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Together, they had seven children. Though outnumbered, Henry's Lancastrian forces decisively defeated Richard's Yorkist army at the Battle of Bosworth Field on 22 August 1485. Shakespeare later turned to Henry's son and successor Henry VIII, whose rule brought marital sensation, renaissance spectacle and the reformation. [49] The confused, fractious nature of Breton politics undermined his efforts, which finally failed after three sizeable expeditions, at a cost of 24,000. [13] When Warwick restored Henry VI in 1470, Jasper Tudor returned from exile and brought Henry to court. Fittingly he dressed in expensive black. The Great Debasement (1544-1551) was a currency debasement policy introduced in 1544 England under the order of Henry VIII which saw the amount of precious metal in gold and silver coins reduced and in some cases replaced entirely with cheaper base metals such as copper. In other cases, he brought his over-powerful subjects to heel by decree. Author of, Assistant Master and Professor of History, Selwyn College, University of Cambridge. We know that Henry attended the wedding celebrations of Arthur and his bride . His dynasty was hanging by a thread and all his hopes had to rest on his youngest son, Henry, and Elizabeth of York producing another son, a spare. Why was Henry VII called the Winter King? Happy 14th Birthday to the Anne Boleyn Files! [a] Henry's mother, Margaret Beaufort, was a descendant of the Lancastrian branch of the House of Plantagenet. [17] Now supported by Francis II's prime minister, Pierre Landais, Richard III attempted to extradite Henry from Brittany, but Henry escaped to France. Henry VII: Winter King was aired last night on BBC2 and was the latest programme in BBC2s Tudor Court Season. Henry VII: Winter King (TV Movie 2013) - IMDb Thomas Penn's Winter King is not really a biography of Henry VII, and more a study of what he was directing his government to do in his name. I couldn't even stay awake reading this. The first rising, that of Lord Lovell, Richard IIIs chamberlain, in 1486 was ill-prepared and unimportant, but in 1487 came the much more serious revolt of Lambert Simnel. If you are new the era, this wouldn't the first book I would pick up because it does flip flop around a bit in the beginning-but if you want to understand the players that ultimately have a significant impact on Henry VIII, this is the book for you. His first chance came in 1483 when his aid was sought to rally Lancastrians in support of the rebellion of Henry Stafford, duke of Buckingham, but that revolt was defeated before Henry could land in England. Encyclopaedia Britannica's editors oversee subject areas in which they have extensive knowledge, whether from years of experience gained by working on that content or via study for an advanced degree. Its goals, relentlessly pursued until Henry's death in 1509, were the establishment of a royal house, the elimination of opposition, and the steady accumulation of power and wealth. Poor Henry VII. The purpose of the agreement was to prevent France from annexing Brittany. Fittingly he dressed in expensive black. [79], Amiable and high-spirited, Henry was friendly if dignified in manner, and it was clear that he was extremely intelligent. Martin Luther 95 thesis. But that's not really what I wanted from a book about Henry VII. And yet this time removed was summer's time, The teeming autumn, big with rich increase, Bearing the wanton burden of the prime, Like widow'd wombs after their lords . Winter King: Henry VII and the Dawn of Tudor England He created the Tudor dynasty. ||sitemap_index.xml There are an awful lot of books written about the Tudor era, both fiction and non-fiction, so you have to ask whether this book adds anything new. Though this was not achieved during his reign, the marriage eventually led to the union of the English and Scottish crowns under Margaret's great-grandson, James VI and I, following the death of Henry's granddaughter Elizabeth I. He likens the beginning of Henry VIIIs reign to a metaphorical spring, a second coming of sorts because Henry VIII seemed to be the opposite of his father. Sophia Money-Coutts: Sensitivity readers don't want Henry VIII to be All the information is from Thomas Penn. His father was the son of Owen Tudor, a Welsh squire, and Catherine of France, the widow of King Henry V. His mother was the great-granddaughter of John of Gaunt, duke of Lancaster, whose children by Catherine Swynford were born before he married her. He was supported in this effort by his chancellor, Archbishop John Morton, whose "Morton's Fork" was a catch-22 method of ensuring that nobles paid increased taxes: those nobles who spent little must have saved much, and thus could afford the increased taxes; in contrast, those nobles who spent much obviously had the means to pay the increased taxes. You can find out more on the conflicts between England and France, the Wars of the Roses and also the Tudors in our history courses. Since he was the second son, and not expected to become king, we know little of his childhood until the death of his older brother Arthur, Prince of