Id love to hear about your success stories on using the prong collar. Im sorry to hear that you havent found a trainer that will work with you. Psychology Today, January 29, 2019. ), All you have to do to unlock that? Thank you for telling your story Melanie. Mary saw her guardian, who looked upset, pick her up and take her to the car after a solid ten minutes of yelling, "Down!" This post is from the perspective of a dog owner (me) that has experience with all types of training techniques, and yes that includes reactive dogs, shy dogs, scared dogs, and happy go lucky dogs. I thought prong collars were for out-of-control vicious dogs! WebE-Collars & prong collars are banned in several countries in Europe. Whoopee! She also volunteers for a local dog rescue and Humane Society. he wont make eye contact, has to be taken out of his kennel, has to be carried inside after be letting out to go to the bathroom, etc. With some dogs prong collars are a great tool! Or pulling his owner over, cause owners not to walk their dog? The use of any electrical devices for disciplinary purposes (electrical fence, anti-bark, collars with remote control) is not allowed. I so hate to see good, effective training tools totally demonized. Really? prong collars Thank you so much for sharing your story. You may get evil looks from other dog owners that just dont understand the power of the prong collar. Time, time is all it takes. Learn how to fit it and use it properly before employing. The Ray Allen multi-function harness is designed with a lot of sports in mind. They are used as an aversive training tool that enforces punishment in an attempt to make a dog perform desired behaviours. Prong collars are designed to be on your dog for the duration of training only. Chest harnesses that clip in the front are a better choice for hard-pulling dogs because dogs generally dislike the sensation of being pulled to one side. Choke collars and collars with sharp prongs, which are designed to make pulling painful, can also do serious damage if not used with extreme caution and under carefully controlled conditions. You can walk your dog around without a collar, harness, leash (please dont do it in public, there are laws in place) and they will listen to you every step of the way.. Meaning, they are walking well with no correction needed. Ive also used the gentle leader and it helped somewhat but she walked much slower and really hated it always trying to rub it off her face, which created a whole new set of issues. They got lucky. That would be my goal. I did training and watched several videos regarding the use of the collar and in less than 2 week the lunging was OVER. Collars I remember over 10 years ago they seemed to have a bad rap. Contacted another balanced trainer and he recommended a prong. One is 2.0mm (small) and the other is 3.0mm (medium). Jennifer Cattet, "Choke collars, prong collars or flat collars are harmful training tools. I am a 12 year veteran of professional canine training and hands-down a prong collar is absolutely the safest most efficient way to train your fur babies!! Not sure what type of training you are looking for, but maybe check out Spirit Dog Training. Kodi will be 2 yrs old in September this year, originates from a rescue center and has been with me from 4 months of age. Bekoff, Marc. They allow pet parents to walk their pup on a leash and they provide a place to hang ID and vaccination tags. For my willful, hard-headed, inattentive Doberman yearling, thats definitely a prong collar for training sessions now. Hes the sweet dog I knew him to be. He started really being obedient when the trainer put a prong collar on him and she showed him whos boss with a firm tug or two. I have used a prong collar to walk my German shepherd and it has been a blessing. Now presume there is a fence (metal picket fence/devils fork) in the dogs way and he decides to jump this but your choke or prong hooks on the live ring. The neck and cervical spine are one of the most important energy channels in the body. Summary of eRumor: This warning about the dangers of pronged collars, a tool used for training dogs, appeared on social media. Boy was he difficult to walk though. Im certain it must at least in part be me. We make a concentrated effort to take him as many places as possible and have found some really great dog friendly parks, wineries etc. They also wondered if this could have long-term "trust issues." It totally changed our lives!!! Try keeping him on a leash inside the house for a while. Used poorly, the leash can become a source of severe physical and sensory deprivation and harm. and has a loving heart. WebProng collars arent banned in Australia. I hope that this informed guy and the other bus passengers who heard what I had to say stop to think about what theyre doing with their dogs and realize that my success is due to learning how to use a prong. But for a stubborn dog, he may decide the pressure of the prong pulling on his next isnt enough to not go after the rabbit. I will answer my own question for youIt works by causing pain and uncomfortableness for the dog, causing the dog to avoid the pain . collar Ultimately, a leash is simply a tool, a kind of umbilical