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Jesus Christ created each and every one of us and gave us each unique talents, gifts, and skills. Yet he has come to found and operate one of the worlds largest companys. He was able to speak when he was only 6 months old and was a self-taught reader at age 3. Credit: Gage Skidmore / Flickr CC BY-SA 2.0. WebIts also important to understand that your IQ score doesnt exist in isolation. As for a cure, there is no cure for seasonal flu or the common cold, so dont hold your breath. A score A true genius(and the original definition) is not measured by his performance on merely a (pretty useless) test, but by his accomplishments, therefore none of these people on your list are, you have to achieve a paradigm shift in your field, and even Einstein and Hawking are only theorists(dreamers) who have been proven wrong on multiple counts. I have an IQ of 146. Lydia Sebastian completed This is obvious in the repetition in your comments, showing that something ready bothers you that someone with higher emotional intelligence woudve have accepted with a rational and practical look into what they mightve done if presented with the same scenario (Random kid gloating about their alledged IQ) and why someone doubted their authenticity, compete with the feeling of not caring because they could put a harmless comment behind them. Retired now I was always an artist but now can be that full time. These labels are often given for IQ scores: 1 to 24: Profound mental disability 25 to 39: Severe mental disability Marilyn vos Savant - Wikipedia Kinda reminds me of this YouTube video: https://youtu.be/nlJ4WIj3j24, My iq is certified 172 I cant believe it I am 17 And smarter thatn stephen god damn hawking. It worked, and My results were average of 95% and lowest score 93. I am the mother of a child with an IS of 197 and unfortunately this person is correct. This number is based on experts evaluating Einstein as a person and developing a reasonable prediction as to what his IQ score would have been if he had been tested. But I debate that (I wrote the EQ book stole by a teacher and wrote the SQ book that I decided not to publish) and believe that living around normal people that seem like they have never closely observed anything that matters, (hand sweeps over my head) has lowered my IQ a couple points. Do you know most highly intelligent, when asked to assess their intelligence, actually self-assess themselves lower than less intelligent people asked the same question? If he did not have any other alternative than to sacrifice his own son, then he is really stupid. As well as capitalized it in the middle of a sentence. Marilyn vos Savant Has been seen as having fake high scores, she has been challenged to prove her test and refuses. I am a certified doctor, so I know these things. Because the IQ of the Psychologist is most definitly not high enough to judge the IQ of other people. It is a non-profit organisation open to people who score at the 98th percentile or higher on a standardised, supervised IQ or other approved intelligence test. At which point I was the first alternate to both West Point and the AirForce Academy. I have taken several IQ Tests from both college and just myself and always score between 125-129. All low and useless people have no sense of humor about most things including themselves. If you want to know what matters I will tell you what matters. At that young age, he could only speak his native Korean but by the age of 6, he learned how to read several languages including Korean, English, German, and Japanese. Anyone who knows anything about brain development knows this. It caused a problem with my sister in law she felt it was wrong. Thank you for writing your comment. If I had my way everyone would be made to wear external ID so that people could avoid the arguments of unmatched challengers, and so that I could be left alone and not have to deal with the moronic level of obtuse opinions of out false leaders, (not leading me) and their catering to numbnuts at the middle of the bell curve. Dyslexia is often diagnosed in early childhood when reading education begins. Props to all you smarties and props to anyone who doesnt think theyre smart as long as youre both doing the best you Can, I say youre both golden (not that my opinion matters to anyone lol) everyone deserves a pat on the back if they try their best. WebEvangelos Katsioulis (IQ - 198) Readers digest. Theres also no shortage of debate on the accuracy of scoring. Credit Gert-Martin Greuel via Wikimedia Commons is licensed under CC-BY-SA 2.0. I have an iq of just 130. The law of the universe is entropy, the fact that there is life contradicting that proves that there is some force/god somewhere/when that started it. Agatha, I am not saying you lied. Im currently enrolled in 8th grade, even though I am supposed to be in 6th. No one really, yknow, cares what a child of near-genius level is capable of. This is why humans in general have no memories of life prior to about 2 years old. (2011). That fear holds a lot of us back, and prevents from becoming even better, so dont make the same mistakes as me and remember not to just cruise in life and expect to always be best, because before you know it youll be falling behind). Aha.you have to write in and tell us !!! DOI: Frequently asked questions on intellectual disability. Dash, youre talkin a totally different IQ scoring system and scale for social media participants. WebIQ level 116 shows that you are a normal type of thinking ability, belonging to " Above average intelligence" in IQ scale range chart accounting for 15.7% of the world's population. Beware of the lesser among you, the mild tasting yogurt devoid of the tiniest bits of fruit. Wow, sweety pie. I hadnt slept in 2 days, hadnt eaten, ,and my greatest strength is my greatest weakness a poor memory. Forcing a person with a mind to break all the rules of reason and logic is the greatest persecution of our times. and she wasnt even bragging, she was saying that its ok not to have a high iq and that its your kindness and hard work that counts. Whatever the number, IQ scores are still highly controversial. Everyone with an IQ score higher than 110 is lucky enough to have an above average intelligence. (n.d.). Wish I could share more but my pen just died. Im going to start by saying that I dont think you cant increase your IQ. A score between 110 and 119 would indicate a superior intelligence; a score between 120 and 140 would mean a very superior intelligence; a score over 140 would indicate genius or near genius. 