Wales. Penn then moved on to how Henry became King. Henry's original head was cut out of the painting and replaced at some point after the work's creation. [citation needed], Henry's most successful diplomatic achievement as regards the economy was the Magnus Intercursus ("great agreement") of 1496. Elizabeth had died in childbirth, so Henry had the dispensation also permit him to marry Catherine himself. I am glad to say that I think it does, for it concentrates on the reign, and court, of Henry VII, giving a different slant to the well known story. So 4 stars. By this marriage, Henry VII hoped to break the Auld Alliance between Scotland and France. For instance, except for the first few months of the reign, the Baron Dynham and the Earl of Surrey were the only Lord High Treasurers throughout his reign. Henry VII was also shown, but his black line just traced back to Owen Tudor, a chamber servant. Author Thomas Penn takes an extraordinary journey into the dark and chilling world of the first Tudor King, Henry VII. It was presented by historian Thomas Penn, author of Winter King and was an excellent examination of the King who, as Penn pointed out, tend to be eclipsed by Richard III, the glamour and notoriety of Henry VIII and the charisma of Elizabeth I. [4] Owen is said to have secretly married the widow of Henry V, Catherine of Valois. Henry needed an heir to secure his reign and fortunately an heir came quickly. After the Holy Roman Emperor . When the Lancastrian cause crashed to disaster at the Battle of Tewkesbury (May 1471), Jasper took the boy out of the country and sought refuge in the duchy of Brittany. Detailed Information. For many he remained a usurper, a false king. What freezings have I felt, what dark days seen! The baby died and Elizabeth, herself, died on 11th February 1503, her 37th birthday. [74] Margaret Tudor wrote letters to her father declaring her homesickness, but Henry could do nothing but mourn the loss of his family and honour the terms of the peace treaty he had agreed to with the King of Scotland. [76] He was succeeded by his second son, Henry VIII (reigned 150947), who would initiate the Protestant Reformation in England. The whole system was ingeniously designed to ensure the unchallenged supremacy of the king while stamping out any challenges to his authority from the nobles, merchants, and commons. [citation needed], To secure his hold on the throne, Henry declared himself king by right of conquest retroactively from 21 August 1485, the day before Bosworth Field. I thought the book was well written, even though a bit dry is spots. When they married in 1396 they already had four children, including Henry's great-grandfather John Beaufort. The Field of Cloth of Gold: Royal Revelry. 8 Things You May Not Know About Henry VIII - HISTORY An ally of Henry's, Viscount Jean du Qulennec[fr], soon arrived, bringing news that Francis had recovered, and in the confusion Henry was able to flee to a monastery. But Henry had a crucial asset: his queen and their children, the living embodiment of his hoped-for dynasty. [38], Unlike his predecessors, Henry VII came to the throne without personal experience in estate management or financial administration. Both parties realised they were mutually disadvantaged by the reduction in commerce. He stabilised the government's finances by introducing several new taxes. Henry VII, also called (145785) Henry Tudor, earl of Richmond, (born January 28, 1457, Pembroke Castle, Pembrokeshire, Walesdied April 21, 1509, Richmond, Surrey, England), king of England (14851509), who succeeded in ending the Wars of the Roses between the houses of Lancaster and York and founded the Tudor dynasty . In 1494, Henry embargoed trade (mainly in wool) with the Burgundian Netherlands in retaliation for Margaret of Burgundy's support for Perkin Warbeck. Prince Arthur was born just eight months after his parents marriage, at Winchester, the seat of King Arthurs Camelot. I'm not giving this a star rating because I suspect it's me at fault not the book. However, King Henry the VIII was much more self-centered as most of his spending was inappropriate and did not benefit England much. [25][80], Historians have always compared Henry VII with his continental contemporaries, especially Louis XI of France and Ferdinand II of Aragon. Stanley placed Richards circlet on Henrys head, he was now King. Warbeck won the support of Edward IV's sister Margaret, Duchess of Burgundy. Henry VIII | Biography, Wives, Religion, Death, & Facts Life at court was merry under Henry 8th, a fresh new beginning likened to springtime. At Rennes Cathedral on Christmas Day 1483, Henry pledged to marry Elizabeth of York, the eldest daughter of Edward IV. [39] Despite this, during his reign he became a fiscally prudent monarch who restored the fortunes of an effectively bankrupt exchequer. He was a ruler to be feared, a ruler to be paid. As we know, Henry VII was true to his word, married Elizabeth and they founded the Tudor dynasty between them. His biographer, Professor Chrimes, credits him even before he had become king with "a high degree of personal magnetism, ability to inspire confidence, and a growing