cord between human and dog that can be used well or poorly. Carol, good professional dog trainers ALWAYS recommend a back up collar for a prong collar. Should it be worn during the day and removed at night? At the moment, different regions are working and it is big and clunky. It also helps me correct her and keep her focused. She seems not herself when she has it on in the house during the day do not want her sweet personality to go away with using this collar. Also, we wear a 2 wide flat collar on our Dobe with the prong so that the prong stays high on his neck where it belongs. This is supported by Herm Sprenger, the top manufacturer of prong collars in the world., Anything pain based is not suitable for a reactive dog.. We dog sat for a friends dog last week that has no leash manners, and the way he pulled on his flat collar scared me! Therefore you are communicating with your dog when using these tools and the dog will understand what type of work it is going to be doing by recognizing the piece of equipment that you fit ie if you fit a tracking harness the dog will know that it is going to be doing tracking work. She brought to class a prong collar and instructed me how to fit it and how to use it. I am a 56 year old woman with a mild case of MS that affects my balance. How Can I Find a Dog Trainer? Some people He didnt need to or want to. Your email address will not be published. Toronto (Canada) attempted a ban on prong and choke collars, and it passed, but was then turned over within the next month. Dogs Watch Us Carefully and Read Our Faces Very Well. Gentle Leader no longer works and just bought a front hitch harness which also does not work. Prong That should tell us something. The Truth About Prong Collars (Is It Safe) - Simply For Dogs Alot of times, he walks ok, but not great. Please do more research, because your answer sounded very disturbing. Eye contact, "follower" state was much fasterI was connecting with him like his real mother would. It has been a life-saver. All of the images in this post contain dogs who are wearing prong collars incorrectly. Great, checked that off the list. That is a misconception. What changes would you like to see? He clearly is afraid of the leash. I exercised and walked my new buddy for 3 weeks using no prong collar. Sweet dog who is highly, highly excitable and anxious. Will that be a problem when he wears the prong collar? Three jurisdictions in Australia have now banned the use of these collars: Victoria, Tasmania, and Queensland, under their Animal Care and Protection Act 2001. Prongs could help so many dogs and the misinformation out there is terrible. The prong is simply a tool as if to tap the dogs shoulder to get her attention. If you want to advocate for using aversive tools, thats fine, but lying and telling people that the prong doesnt hurt , only makes you look ridiculous . Our 90 pound puppy who gets excited and pulls on walks. Thank you for the article it helped ease my mind in using this for our pups. 2. rated as 2021 & 2022 worlds best pet blog! I have walked him w/ the prong collar here at home several times since our session and he is not pulling or lunging. Our first walk getting her home she barked and lunged at anything that moved be it person or dog. No amount of chicken, ham or hotdogs were getting our dogs attention when she reacted. Honestly, I know, Ive taught a great, reliable loose leash (even without the leash) a lot with all sorts of dogs, all sorts of breeds. Its good to note that a dogs neck is 3x more sensitive than a human neck, so we really do not need to use much pressure. The content in this post is a breath of fresh air. Like anything Im sure using it wrong or without training can be bad but using it as training tool correctly can be a great benefit and my dog has responded amazing to it., I just started training with the prong collar, I immediately see a difference in my pitt/boxer mix. Our shih-poo is VERY smart and learns quick so we know it isnt an intelligence issue. Very good training tool. Science Shows Positive Reward-Based Dog Training is Best. Shes a 5 year old Great Pyrenees cross that Ive had the joy of owning for a year now. Can Humans Detect Text by AI Chatbot GPT? Our bet recommends it for our lab puppy. We worked with a balanced trainer to begin with and we saw some improvement but didnt want to use a prong because of their reputation. And harnesses? What and Who Dogs Want and Need: Love, Not Shocks. He was also extremely leash reactive and aggressive towards other dogs in general. The prong has been like the cherry on top a great tool if everything else is in place. prong collars Twitch star zaps herself with shock collar live, gets banned But when I have he mostly responds positively if he responds. I follow Jeff Bellman and Skype with him occasionally and love his transparency & honesty about the training tools he uses. The collars are adjustable by adding/removing links. Plain martingale collars dont provide the same type of pressure to catch a dogs attention. Ive heard about this collar from a Whoodle group Im in but am concerned that I wont use it properly and will hurt her. This also could be possible. Thats all. However when it comes to walking on