The church didn't respond to a detailed set of questions from New Times, instead sending a general statement about the former pastor. I never been to CC but I read on many different blogs about them and I would like to share the Scripture from Psalm 2:11-12 Serve the LORD with fear, and rejoice with trembling. In every church there were false teachings, traditions of men, worldly compromise, hypocrisy in the leadership and pastors who justified everything. Coy's preaching career ended, but his sex scandal was far from the first for Calvary. How do you KNOW that Israel on the Mediterranean is the Israel of God? We are all susceptible to temptation and sin until the day we are redeemed and changed incorruptible. You must have wrote it after I closed the thread. Why is that so hard? Diane Coy has periodically spoken within women's ministries conferences about her life, her struggles and her faith that brought her through. The case was assigned to a detective and although police advised the victim that there does not seem to be a statute of limitations concerning the alleged crime, the girl reportedly did not cooperate in terms of pursuing the matter further. Having been previously mocked by another blogger for my lobbing out the reminder to all of us of to remember 7 times 70, I am the first to admit to not ever being close to fulfilling that. Jerry Falwell called Bakker a liar, an embezzler, a sexual deviant, and the greatest scab and cancer on the face of Christianity in 2,000 years of church history, In 1988, Falwell said that the Bakker scandal had strengthened broadcast evangelism and made Christianity stronger, more mature and more committed.. Answer truthfully now! Ive sat under some horrible pastors that taught fairly well. Over 24 hours from when the story broke, one mainstream media has posted something. MLD, so satan has been bound over that 2000 years? He is being made a point of so that repentance can take place. There is more going on at this church than just this infidelity. The 8-9 years I was there she was never around and hardly did any ministry. I think the blogger has the best synopsis of what the biblical model is to do in this case. Now, tell me how you play around and allow yourself to be tempted. this too I am speaking from personal experience. And that is gonna take a while to undo. Michael, they always try to make you the bad guybut we know you are clean. I said way at the top that Bob Coy can be restored as a brother. Chuck would say that its a shame for all the talent to be wasted. Michael, I see you shook the tree and some nuts fell out. The founder's son-in-law, Brian Brodersen, left the network of Calvary churches and started his own organization with many of the chapels, including Coy's old church in Fort Lauderdale. Any ideas? In 1989, CadZZilla, a customized 1949 Cadillac, was commissioned by ZZ Top's Billy Gibbons, conceived by Jack Chisenhall, and designed by Chisenhall and Larry Erickson. He might have resigned but I doubt the cash flow is stopping for him. 87 . I call it the most bs example and cop out of all the other bs to come down the CC pike over the years. Thankfully, this isnt my first rodeo. I think thats a YES! With MLD leading the way with his self righteous smug attitude! . Yet Andy made about 30 comments after saying it wasnt worth talking to me. and Why? You have defended your right to report the story, which I cannot dispute, and have vigorously expressed that those who disagree are killing the messenger or throwing you under the busbut my point was not to indeed do such, but to state that, due to the lives that are affected by this story (his family), and yes, by his sin, which I do not excuse in any way, that it may not have been in good humanity or taste to have reported the story before the church did on April 6. It was also difficult to be someone who had discernment there. Im still here, though I have had a couple of colds since the Chuck curse. Im just trying to figure out why Michaels on the take. You are a funny guy 1st you quote to me Jamieson, Fausset & Brown, and then you tell me you JUST READ THE BIBLE which is it. You judge that we are judging him, when the truth is it was his board who judged him and found him guilty as heck. In one case, victims claimed the church knowingly moved a pedophile to another city without warning parents. so they never addressed the dress of the women. Barbara, You will have to do the homework. But let me ask this why dont you listen to what the apostles said about this period? Indwelling our hearts, He gives new life to us, empowers and imparts gifts to us for service. It was very beautiful and solemn there. What Happened To Aunt Diane? Taconic Crash Body Of Diane Schuler I need to look up the verse, but I think its in Job where he talks about averting his eyes when the girls walk by. She was approving the operation paperwork at that moment. An ongoing issue. She can immerse herself into a good story no matter the genre or form and only come out from it when she's had her fill. The Bible, uniquely and fully inspired by the Holy Spirit, is the supreme and final authority on all matters on which it speaks.