reputation for shrewd decisiveness". When Henry VII called his first parliament he used it as an opportunity to legitimise his reign. When Henry VIII and Francis I Spent $19 Million on the Field of Cloth Henry VII Facts, Information & Biography - Tudor Monarchs - English History He spent money lavishly, held big parties. Henry VII, also called (145785) Henry Tudor, earl of Richmond, (born January 28, 1457, Pembroke Castle, Pembrokeshire, Walesdied April 21, 1509, Richmond, Surrey, England), king of England (14851509), who succeeded in ending the Wars of the Roses between the houses of Lancaster and York and founded the Tudor dynasty. The author does a good job drawing on his sources and bringing the characters to life while staying true to the history, but the subject matter is just not inherently as sexy as Henry VIIIs or Elizabeth Is reigns. Stephens, "affords some illustrations of the avaricious and parsimonious character of the king". Reasonably interesting overview of the reign of Henry VII of England. Claire is going live on YouTube on 11 February! After winning the throne of England, he wed Elizabeth of York, the eldest daughter of the dead Yorkist king Edward IV. Stanley was accused of supporting Warbeck's cause, arrested and later executed. This battle saw the end of the Wars of the Roses which had brought instability to England. Gaunt's nephew Richard II legitimised Gaunt's children by Swynford by Letters Patent in 1397. [citation needed] Nonetheless, by 1483 Henry was the senior male Lancastrian claimant remaining after the deaths in battle, by murder or execution of Henry VI (son of Henry V and Catherine of Valois), his son Edward of Westminster, Prince of Wales, and the other Beaufort line of descent through Lady Margaret's uncle, Edmund Beaufort, 2nd Duke of Somerset. Hed achieved the impossible, hed risen from refugee to King of England. He became paranoid and made the decision that if his people couldnt love him then they should fear him. If you missed the programme then here is the YouTube video for you enjoy! Having seen it pop up in a lot of papers' Books of the Year lists, I think I was expecting something altogether more gripping and dramatic, but in the end I thought the story of Henry VII and the Tudor succession was just not an especially thrilling tale. Elizabeth of York (11 February 1466 11 February 1503) was Queen of England from her marriage to King Henry VII on 18 January 1486 until her death. By 1600 historians emphasised Henry's wisdom in drawing lessons in statecraft from other monarchs. (ROYAL HISTORY) Directors Stuart Elliott Genres Documentary, International Subtitles English [CC] Audio languages English. Henry VIII - Tudor History Based on the terms of the accord, Henry sent 6000 troops to fight (at the expense of Brittany) under the command of Lord Daubeney. The portly Henry VIII, and the ill-fated destinies of most of his six wives, is one of the first historical figures primary-aged pupils are aware of.. [21], Henry devised a plan to seize the throne by engaging Richard quickly because Richard had reinforcements in Nottingham and Leicester. While most of us are familiar with Henry VIII and Elizabeth I and we probably have a sense of the Wars of the Roses in England, but how many of us are familiar with Henry VII. Get a Britannica Premium subscription and gain access to exclusive content. When Henry VIII Wrestled the King of Franceand Lost He explained how Henry VII had achieved what he set out to do, he had passed on the crown successfully. If he trusted anyone, it would be his queen and why not, since both had so much in common both being familiar with being in sanctuary, and pawns in the game of power? 1509. The father's government was an exercise in discoloration. They were unpaid, which, in comparison with modern standards, meant a smaller tax bill for law enforcement. Penn explained that the marriage had been one of genuine love and that Henry was shattered by his wifes death. Henry marries Catherine of Aragon. Penn notes something else about the paeans on the son's accession: later in the Tudor period, apologists for the regime would remember Henry VII as the restorer of national peace and unity, but in 1509 it was the king's death, not his rule, that was held to have ended a long era of dark instability. [14] In November 1476, Francis fell ill and his principal advisers were more amenable to negotiating with King Edward. Henry VII died on 21 April 1509, and the 17-year-old Henry succeeded him as king. Penn's picture of a reign of terror carries disturbing echoes of the Roman historian Tacitus's account of the emperor Tiberius, another ruler whose abridgements of liberty followed an era of civil strife. The Winter King is also the title of a book by Thomas Penn, and a useful read. [26] Henry married Elizabeth of York with the hope of uniting the Yorkist and Lancastrian sides of the Plantagenet dynastic disputes, and he was largely successful. People saw him as being like a traditional king and hoped that his reign would bring positive change. Coinage of Henry VII of England | Mintage World He was probably baptised at St Mary's Church, Pembroke,[1] though no