a lease he is a puller and aggressive. Dog lovers are fighting to extend this ban to prong and choke collars as well. About 4 mths ago I enlisted the help of an amazing young woman who is a dog trainer and with her help my dogs behaviour on leash has improved 10 fold. Note: I just received an interesting email asking if it's possible that some dogs hold grudges against their guardians and trainers who mistreat them with aversive collars and "other abusive training techniques." So I started on this years path of advice from experienced rescue owners, 1:1 sessions with a personal trainer ( But this got expensive and she made me feel like i was a big part of the problem by not being able to get over my anxieties when we walked by people, dogs etc) I know I have some work to do there and I am trying. If you were told you had the option to teach a child how to read by physically punishing them for every word they said incorrectly (option A) or by working incrementally and rewarding the words they got correct (option B), and that you could achieve the same results no matter which way you taught the child, which would you choose? Training is a life long learning experience, for dogs and humans! Recommended just for you: Top 5 Reasons to Take Your Dog for a Walk. Good luck, I wish you all the best. Click here to read my full disclosure policy. Thank you for saving a dogs life! It is cruel to these dogs for them to be abandoned over and over again, adding to their unsuitability as pets, by people who believe themselves humane, when a gentle training session with a prong collar can turn those wonderful dogs into the kind of pet the owner dreams of. Its an adaptation of choke chains, the links become larger and there are teeth on each link that encircle the neck. (See "Is Your Dogs Collar Dangerous?") In these places, it is illegal to sell or use shock collars on dogs. collars It is made up of a metal I swapped over to a prong collar, and got him to behave, and pull and run after other dogs less, but it doesnt stick when I put him on another collar. But I urge you to give it a try, as youve read by all the comments below, the prong collar can be life changing. A prong collar will give you a bit of power steering with a larger dog that pulls hard, but its no substitute for training., So if youre training? Just saw the first video about how to put it on -on your website. Once i got knocked over and broke my pinkie and my cheekbone. Woodrow doesnt mind it at all. Knowing what you value will help you build the most meaningful life possible. Period. I recommend using a carabiniere for a back up just in case the links come apart. I have tried 2 different harnesses and if he gets really excited he can escape both.once after a groundhog, once when a farm combine crossed in front of us he escaped the harness only 4 times total in a year, but each time was dangerous. So, I have yet to try a prong collar, but doing all this research on it has really made me consider that I should. I think thats what gets so many people especially with e-collars or prong/choke collars, they just get it thinking it will be a quick fix and have no idea how to use it. Prong Collars Its especially discouraging because most articles Im reading argue against prong collars. I have more confidence and she listens effectively. But after reading your points and the testimonies of other people here, I feel a little more confident that I can find a safe and humane way of using this tool when doing further training. I am looking forward to using this, in an even better way of using. If I did not get his behavior under control I would have to re-home my dog, if I could not walk him that would be cruel and if he hurt me or someone by lunging that would be even worse. Prong Collars Can you use the pinch collar on a 26lb puppy? Bam. My hope? He was a bully breed mutt and 100 +lbs. But with training he will learn. By: Evelyn Konopik, RVT Thank you for this article! For example, in the state of California, prong collars cant be used to tether a dog. Im considering a prong, but my question is, can the prong be used as a training tool only, and then the dog can learn and move back to a flat collar? The prong collar is not punishment or pain. Its very common for puppies to go through several fear periods throughout the 2-9 months of life. I am certainly not here to push, either way, just to give the facts and my opinion on what a great training tool it can be when used properly. I cant agree more. page. Did you know that there is research showing head halters could jerk a dogs head, causing neck or spinal injuries? Many years ago, I had our dog and a foster dog go after another dog when it was icy out and I went flying down on my butt. We decided to try a prong collar and WOW what a difference it made! I just cant say enough positive about the usefulness of a prong collar. Thanks! My first dog was a female shepherd-mix rescue and I used a prong collar on her to amazing effect. I switched him to a prong (Herm Sprenger 2.25mm) and his behavior improved immediately. Loved this post! I want to share a story about a prong collar and how it changed my life. Patty, its worth a try. WebThank you for downloading the San