99% of you are guaranteed under 100. Was einstein the smartest man in the world? Ummm who else would be reading this, less than sure wouldnt find this page now would they??. They may know the specific knowledge but not the total knowledge. Camped over much of North America durinf the summers. Does it make you feel better to tear down people who have gifts that you dont have? (2017). I was also an all A student, that was until I realized that no one cares in the real world. 132 is the point at which you can get into a SOCIETY for individuals with a high IQ. Take Jack Ma for example, his IQ is not at all high, he barely graduated from a community college with a bachelors in english. Talent Drive= Frustration. I attend 6th grade but, I am currently doing 10th grade math in an out of school program. More specifically, where did you get the number 190 for Philip Emeagwali? Hello, is an iq of 140 for a nine year old good? I work in the highly competitive management consulting industry and Im definitely not the smartest guy in the room in many situations. Also, I notice a clear decline in my ability to recall quickly facts well known to me compared to the younger ME. Which God do you mean? At the age of 1 I was able to beat Magnus Carlsen in two moves. keyboards (grammer) ; electronic,s [sic] should be electronics punctuation and grammer); etc. She is most famous for her column Ask Marilyn where she provides advice and counsel to all sorts of life dilemmas. So, (chuckles) depending on ones perspective, if you were to multiply the imaginary by the rational (chuckles,snort) you would have the sum of iqx Which could be expressed in a wide variety of ways. Did you dislocate your arm patting yourself on the back?? Not a genius, but Ill take it. 136 Stanford Benet 5, sad Part is my wife and son rank higher! Sorry to burst all these narcisists bubbles . Start by going to the most inexpensive community or online college and complete at least 4 basic courses in one year. I fail in my marriage to my wife. This American was born into a family of New York City intellectuals. I am very creative and have several self taught skills (hair styling, wig making, makeup artistry and practically anything that requires one to use their head and mind). There are things in the world that we do not realize yet. Next time think before you try to discredit someone. The highest recorded IQ score in history belongs to William James Sidis. DOI: Mumbai bornKashmeaWahiis an 11-year-old who beat Albert Einstein and Stephen Hawking with her IQ score. NOT .ect (punctuation and spelling); its up NOT its up (punctuation); start a new sentence after mind (grammar). We avoid using tertiary references. While battling a physically declining condition, he grew in popularity through his live and became somewhat of a pop culture icon. So, an IQ of 205 is already impossible, even theoretically. No it doesnt. Radical acceleration in Australia: Terence Tao. It gets better. My score is the square root of 17,161, or e^4.8752. Hi Jennifer, thanks for the comments. 36 People With The Highest IQs Ever: World's Smartest People But lets even calculate with 7 (which represents about 1 in 390 billion, a number were not going to need anytime soon). Have a question? I have two years of college and got average grades all through school. Must go I to newspeak then English where say he Engrish to? Sure. Most of whom were hired because they were good hockey players and the town was building a winning team. Jerrys I have always said that my IQ means I can sometimes solve quite complex problems easily and create complex problems when they dont exist! The first part of the statement:I have always said that my IQ means I can sometimes solve quite complex problems easily has never been a source of embarrassment to me .. but and create complex problems when they dont exist! has. Nevertheless I do know a handful of languages (7) and worked as a software engineer. I went to the u niversity of pennsylvania from 1974 to 1979 and earned a second MS in systems engineering. William James Sidis 250 300 IQ. My father criticized me for spending too much time reading. . Over the years i have worn many hats..my dad used to say i could be a pretender & do anything i wanted to do, be anything i wanted to be..he though that idea was exciting..shocked & dismayed, i said Why? If anyone has a score of 109, then kudos! Why, may I ask, kudos for 109? The degree does not communicate how smart you are, but it will tell future/potential employers or customers, you are motivated, driven, responsible, and more. No one in my immediate family has it but me. Use your gifts to help speed the process of developing higher EQ! Trying to make it seem as if love and other emotions can be simplified and understood through science. Einstein is known for developing the theory of relativity and the famous equation E=mc2 and is the recipient of the 1921 Nobel Prize in Physics. There are many forms of intelligence. I became depressed and the business