documentation of the event exists. In many ways, it highlights that Henry VIII was a feckless inheritor of the tools of Machiavellian power, but had no idea to what productive end to put them. Penn ended the programme by visiting the tombs of Henry VII and Elizabeth of York in Henrys chapel at Westminster Abbey, a chapel that remains at the heart of political life. They did as much to endanger his throne as to secure it. Henry VII was king of England from 1485 to 1509. Many influential Yorkists had been dispossessed and disappointed by the change of regime, and there had been so many reversals of fortune within living memory that the decision of Bosworth did not appear necessarily final. Henry was also worried by the treason of Edmund de la Pole, earl of Suffolk, the eldest surviving son of Edward IVs sister Elizabeth, who fled to the Netherlands (1499) and was supported by Maximilian. [40], Henry VII improved tax collection in the realm by introducing ruthlessly efficient mechanisms of taxation. They write new content and verify and edit content received from contributors. of course, a large proportion of my opinion is probably due to the fact that i knew a lot about henry vii already, and Penn tried to create quite a thrilling/mysterious feel, which is all well and good if you don't already know how everything plays out. He took care not to address the baronage or summon Parliament until after his coronation, which took place in Westminster Abbey on 30 October 1485. Henry VII ruled - as Machiavelli, just after his reign, was to advise usurpers to do - through fear rather than love. Richard III's death at Bosworth Field effectively ended the Wars of the Roses. On 7th August 1485, he dropped anchor at Mill Bay, Milford Haven, and when he reached the beach he prayed Judge me, O Lord, and favour my cause. The odds were stacked against him in his quest to take the throne of England. He made huge gobs of money binding his subjects to him with loyalty bonds. Even if the king outfaced his enemies in his lifetime, would they not forestall a Tudor succession? For him, it was never about glory and battle. [69] The wedding never took place, and the physical description Henry sent with his ambassadors of what he desired in a new wife matched the description of his wife Elizabeth. He attained the throne when his forces, supported by France, Scotland, and Wales, defeated Edward IV's brother Richard III at the Battle of Bosworth Field, the culmination of the Wars of the Roses. Why was Henry VII called the Winter King? - AnswersAll [citation needed], Henry also made some political capital out of his Welsh ancestry in attracting military support and safeguarding his army's passage through Wales on its way to the Battle of Bosworth. Overall, this was a successful area of policy for Henry, both in terms of efficiency and as a method of reducing the corruption endemic within the nobility of the Middle Ages. [citation needed] John Cabot, originally from Genoa and Venice, had heard that ships from Bristol had discovered uncharted new found territory far west of Ireland. It is a sobering reflection for professional historians that the apparently unpromising territory of Henry's reign has recently produced two memorable books, both of them written outside their ranks: this one, and Ann Wroe's biography of the pretender, Perkin (2003), a longer work on a shorter subject. While there, he feigned stomach cramps and delayed his departure long enough to miss the tides. The parts on how he abused his position and the law to enrich himself while an entire nation watched helplessly are, frankly, pretty relevant to now. Henry VIII, (born June 28, 1491, Greenwich, near London, Englanddied January 28, 1547, London), king of England (1509-47) who presided over the beginnings of the English Renaissance and the English Reformation. He likens the beginning of Henry VIII's reign to a metaphorical spring, a second coming of sorts because Henry VIII seemed to be the opposite of his father. Their chief task was to see that the laws of the country were obeyed in their area. A man who rewrote history and rebuilt the crown, but who was paranoid, manipulative and suspicious; a dark prince with a wintery reign. These bonds were enforced by the Council Learned in the Law, a council of legal advisers who were only answerable to the King. Hence, the king was plagued with conspiracies until nearly the end of his reign. His claim to the throne was precarious and he wanted to portray Richard . Watch with Prime [citation needed], By 1509, justices of the peace were key enforcers of law and order for Henry VII. Henry VII was succeeded by his second son, Henry VIII. They were third cousins, as both were great-great-grandchildren of John of Gaunt. enry VII can look a dull king, so dull that Thomas Penn's title omits his name. When Richard III became King, Henrys strategy, planned by Margaret Beaufort, the mother whom he had not seen for years, was to declare in public, in Brittanys Rennes Cathedral, that he would marry Edward IVs daughter Elizabeth, then in sanctuary with her mother, and thus bury the enmity between Lancaster and York by making her his queen.