Francisco SPCAs Prong Collar Advocacy Kit. The training program we used 20 years ago used a choke collar, so that is what we were used to. and know that the collar is the least likely choice of training tools to hurt your dog. We are in 80s and vet says pinch collar will save our lives. It seems like the use of collars is a readily accepted part of dog guardianship. I have a 7-month-old Doberman who has been in training classes since he was 3 months old. It is like tapping the dog on the shoulder to get his attention. Hell jump at people and dogs who walk by because he wants to visit, he thinks everyone is his friend. We just have to apply it. I had held out at first because I was skeptical, but as I said, once I started using the prong collar it was like night and day! BTW the trainer only recommended this after understanding the extent of our dogs A.D.D. He is a pretty stubborn dog (my understanding is that the breed tends to be that way). She fitted the prong collar and leashed him and literally within MINUTES he was no longer lunging or pulling even though there were loud cars, people, and other dogs coming and going around us. I would not use a prong collar for him. Your responsibility is to ensure that your dog responds to essential demands. The one thing I dont do is avoid walking her altogether. Its all a matter of dog and what the owner is comfortable with! Right this instant. Weve invested a lot of time and money in our training and I feel like we have to go back to the drawing board. He lunged once and never did it again. I would also suggest finding a good behaviorist trainer in your area that can help you one on one. I am worried about how my dog owning friends will react to me getting one of these collars, but having seen how easy and gentle yet effective it can be I have decided that I would be silly not to get one, both for her safety and mine, in certain situations. The Halti works great to end the pulling but the lead runs on the ground between his legs so he steps on it. Thanks for your advice and recommend!! It in fact dates the police academys training techniques back to the 1990s, along with their computer systems and their approach to the law is that something you really wish to stand with?, The My dog loves his prong, and gets all excited when he sees it is simple classical conditioning, such that your dog recognises that means training or walkies, that doesnt mean that they feel positive about the experience when the prong tightens around their neck., I mean, I can train your dog to see a lemon and think its the best thing in the world it doesnt mean theyll like the taste of lemon.. However, loose leash walking has literally been impossible. No collar will permanently fix a dogs bad behavior. He is a rescue who was only 77 lbs when he came to live with me. She introduced me to the idea of using a prong collar as a training tool which I initially had strong concerns about having never seen one in use and having just lost a dog to laryngeal damage issues. prong collars Kelly, I think you will be pleasantly surprised on how quickly it will work. One just pulls excessively while the other is actually more reactive on the leash. We look forward to walks now!! I do agree positive reinforcement is key in fear based cases. So many people misuse them, but when used correctly theyre very good tools. Good luck! Countries that BAN Prong Collars | A viewer asked what I think I recommend prong collars, but only after consulting a certified dog training professional. The collars are brutal due to the fact that they typically lack a quick release mechanism. These collars can save a dogs life and make him the gentle fur baby the owner wants. Walks were ok, except if he saw a squirrel or a cat or another dog or wanted to drag me to the park etc. Negative experiences that they have learned to problem solve with looking mighty scary, scare the other dog away, and then safety is restored. We just rescued a 2 year old (they think) GSD mix this past Tuesday. Remove the prong collar entirely. So no, in theory it should not need to be used for ever. Why? Prong Collars Are NOT Illegal In The U.S. Prong collars are not illegal in most nations, even the US. I just found this page after admitting to a dog-focused friendly advice group on facebook that I REALLY struggle with walking my dog. He eventually started showing extreme aggression towards dogs including my other two rescues. Among Scandinavian countries , Sweden bans e collars. The reason why I am so weary of collars is that when dogs pull they can cause a lot of damage. Is the prong collar training my dog not to pull and then when he no longer pulls then well no longer need to use the collar? Kennel Club Shock collars have been banned in many states of Australia after considering the damaging effects of these e collars on dogs. Huge mistake, he was so overwhelmed he was pulling nonstop on our hour walk around the park. I was overjoyed when I was handed the leash and he did so for me as well!! Not all prong collars are created equal, the cheap versions can have sharp points and break. Prong Collar Susan, thank you for sharing your story and I have a feeling this is going to change you and your dogs lives