failed in 1987. An 11-year-old Iranian school girl has just become the new face of braininess after receiving the highest possible score on the Mensa IQ test. How about just saying God instead of He or She? James Wood takes it. I have a dyslexic sibling who scored better on math than I did, and most of them are dyslexic as a result of something else(in my siblings case heart surgery). I can make very accurate and ogica guesses, but sometimes my need for things to be where they being holds me up when Im solving problems. The publication also noted that Albert Einstein and Steven Hawking are both thought to have an IQ of 160. The highest possible IQ calculation clearly doesnt match the rest of the article, which features several people with IQs above the max, many of whom lived or are living concurrently. Now if youll excuse me, I must refill my cup with organic Ginkgo Biloba tea. A score above 130 indicates exceptional intelligence, and anything higher than 160 makes God, I love my dangling modifiers and my complex compound errors. You can tell if you are a genius if you can succeed at what others have deemed impossible, as I have done countless times. I dont think of Lil Wayne as a genius, but if we assume income to be related to IQ, then hes smarter than anyone who has ever worked for NASA. To gloat? What I learned from the Bible is that God and Jesus are very stupid beings with a very low IQ. I feel stupid and dumb, and reading comments like yours made me feel like, well, a failure. Why would he do that? 15, 128 iq. If it doesnt work at all scales then there is obviously a problem with their equations. I now understand how most people think, and it is very interesting, rewarding and relaxing. Lao Tzu: If I tell you that I do not, will you believe me?. As someone who has experienced these things first hand dont try to lecture me on anything that you think you know about her or people like her or me. The model also assumes a normal distribution, which is unlikely to be accurate. Btw, my i.q. Life experience and curiosity about the world matter. Clearly this clarity is objectively objective. Im probably not as intelligent as you, and my skills are on the deduction and mathematical side, rather than language, but I understand the frustration. All with high intelligence have mastered their native languages, in childhood no less, both in terms of speaking and writing skills (at least use spellcheck if you want to fake it better folks). There have been/are thousands of Gods as you may know. 2005-2023 Healthline Media a Red Ventures Company. My wife died in 2017, but I have a good retirement i ncome because of savings and investments. I think there is merit in Malcolm Gladwells concept of smart enough as it relates to intelligence and success in most fields. If you know these terms without looking for the definition, then your IQ is close to mine (168). Most Respectfully, Donald. I have always said that my IQ means I can sometimes solve quite complex problems easily and create complex problems when they dont exist! Last medically reviewed on January 28, 2020, A persons IQ (intelligence quotient) is a score derived from standardized tests designed to measure human intelligence and intellectual potential. I can answer questions that none else in the world can answer. The first mass IQ test was taken by US soldiers during World War I. Got 3 out of 3 correct in the memory test. Six months after my surgery in which my amygdala and hippocampus were removed all of my pre-surgical tests were repeated and my IQ results increased to 127. I used to teach these guys mathematics during break times. Who has the honor of the highest score isnt entirely clear. all unofficial but highly regarded websites. If I could afford to get more education I would, but am economically trapped and probably will remain so. The dangers of unsystematic selection methods and the representatives of 46 samples of African test-takers. If you werent completely stupid, youd realise how long it takes for a co-ordinated scientific effort to produce any sort of vaccine or antiviral drug for a new pathogen. After a Year call out with the Army during the Bay OF Pigs fiasco, I returned as Service manager for a larger company, and got a fast promotion to 2Lt. Perhaps, I should take into consideration why this comment was made, the probability of this comment being true, and how trustworthy people who have the chance of acting like someone else would be in this situation. This may be inflammatory but for example an Ashkenazi is most probably four standard deviations smarter than a Kenyan. So no, I really, really do not believe any of these people claiming that they are at 160 or above at, pretty much any age. One small 2011 study suggests that intellectual capacity can increase or decrease during teen years. In one year it was complete with seven rooms. 8 Ways to Increase Your IQ Levels - Healthline A Guide to Helping Children with Dyslexia Outside of School, Everything You Need to Know About Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence, There Are Many Learning Disorders a Child May Have 3 Are Most Common, Glycemic Index: What It Is and How to Use It. Ive had 38 jobs Im only 35 only got fired from one of those jobs the others i quit and i got layed off once. While waiting for the bus my fellow neighbourhood kids were fascinated when I showed them, all not slide-rule users, how superior the Japanese circular slide rule I had was. Im am not trying to make the point here that you are unintelligent, but having a vast vocabulary does not convey intelligence and in fact is not whatsoever related to the IQ test. Hi Anastasia, Im Mark. WebChina also has a higher average IQ than most countries, around 105. It does feel a bit unfair, to be able to easily pass school tests and