for the better! Ali has won multiple awards for her dog training, and has had her blog (this blog!) With the prong collar, weve been able to quickly train him not to pull on our walks. I still am learning, but it was a good long walk today, which is the whole reason I got a rescue dog.a walk partner, not a 'pull into the road' or 'drag into the ditch & through the woods' partner. For this reason, more and more trainers and veterinarians are recommending that a dog be walked or run on a chest harness. Legislators cited prong collars violated their Animal Welfare standards by using pain as punishment.. I recommend the 3.0 mm size for most medium to large dogs. Oh! He was much better with not pulling for a period of time when I would take him on a walk, but then he went back to his old ways and now pulls like crazy now even with the prong collar. Recently we were able to do a board and train with an old coworker of mine for a very reasonable price and she told us that she combines positive and negative reinforcements in her training. I love this link you provided. However he is 120 lbs and I am 62 and 140 lbs. Another story that came our way involved a woman who discovered that a doggy day care center was using a prong collar on her dog without her permission. We rescued a 14 month old, 80 pound, muscular, untrained male doberman and walks with him were impossible. Granted, my training should have been better and more consistent, and Ill probably always blame myself for letting her get this bad when it could have been prevented but I gotta say, she is exhausting to walk! If you decide you want to try a prong collar with your dog, make sure your purchase the Herm Sprenger brand (this is the exact one I have). Victoria, you and your pup are a perfect example on how the prong collar is such a life-saver! I really wish I had started using it early in his training program. You should be exhausting other means before resorting to a prong collar.And I know that sometimes it can feel like you have done so, but typically? He was on the road to becoming an uncontrollable pet who would be doomed to being kept outside when the grandkids come to visit, or visitors come into the home. A prong collar (also called a pinch collar) is an example of a dog training collar, and usually replaces a flat collar. This was the same store I had been in days earlier with Bear and could barely hold onto him where he was now sitting next to me at the register!!!! prong If it hurt him in any way I seriously doubt he would come running for me to put it on him. My 3 year old 70 lb pit bull has always been difficult and stubborn. Its important that the collar is snug around the base of the dogs ears, meaning high up on the neck. Its a tool that I believe, like headcollars, people use as a shortcut in their training. Should the collar only be used while walking? Prong Collars, Choke Chains, Flat Collars, Harness, etc, are all part of your training tools and should therefore be used for that purpose only (they are not ornamental, although many believe that they are). I have found your article online about using prong collars.. well, i am at my wits end with my darling Border Collie. After reading the article on prong collars, went and bought one. So, they write, if you think wearing a prong collar would hurt, imagine how your dog feels., Along these lines, Dr. Zazie Todd, who runs the Companion Animal Psychology website, notes, We tend to think that since dogs have fur they must be more protected from these things than us with just our skin. Gentle leaders and the like can cause serious neck injuries like whiplash. Hes actually spit them out when he hes determined to get to something else. 4. I saw a short article on a dog training Facebook page, about prong collars. Best thing ever and very very safe when used correctly! Lets be realistic, Im not here to change your mind, and you will never be able to change mine. I have since gone on to do board and train with dogs on the side, have taken in numerous problematic foster dogs and trained them for easier placement, and intend to continue doing both so that I can help dog owners and their dogs live calmer, happier lives. Prong collars do NOT cause pain. To help create a puppy capable of being a confident and adaptable family member and keep puppies out of shelters. Dog collars can cause a good deal of physical and psychological harm to dogs. The prong collar sounds just what we need. Dr. Jean Dodds says choke or prong collars are not recommended as they can easily injure the delicate butterfly-shaped thyroid gland that sits just below the larynx and in front of the trachea. I just ordered a Sprenger 2.25 mm 12 inch prong collar and will let you know how it works out in trainingit should arrive in 2 days. We have beautiful, stress-free walks thanks to this great tool. We rescued our pit-lab mix as a puppy and underwent training with him for eight weeks, then again when he was a year old and even had the trainer come to our home to work on specific issues. I decided to share my story because so many people have not. Anna, if used and fitted properly, the prong collar is going to be a life changer and youll wander why you waited so long to try it!