achieve the supposed goals of education only to find a bit of nothing at the end. Identifying gifted children: Congruence among different IQ measures. The entire year in ten days, ten tests and a final. It was a completely empty basementcement floor and block walls. I would read all the text books in the first week of the new term each year and spend the rest of the year bored out of my mind. The pass IQ foe Mensa is 148! Hi, Im 11 and I have an IQ of 156. Perhaps you should try making a cure. One of us requires the planet to be filled up 3 times to get another one in the maths a 1 in 21 billion. My IQ was so high that when I was a kid, my mama had to tell me to come in the house and get out of the rain .Actually, tested at 158 by the Cattell Test, used to separate out folks with high IQs as the Stanford Be is inaccurate for testing very low and very high IQs. XYZ math > Used when one is trying to calculate an indefinite integral. I knew nothing about carpentry or tools etc. And yet, theyll gleefully pronounce non-native speakers unworthy of expressing themselves in English because they make mistakes. IQ is useless if you dont work hard. Once you get an IQ score of 110 you begin to take note. Though, you can and should continue to learn throughout your life. The person with the highest IQ ever recorded is Ainan Celeste Cawley with an IQ score of 263. Mathematician Terence Tao is said to have an IQ of 220 or 230. Meet as many people as you can and if you really listen, you will learn much more that you ever thought you could from them. What's the Highest IQ Ever Recorded? - Mental Floss You can have a high IQ and attain little success in life, or you can have an IQ on the lower side and do very well. Intelligence, in that respect, may be a matter of inheritance and potential. I took an IQ test as a child. Has yours? Had a chance to be employed in a Federal institution, where a BA, was requested, applied and won over 14 others all of which were more educated than me. My conclusion is that intelligence and God should not be discussed in the same context , at all for the simple reason that there is no God .. or there have been thousands of Gods created by people with higher intelligence and fantasy. 1. Born in New York City in Ones IQ is a number that fluctuates a little bit, however (no offense) to increase by fifty points is impossible or so difficult that it couldnt be achieved for thousands of years. Look it up. It was fairly recently that I realized how smart i am. None of the jobs were very successful and I was fired about five times and quit my job two times I took early retirement in 2005 after being fired for the last time. Bill, a small reminder that you are a United States American, not just an american. So they had me tested. Babies are like sponges they learn baby talk then you struggle to teach them the real words for everything they learned the first 3 years of life . Ok wow, I didnt think my comment would start a full-on war yeeeeezus christ I wrote this over a year ago and just came back to it when I searched my name on Google just to see what came up, and this was one of the first results. If I meet someone smart, Id want them to share their knowledge with me, not dangle it above my head and gloat. Disappointed, but I got it. So which test were you referring to? So no, Sue, Im sure you are just as smart as she is. You know more about all things than the best of the Mensa folks Prometheans, the Triple Nines, the Mega Society members, the Four Sigmas, the Cerebrals Society, Giga Society, The International High IQ Society, Top One Percent Society, Colloquy, Vertex Society, Omega Society, and more. Be the change you wish to see in the world! I am trying to create my own IQ test which will show a lot more than pictures of blocks. Still have it somewhere. You go girl! Today, there are several versions in use. We had a good Army Cadet program which I enjoyed, and received excellent training in many subjects. You can look up how long it takes things. Alfred Binet invented the first intelligence test. Wow you are obviously jealous Pressley. I have never taken an IQ test on my own. individuals never seem to do their homework before writing up such lists !. Kim Ung-Yong began to write at the age of four and earned a Ph.D. when he was just 16 years old. I sacrificed a lot of things. Its also important to understand that your IQ score doesnt exist in isolation. Garry became the youngest World Chess Champion in 1985 when he was 22 years old. I doubt it! celebrities with highest IQ Every 15 IQ points is one standard deviation above the mean. Pres of the Staff association. Over the years Ive noted that the Spanish construction of store to I go (which includes the gender of the speaker), does not convert naturally into the English: Im going to the store, or I went to the store, or I have been to the store, or She is going to the store.. If all you geniuses are so smart, why dont you find a cure for the covid-19 virus? Juan is known for taking complex research and technology and presenting it in an easily digestible form for education. Honestly, intelligence should really be judged on how open minded a person is and how willing to entertain new ideas they are because some people are less educated due to lifes limitations but if they were given the tools and the means theyd probably put us all to shame. I can testify that after two such errors on a website, your efforts to influence readers will fail because English writers and speakers DECIDE at that point that it is a Third World author, So why waste my time? After 25-years on the Internet, we (Americans) have all gotten the Nigerian composed Email about the millions of dollars we can collect by paying a minor tax fee written so poorly in English that we know to INSTANTLY dismiss it.